
…whatever you celebrate:

Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Solstice, etc.

Oddly, the war cry against the non-existent war on Christmas has been pretty light this year. I’ve barely seen or heard anyone whining about it. No Starbucks boycotts, no yelling at strangers. Maybe considering the state of political affairs they think the war is over. Whatevs …

If you’re into the holiday I’m wishing you the best. Get stuffed and be merry. Be safe and enjoy it.

If you’re not, don’t sweat it. It’s technically just another day. It’s not even the real birthday of the alleged baby jeebus. (That always gets the “xtians” hopping mad. 😂) It’s just another day, and it will be over soon. As soon as it’s over we can drop the pretense that we as a society care about our fellow man.

Find something fun to do for yourself.

I’ll be working but they pay me well enough for it so I can’t be too mad. It’s one of the few good ones I have left at work. The weather locally is a mess so be careful out there.


I hope everyone out there is having a warm and safe holiday. I’m at work but more on that in a minute. Shawn, Cooper, and myself are all off to LA tomorrow for a few days and then on to Phoenix. I’m on vacation for a week starting tomorrow. Yes, we are driving just so we can take Cooper. Well, that is a part of it. We wanted to make two stops so flying would have been a bit overkill to bounce around so much. Driving just made more sense and since we are driving, why not take the Cooper-Pooper? It has cooled off in Phoenix so he won’t expire from the heat. hehehe

As dreary as that drive can be, I’m looking forward to it. [1]If you’ve ever driven between LA and SF, you know what I mean This will be our first long road trip with Cooper. I always get so sad leaving him behind when we fly. I often stress about him being scared and lonely while I’m gone. I know I shouldn’t because the roomie spends plenty of quality time with him anytime we’re gone, but that doesn’t alleviate my worry. This time he gets to come along! That might sound silly but Cooper is not just a pet to me, he is my loyal companion and I’m glad to be able to take him more places. He loves to ride in the car so I expect he will enjoy the hell out of it.

As mentioned, I’m working the holiday as it falls on my normal work day. I originally had it off when I signed up for vacation. However, since we only sign up for vacation once a year and have shift assignments twice a year, I got bumped off my days off. More astutely, I got bumped over 1 day on my days off. So now I’m working Christmas day, which is my Friday, and then off for the week. Thank the GSM [2]Great Spagetti Monster I am off for NYE. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before NYE is the worst day of the year for work and am soooo grateful not to be working.

Be safe, be warm, and wherever you are, know that you are loved!


1 If you’ve ever driven between LA and SF, you know what I mean
2 Great Spagetti Monster