Cool or Ignunt?

Where I come from grown men over the age of 21 who drive around w/car stereos louder than church bells are looked on as ignunt. Maybe it’s just me. Don’t get me wrong, I like jammin’ to tunes while driving big time. I’m referring to these Fonzie wanna-be’s driving around w/a sound system so loud it vibrates windows.

Let me clue you fellas in. . . most people think it shows a lack of intelligence not coolness.


I’m a tad bummed. I just logged onto Dell’s website and the laptop hasn’t even shipped yet. Of course, that means I’m not getting it by Christmas. Guess Santa is coming late for me this year. That rat bastard. Hope his reindeer gets indigestion and gives him a sleigh full.

Who Does 911 Call For An Emergency?

Really! Who do you think we call? *G* Ok, ok, let me explain. . .

So, I get to work today and I find out one of my buddies that I graduated the academy with passed out last night at work. Here is the kicker, he was laughing so hard at a joke that he started choking and then closed up his airway somehow and passed out. Our call center has fire/medical staff on duty 24hrs a day so they rushed over and made sure he was ok.

As he is coming too, the first words out of his mouth are “am I plugged in?” Now that, my friends, is dedication!

Life, Normal

Well, nothing overly exciting to report today. No new drama at the moment. I still haven’t quite finished unpacking everything yet. (I detest packing/unpacking) The last few boxes are misc crap that I don’t really use that often anyway. I just need to decide where to store it really. I’ve also come to realize I need to get rid of a lot of the extra tech stuff I have. Why am I keeping all this stuff? I have a little of everything, old hard drives/optical drives, cellphones, mice, keyboards, speakers, etc. Maybe I’ll post a note in the building. Yeah! That’s the ticket. Now I’m using the old noggin’.

I’ve also discovered I need a few new pieces of furniture. A new armoire for the tv would be nice, a bookshelf, and couple of end stands to go here and there in the apt. More than anything else, I need pictures. I’ve never been a big fan of over priced “art”. I need to either wake up my creative gene or start shopping around. I’m finicky about artwork too. I don’t buy it because it’s supposed to look good. I buy because I like it and I think it’ll match furniture. Guess, I won’t be winning any home/garden awards. Martha is going to be furious! Well, when she gets of prison that is.

Rather Depressing Note

I was scrolling thru my random reads as usual and came across this one. The fact that he felt compelled to go this far shows just how warped our sense of right/wrong is in this country.

(Raleigh, North Carolina) A U.S. National Guardsman who pleaded guilty to killing a 17-year-old Iraqi said he shot the young man 11 times after they had sex in a guard tower, a North Carolina newspaper reports, citing court-martial records….

At about 10:30 p.m. local time, Merida shot the teen 11 times with his carbine…

…Merida first told investigators the teen demanded money at gunpoint. Later, he said he killed the boy because he forced him to have sex. In a third interview, Merida said he was angry after the two had consensual sex.

A young man lost his life over a disgruntled homophobe after a mutual sexual encounter. What are we teaching our children that they harbor so much guilt they could resort to homicide? Of course, the christians will be all up in arms about how “we lured him into it”. It is these types of stories that make me doubt my faith in humanity’s ability to rise above its base animal instincts.

No Nonsense to Report

Today was so-so. Gym, work, home. Work is ok, have a trainee again this rotation so busy w/her. Only thing worth mentioning is my troubles w/bluetooth. As you know, I have the new laptop coming which is due to arrive later this week. Well with that comes a free USB Printer. Which of course means one more wire snaking under the desk.

I decided to invest in a bluetooth dongle to help alleviate some of the freakin’ wires. If I can convert the PDA cradle and the new printer to bluetooth that does away w/4 wires. I can’t wait for everything to go bluetooth or wifi. Anway, so I get home from work and I’m setting up the PDA to sync wirelessly. . . Of course, the darn thing doesn’t do what it is supposed to do. I end up playing with it for well over an hour before I get it working correctly. When the printer arrives, I’m sure that will be a new challenge.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bitching. I actually get a kick out of troubleshooting gadgets. I usually come away w/a much larger understanding of the inner workings. I just wish it didn’t pick the most inopportune times to happen. Now of course, none of the laundry is done. *G*

Ben Browder Joins Stargate SG1!

Yeah, I’m a scifi freak I know this. Anyway, I’m blogrolling and I discover from another rant that Ben Browder (the handsome hunk from Farscape) is joining the next season of Stargate SG-1! Of course, I clicked right over to scifi‘s website to verify if was true. Now how perfect is that I ask you? You take the best looking farm fed hunk since white bread and you add him to scifi‘s #1 series of all time. Wahooo! The season premiere is right after my birthday so I’m gonna be beside myself till then.

I’ve Gone & Done It!

Dell Inspiron 9200

I’ve gone and done it. I got a flier in the mail today for Dell. So, I went online, filled out the application and was approved. I should be receiving my Dell Inspiron 9200 within about 5 days. Just in time for Christmas! All things considered I think I deserve it.

I’ve been dying to get a laptop for the last 2 years now. I put it off due to having to support myself and the ex while he wasn’t working. Truth be told, I probably didn’t pick the best time to get one. However, I’m tired of always putting off my needs for the needs of others. 2005 is gonna be the year I start putting my needs first for a change. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan on going all selfish. I just think its high time I take care of myself for a bit.

Granted, I’m putting it on credit but I’m never gonna be out of debt so whats a few more bucks. Besides, if I ever need too, there is always overtime available at work. Plus, if the promotion does come thru sooner than later, that will only speed things up a bit.

Shoved In Your Face

Ok, so today I’m just rolling thru blogs like crazy. I always get a tickle out of how there seems to be “rolling topics”. Basically, one person starts a topic and soon enough there are 10 blogs about the same blog or rants. *G*

So I’m stumbling thru links and I find several ongoing issues w/”christian america” being upset over being “forced” to see gays/lesbians in everyday occurrences. My previous rants about Ms. Peaslee and Foot Locker included. We also see Republic of T’s rants regarding a woman in Maryland who was so offended by a simple picture of two men sharing a small kiss on the subway she wrote in a lovely letter condemning us for basically “shoving it down her throat”. Ironic, that anywhere you look you see straights doing the same thing constantly. *getting out a pen/paper to write a strongly worded letter*

Then we discover a college academy in TX outs an 18yo male to his family against his wishes! He is 18 years old and that makes him a legal adult. I’m just dying to see a lawsuit come of this one!

Oh but here is the best part! (I almost pee’d my pants on this one) Several black church leaders are banning together and organized marches in support AGAINST gays! Forgetting for a moment, that blacks are one of the most persecuted minorities in our country and still suffer injustices on a variety of levels. Oh and the real kicker, MLK’s widow has publicly come out against these marches. The reasoning behind this odd turn of events is even more astounding! Somehow the struggle for equality is no longer a civil rights issue. Go figure.

And lets not forget our fashion mavens are out in force too! Apparently, we are being blamed for Target finally putting its foot down and booting the salvation army from their store fronts. Good for us. Any organization that discriminates deserves the boot. And just where is the homosexual agenda? I’m a card carrying ‘mo and I’ve yet to see this “agenda”. Can someone please forward me a copy. (I knew I wasn’t getting all my memos!)

Lest I forget, we are left w/the christian’s newest lapdog of ignorance, Judith Reisman. What a riot this woman is. Talk about diluted ideals of reality. Ms. Reisman tends to cloak her ignorance behind undocumented facts/figures. Facts that quickly fall by the wayside under closer examination. Nonetheless, she is rising in the ranks of the “christian not-so-right” and becoming one of their favorite lap dogs.

Enough for now. Blessed be the ignunt!

Job Promo – III

Now that I’m off my horse so to speak. I must have done better on my supervisor’s exam than I expected. I went in to do some overtime today on my day off and several existing supervisors seemed a bit different. I can’t really put my finger on it. It’s as if they know something I don’t. Not to mention, the on duty manager pulled me off a busy channel to do my PAR. [1]peformance annual review Management are always behind on these things and I haven’t had one in almost 2 years. Well, they caught up on the last one today. With the exception of attendance, I got “exceeds standards” in all areas but one. And that one I missed only by an average of two points. The attendance took a hit as I missed quite a bit of work back when my ex was sick w/pancreatitis. It doesn’t matter the reason, it still counts. It’s not like I can be punished for it or anything. They just like to slip it in there.

So I got a glowing PAR which she hinted had to be turned in today. Managers don’t normally do PARs which only adds to the feeling. Why get it done so quickly? Especially, on my day off. Me thinks some changes are a foot!

I’m a bit mixed on actually getting the promotion. It is more money and I get a chance to make changes about problems I’ve been bitching about. But, I’ll get bumped back down in senority. That translates into crappy days off. As it stands now, I’m far enough up the list I can at least pull one weekend day off during a sign up. (We sign up for our schedule every 6 months) As a supervisor, I’ll be on a 4-10 shift (4 days on at 10 hours a day). Certainly, not the end of the world.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take it if its offered, I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. I figured I would be on the list for awhile. That would give me more time to get better days off and at least have the semblance of a social life again! *G* Thats what I get for being a smarty pants.


1 peformance annual review