Big Corps Do A Good Deed?

So I’m channel surfing today and I see several news reports about big corporations doing “their part” to help in the relief effort overseas. First, I think channel guides are for sissys! Its amazing the things you discover channel surfing. Anyway, back to the topic. . .

So I see big Corps. like Walmart, Exxon, Pfizer Anheiser-Bush, etc jumping on board to give money. First and foremost I’m grateful they are helping out. The money and items donated will go to people in desperate need right now. However, I’m a tad shocked at how low the numbers are. Yes, we are talking millions of dollars and yes that is alot of money. Yet, I find it a bit disconcerting when Anheiser-Bush can spend 22.5 million dollars on commercials for the upcoming superbowl yet they can only come up w/a measly 2 million donation to the relief effort. I guess I should be grateful they are donating at all but I can’t help but feel just a little bit pissed off. Most of these companies haven’t really impressed me w/their donations. If anything its a ploy to drum up better business for them. After all, the publicity is sure to make their bottom lines a bit fatter. I guess I should just shutup about it. After all, any money they give is helpful.

I am happy to see all the blogs w/info and support for donations as well. Almost every blog I read daily has made mention of the tragedy and possible ways to help out. Shit, I’m flat broke right now and I coughed up a few hundred bucks along w/two boxes full of clothes and stuff. If I am doing it, how many others like me are doing the same thing? *ponders*

Laughter & Tragedy

I know I should probably be writing about the tragedy that happened overseas but everyone else is beating it to death, literally. I find myself trying to shake the bitter cold that has welled up in my heart by focusing on the good things in my life. Life has been a bit rough for me lately but, I still have a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and job to keep me in the first two. I definitely know things could be a lot worse for me. I could be left cold, alone, homeless, and afraid after a tidal wave beyond imagining wiped out everything and everyone I loved.

So I did my part by sending clothing, canned food, and even some old gadgets to help those who lost everything and then some. Did you? Take a moment to scramble up just a few pieces of unwanted items and send them

The tragedy of the last week should teach us a lesson. For all our might we are still tiny insignificant flecks of flesh in the grand scheme of things. The even harder truth is that many of those who died could have been saved by a simple warning system. Why is it that we are such a reactive society? I mean time and time again we wait for a problem to bite us square in the ass before we deal with it. You would think as “evolved” and “educated” as we like to pretend we are, we’d be much more proactive about things. Just my two cents.

Post Holiday Giggle

Ok, this cracked me up. Kinda sums up my mood today so I thought I’d post.

The preacher’s, Sunday sermon was, “Forgive Your Enemies.” He asked,how many have forgiven their enemies? About half held up their hands. He then repeated his question. Now about 80 percent held up their hands. He then repeated his question. All responded, except one elderly lady.

“Mrs. Jones, are you not willing to forgive your enemies?” She says, “I don’t have any.” “Mrs. Jones, that is very unusual. How old are you?” She replies, “Ninety-three.”
“Mrs. Jones, please come down in front and tell the congregation how a person cannot have an enemy in the world?”

The little sweetheart of a lady tottered down the aisle, and said loudly and proudly, “I outlived those bitches.”

Its Here!

The New Laptop

Finally! Its here. Wahoooo! You’d think I’d never seen a laptop before the way I tore thru the boxes to get in unwrapped. I know I shouldn’t be so excited over something so materialistic. You have to remember though, I’ve been putting it off for YEARS! Finally, I get what I want for a change.

Of course, I blew off the gym to spend the whole morning tweaking it, installing stuff, and getting it just right. I also realized my webcam sucks! What a crappy picture. (The ex got the digital camera in the split) Well, I can add that to the bottom of the list. Lord knows, I’ll be busy working my butt off to pay for this little gem here. I don’t mind though. It will get used alot and I promise to ring every ounce of enjoyment out of it that I can!

…and continuing the gym trend

I’m just continuing the rants from Dunner and Jimbo.

I must admit, I dread going to the gym around the first of the year. Every Sam, Tom, Dick, and Harry is in the gym trying to “get back in shape” for the new year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting in shape. Actually, I wish more people did. The sad truth is that most have never set foot in a gym and go about blindly unaware they making life miserable for everyone else. So, I only have just a few more jumble tips to add.

Feel free to dance your butt off to every song playing. Everyone really thinks your cool.
Feel free to sing out loud your greatest hits compilation from your ipod, cd player, etc. Your singing skills (or lack thereof) are always appreciated.
Use curt smartass remarks for anyone trying to prevent you from injuring yourself from using free weights in the most inappropriate manner possible.
And lastly, don’t bother wiping off your gallons of sweat from the benches. After all, only real men sweat and you are a man right?

Ok, was that sarcastic enough? I’m totally gym friendly and I try to respect everyone’s right to be there. However, that also includes remembering that I’m not the only person working out and maybe my actions may affect someone else. Just a thought…

Prouder than Ever

For my tens of readers, awhile back you probably remember a post from a Ms. Peaslee who had some rather nasty things to say about gays. Apparently, Ms. Peaslee has pissed off a few of the locals as well. I’m proud to report quite a few replies to Ms. Peaslee’s ‘mo-bashing nonsense have surfaced just in time for the holidays.

Belated Christmas Pressie

My laptop finally shipped today! I was surprised as its Sunday. I didn’t really expect to see any changes but I got an email stating it was shipping today. I figured I’ll get it by Wednesday. Just in time for my weekend. Wahooo!

I’m off the gym, more nonsense later.

Holiday – oops!

Since I’m working, I’ll keep this short. [1]I’m posting via email so if it comes out screwy I’ll fix it later..

Tonight is a big night for drunk driver fatalities. I ask you, PLEASE, if you get toasty, call a cab, walk, take the bus, whatever it takes. Don’t drive drunk. And if you are in SF, the police are out in force tonight doing random stops so that goes double for my fellow SF’cans.

Have fun but be safe!


1 I’m posting via email so if it comes out screwy I’ll fix it later..

I Got Hit by a Bus Today

Seriously folks, I can’t make this stuff up. I was hit by a Muni bus today. Not seriously obviously as I wouldn’t be here ranting away.

I’m out and about doing some last minute errands and I’m walking across the street behind a Muni bus that is blocking the intersection. (If you’ve ever been to SF, a bus in the middle of the intersection stopped is no real surprise. I think Muni drivers get their licenses’ at Costco) So suddenly the bus starts backing up and BAM! Knocks me down. I wasn’t hurt but the driver wasn’t even gonna stop! Well not till I kicked the shit out of the bus. Then he gets out acting all surprised…. ‘are you ok, do you need an ambulance‘ I’m like, “hell no mother fucker, what I do need is for you to pay attention![1]The white trash flies out of me like a demon when I’m angry So, he offers to radio in for an inspector and I’m like, “Look, I’m fine, you just need to pay a bit more attention to where the hell you are driving.

And its just now noon! God knows what the rest of the day holds in store for me! *giggle*


1 The white trash flies out of me like a demon when I’m angry

Karma – 1 Bitterness – 0

So I did a good deed for the ex yesterday. He emailed me asking a “huge favor”, as he put it. It wasn’t that big a deal for me as it involved my techie skills. However, it ended up saving him a wad a cash. Yeah, part of me wanted to say no, just to rub it in that maybe he needed me but, what would that accomplish? So once again, I thought of my karma and how would my actions reflect on me. Laugh if you will, I still try to do at least one good deed every day. So why not do this deed for someone who needs it even if they have hurt me. I wonder if that counts as double karma? *mental note – check karma scales*

Switching topics just a little, I got a nice surprise today. I went to work for a few hours of overtime. I discovered several presents under the tree just for me. (We do secret santa every year so I expected one gift) None of them are labeled as to whom they are from. I can guess three already. I guess the point is it made me feel all warm/fuzzy inside. A feeling I normally have but a bit lacking this year. Several of “the girls” know I’ve had a hard time w/the breakup so I guess this is there way of reaching out to me. It’s times like these that my faith in humanity is renewed. It’s amazing how such a simple gift can mean so much more.

I’m not wealthy and I don’t have much to show materially for my life. I have alot more to show in experience and wisdom. (in my humble opinion) As the years pass, I’m reminded more and more often of the things that matter most to me in this life. For that I am grateful.

So just maybe, christmas this year won’t be so blue after all! And on that note, I hope everyone has a happy christmas and gets their ‘stocking’ stuffed right and proper!