Update IV

Been a bit distracted lately so no posts. I’m back.

The past weekend w/TFA was nice. No natural disasters this time so we got to spend some quality time bonding and getting to know each other more. We skipped all the touristy stuff. We got to the beach one day, movies the next but mostly we spent quality time at home relaxing and enjoying the down time. I made the mistake of telling him the one ticklish spot on my body. He spent the whole weekend tickling me every chance he got. [1]My voice tends to go up several octaves when I’m being tickled.

In work related news, I got notice today that I am being sued by a previous trainee. [2]She is suing quite a few people in the dept as well. I am not in the least bit worried. The dept. bent over backwards to not only accommodate her but also gave her an incredibly lengthy extension beyond what anyone else has ever received. I am dismayed she simply refuses to accept the simple truth the job function was beyond her abilities.

The xbox is finally back! They sent me a new one as promised. So far, it is working like a dream. I haven’t had much time to play but I did get a couple hours in yesterday playing Bioshock. Excellent game. Given a choice, I have to say the xbox still beats the PS3. Sorry Sony, you dropped the ball.


1 My voice tends to go up several octaves when I’m being tickled.
2 She is suing quite a few people in the dept as well.

In Other News

…not about TFA. LOL Thanks for all the kudos btw. Yeah, I think he is a hottie too. I think several things but that is a topic for another day. hehehe

Work is driving me nuts and a showdown is coming (when I’m back from vacation that is). The new Deputy Director has gone off the deep end w/repeated MOU [1]Memorandum of Understanding. The Union contract w/the City violations. Our last Labor meeting she got called to task by the City’s DHR rep. A small victory but boy did it light up our faces. She got called out of the room and when she came back in it looked like she had been bitch slapped. I’m sad about this turn of events because I kind of liked her when I first met her. And truth be told, she does have some good ideas. But because of the way she has come across, she has ruined any goodwill she could have captured. And I do mean ruined. The outcome is not going to be pretty. One good thing to come it though. She has cause a lot of the complacent employees to get motivated. They are hopping mad and ready to do something. FINALLY some support!

I’ve been a little lazy with my gym time lately. I’m still going but not as consistently. I haven’t lost any new muscle growth so I’m content for the moment. My biggest problem is I get bored. The routines become tedious and my mind wanders. Never a good thing. hehehe. I did have an interesting encounter today though. [2]More on that later

I went to see 30 Days of Night the other day with the roomie. Not bad over all. It gets an A+ for being scary. A throw back to the old days of using flash scenes and loud music to make you jump. Loved it! lol The special affects were ok. The goal wasn’t to wow in that dept so nothing exciting there. Another A+ for all the gore though. Several really gross scenes. Nice! That said, the plot was a tad disappointing. Of course, you don’t really expect much from these types of movies however, they could have made a little more effort to flesh it out (pun intended). You never discover where they came from, how they found the remote village, etc. They allude to it many times with no follow up so you are left completely bewildered in the aspect. Overall, worth a see if you are horror fan. If not or if you get squeamish, you might wait for DVD. The roomie and I amused ourselves by pointing out the hotties in the theatre we would sleep with given the chance. Oh yes, he is a slut too.

Speaking of movies, I watched all three versions of SAW the other day. OMG, those are some sick films! lol I sorta held off because I tend to shy away from movies that could give real world sick fucks ideas however, I couldn’t quell my curiosity. Thankfully, they were so far over the top, I needn’t have worried. Now I’m excited to see the new one coming out. TFA wants to see it too so I’m holding off till he gets back up this way. Thank god he loves scary movies! I haven’t quite converted him to gaming yet though. Give me time. *eg*

I had to chew Microsoft a new ass again today. I called for a status update on my 2nd return of my console. The chick launched into her spiel about 3-6 weeks for repair and I let her have it. I hate being ugly however, I’m really frustrated by the lack of organization. She said she didn’t see any notes about me getting an exchange. I can guarantee you after today there are some notes. She also said I’ll get a confirmation within 3 days. Sometimes being a bitch gets the job done sadly. Thankfully, I’ll have the new Ratchet & Clank for the PS3 soon. That should keep me preoccupied enough to give Micro-hell some time to get their act together.

Ok, I’ve rambled enough. I need to catch up on my blogroll. I’m still way behind. I feel so guilty. I discovered 3 of my regular blogs have stopped blogging. I’m sad but confident they will be back!


1 Memorandum of Understanding. The Union contract w/the City
2 More on that later

Blogs A Changin’


Yeah, it’s me again. I’m on day three of my mobilization at work and coming into the home stretch. I was fortunate to get off an hour early the previous two nights. Tonight, I was not so lucky. I’m stuck here till the very end at 2300 hours. There have been some issues today but nothing Al-Queda related. Color me surprised.1 The one good thing out of all this is my next paycheck is going to be hella fat. No only do I get double time and half for working through the July 4th holiday, I got an extra 16 hours of overtime for the 12 hour shifts I’m pulling in. Money is good but I’m tired. I still have two more days of my regular shift to go. Ugh.

As for the blog, one thing I’ve sorta gotten away from is my daily journaling. You know, the not-so-exciting stuff, random driven that has no bearing on anything other than me. I often blend some of it into the blog posts however, this type of stuff is more for me than anyone else. I like being in the habit of chronicling my days. The great thing about WordPress, it is so damn flexible. Thanks to a nifty little tag, I can post just the title and not subject the user to drivel unless they so choose.

I’m tired and cranky right now. The long shifts are taking their toll on me. Other than making a much needed gym appearance, my only goal tomorrow before work is to sleep in.

1 Yeah, I’m bitter.

Random Smandom IV

I’m on day two of my lovely 12 hour shifts. I’m begrudgingly surviving. Tomorrow is supposed to be the last day. Today is a tad busier however, no major crises1 so far. The All-Star game is officially tomorrow. I’m on the medical/fire side of the room this week and it is hoppin’ today. The PD side is relatively calm overall. We had 2 shootings today which then caused a vehicle accident but that seems to be the big drama of the day so far.


With the last post about register vs subscriber, I got a whole slew of new users. The list is well over a hundred now. If I haven’t expressed it before, let me say how truly honored I am you all enjoy my rants. I may not always be right but I always have an opinion!2


Speaking of, the Flight attendant texted me today. He is coming to SF in a couple of weeks. You can imagine the very large smile that put on my face! hehehe


And as a parting shot, if this doesn’t leave you in throws of laughter3 there is something wrong with you!

I think I was around 9 or 10 years old in this shot. Look how skinny I was…

1 It took me 3 attempts to figure out the plural version of “crisis”.
2 People were a little confused w/the subscriber vs log-in links so I added “register” to the latter.
3 I have more to add however, scanning and tweaking old polaroid shots takes time.

News You Can Use

I’m always tickled at how much my blog traffic goes up when I post adult stuff. It really is true that sex sells. hehehe. However, lately some folks have felt left out. It is not intentional. You just probably missed the original post about my intentions. I get a few reoccurring questions about the restricted side of the blog so I thought I’d take a moment to answer them here.

1) Why do you hide parts of your blog?
Expecting to have absolute control of an open medium is ridiculous however, I do not feel the need to shock my family or coworkers about the more explicit parts of my life. It is for this reason and this reason alone that I restrict certain posts.

2) I’m confused, I’m a subscriber but I can’t see anything new.
Being a subscriber means you get an email every time I update the public side of the blog. Being a registered user allows you to see the restricted parts once I upgrade your user level. If you register, you’ll get a personal email from me asking you to identify yourself if I don’t already know who you are. Nothing overtly revealing just a sort of cyber introduction. This also assures me you are not a sp@mbot looking to do harm.

3) How do I know if I’m logged in?
There are a variety of ways however, the easiest is to bookmark my log-in page. When you load the link it will take you directly to the log-in page or straight to the blog dashboard if you are already logged in. Then it is just a simple click to load the blog.

That’s it. Nothing sinister or secretive really. Just a few simple precautions. If you don’t wanna see the explicit stuff, don’t register. (Wait, who am I talking too? lol) I also got an incredibly sweet compliment from one of my new readers the other day. He said my blog was incredibly organized for so much content. I’ve seen what a hatchet job of html can look like so I do make an effort to keep it simple and easy to navigate. I still haven’t quite added everything in yet. And as many of you know, I’m always tinkering w/the layout and plug-ins so it is a work in progress. Feedback is always welcome.

As much as it pains me, duty calls and I’m off to work. The fourth of July was a nightmare of course. Everyone acts so surprised that people “gasp* were setting off fireworks. It is also amazing how many people try to justify calling 911 for a noise complaint. Sorry to disappoint you but, your desire to sleep is not a city-wide crisis. It could be disconcerting or even upsetting but it is NOT a 911 call. Ok, I’m done venting.

At Ropes End…

I’m seriously considering resigning my post w/the Union chapter at work. I currently hold two positions as Treasurer and Steward. A lot of the members constantly whine about problems but do nothing to contribute to a solution. I swear if I hear “what as the Union done for me lately“, it will happen sooner than later.

A Union is only as strong as its members and ours is pretty damn weak. Frankly, the Officers do most of the work and everyone else reaps the rewards and I’m getting tired of it. I have other priorities I could focus on that are more important to me but I stick with it as I’m a firm believer in “don’t bitch about a problem if you do nothing to be part of the solution“. However, I am beginning to feel completely undervalued and unappreciated for all the work I do (as well as the other Officers). The VP has also expressed an interest in resigning so I know if I go, he’ll follow suit.

For a position that isn’t paid and requires a lot of my free time, it would just be nice to hear members asking what they can do to help vs. constantly whining. Yeah, we have problems. Yeah, we have our work cut out for us. I’ve expressed to the membership on many occasions that they are the voice and strength of our chapter and w/o them, we have very little power. Yet, they continue to wallow in petty squabbles and act like high school children. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt this way and who knows, it may not be the last. I just need to vent I guess.

This Week In Pics III

The pics this week are few and varied. I didn’t do a whole lot over the weekend. Actually, most of my weekends of late have been very lazy. I figure it is time to get back on the horse and be a little more productive.

Speaking of productive, I had a very good week of workouts. I pushed myself very hard. So hard in fact, I had to take an extra couple days off. My entire body hurt from being sore. This week, I think I won’t push so hard. A friend who hasn’t seen me lately said I looked the same as I did last year. Little did he know that was a compliment. I’d gotten flabby and saggy in several places over the span of 6 months last year. His off the cuff comment made my day!

Here is Bobbeisha and I being somewhat silly. I’ve forgotten what it was we were laughing about but obviously it was hilarious.

Moby & Bobbeisha

In an effort to talk more about work, here is an average shot of one of workstations. I deliberately blurred the image as it showed 10-34 (sensitive) information on the screen. No since inviting drama into my life. On the left is the touch screen 800 MHz radio system. The two big screens in the middle are my normal workspace for anywhere from 6-15 active windows. The right is the touch screen phone system. Multi-tasking at its finest.

Work Station

This last one was just a quickie while out on a ride. A typical foggy day in SF with a view of the bridge in the distance.

GG Bridge

No One Left

Well, it’s my weekend. It was a short week thankfully. Work has been overly stressful as of late. The irony is it isn’t the callers that are causing it. Management is trying to stop the bleed off of employees by implementing a new schedule that has most of the members very upset. Personally, I don’t care however, I live in the city, have no kids and it really isn’t a burden for me. Not so for the bulk of our work force. Seventy percent of the employees live outside the city, some as far away as Sacramento. This new longer schedule will push some to quit or retire. We are already facing critically low numbers, we really can’t afford to lose anyone else.

The new director means well but she is out of touch w/the center and is trying to patch the problem w/ideas from her previous and much smaller comm. center. I pray nothing critical happens in SF as we are woefully underprepared. If something like Katrina happened here, while I’m quite sure the delay would not be the same, our center would probably collapse under the extra burden.

With that in mind, I’m starting to check out surrounding agencies to see what kind of lateral programs they offer. The sheer lack of concern and respect has really begun to weigh on me and I’m fed up.


As if it wasn’t obvious, work this week has been miserable. It has left me in an overall funk that is slowly clearing. I just get sick of the drama. I have a long weekend coming up and I’m looking forward to it.

This is my first week w/o the trainer. I can report I’ve been very good at hitting the gym consistently. However, it is nice to go to the gym and sleep in. hehehe I’m incorporating some of the things I learned from him into my workout. Some of his tips have helped me get out of the gym faster yet still feeling worked out.

The new laptop hard drive arrived yesterday. I spent a good chunk of last evening re-tweaking it. Thankfully, I didn’t loose too much stuff. That said, I’m leery of my upcoming battle w/Microsoft. I can’t find my printed version of the license key and I’ll be damned if I’m paying for Office 2007 again. Naturally, the key is stuck on the hard drive that failed. If they jerk me around, I’ll resort to the peer to peer networks for a hacked version. I try not to deny folks compensation for their hard earned programming skills however, I refuse to pay twice for the same thing.

I’m off to work. Hopefully, my last two days will be better than the first three.

Some Days

Some days I like work and others I hate it. This week I hate it. It seems to be a never ending struggle w/drama.

Our dept is using so much overtime we are in danger of exceeding our normal operational labor costs. A first in the history of any city dept. Yet, the chief negotiator for the City had the audacity to tell us we don’t have a recruitment/retention problem. Ironic huh?

Add to that, the almost daily bombardment of pettiness and it tends to wear on you. I don’t think it is asking a lot to come to work, plug in, do my job and be left alone. One would think it is a no-brainer. One would be wrong. Seems like every week the dept comes up with a new way to rob us of what few perks we have left. If it wasn’t for my upcoming schedule for school, I’d seriously consider looking at other agencies.

I could go on and on but it serves no purpose and I hate whining. Weeks like this just re-enforce my determination to go to school and get out of here.