Recently, not one but two of my blog buddies sent me T-shirts in the mail. This pic was sent by Large Tony. I absolutely love it! He was worried if I would wear it. Hell, I’ve already worn it 3 times. lol *Thanks T, I greatly appreciate it!*
Oddly enough, the 2nd shirt is also black and was sent by an anonymous source. When I get time to wear it, I’ll snap off a pic.
My weekend is fast coming to a close. Friday, I spent about 3 hours doing continuing education for my Fire training. I’ve mentioned before I’m a training Officer for the Fire civilianization project. I previously went down to SFO to see Fire operations at the airport. This time I got to drive all over the bay in one of the 2 fireboats owned by the Fire department. It was awesome of course!

This trip is normally reserved for Supervisors and Managers. There were a couple of snarky comments made in the background questioning whether I should be there. I was happy to hear the Fire training manager silence them with a curt explanation. I don’t understand petty power trips at all . Anyway, you can click over to flickr for a full rundown on the pics. I tried to take a few more this time even though some are pretty much the same picture.
Saturday was pretty low key. The Latin came into town and we spent a good chunk of the day just hanging out. I hadn’t seem him lately, we had fun. We also decided to go see the Batman flick. I’d been wanting to see it and he hadn’t seen it either so it worked out great. The movie was exceptional! Much better than I ever expected and way better than part I. Keith Ledger turned in one of the best performances of his career. Not to mention, the plot was very complex and constantly evolving.

He took off to go bar hopping with some coworkers and I met up with Adam for Sushi for dinner. Brad is at a conference so it was just the two of us. We were caddy as usual. Afterwards, we hung out at 440 Castro (aka the old Daddies bar) with Dan. Ironically, we spent a good chunk of time watching the Olympics while there. lol We watched this one chick slaughter the entire competition in a long distance run. Even if we kept laughing at how emaciated and hungry she looked.
I didn’t stay more than a couple hours. I left the boys and came on home.
So now, I’m just finished uploading pics to flickr, made myself a yummy egg/bacon bagle, caught up on Tivo, and replaying thru Gears of War. GoW 2 is due out in November and I can’t wait!
Not a bad weekend. Not too terribly busy but still managed to be preoccupied.