Who Does 911 Call For An Emergency?

Really! Who do you think we call? *G* Ok, ok, let me explain. . .

So, I get to work today and I find out one of my buddies that I graduated the academy with passed out last night at work. Here is the kicker, he was laughing so hard at a joke that he started choking and then closed up his airway somehow and passed out. Our call center has fire/medical staff on duty 24hrs a day so they rushed over and made sure he was ok.

As he is coming too, the first words out of his mouth are “am I plugged in?” Now that, my friends, is dedication!

Job Promo – III

Now that I’m off my horse so to speak. I must have done better on my supervisor’s exam than I expected. I went in to do some overtime today on my day off and several existing supervisors seemed a bit different. I can’t really put my finger on it. It’s as if they know something I don’t. Not to mention, the on duty manager pulled me off a busy channel to do my PAR. [1]peformance annual review Management are always behind on these things and I haven’t had one in almost 2 years. Well, they caught up on the last one today. With the exception of attendance, I got “exceeds standards” in all areas but one. And that one I missed only by an average of two points. The attendance took a hit as I missed quite a bit of work back when my ex was sick w/pancreatitis. It doesn’t matter the reason, it still counts. It’s not like I can be punished for it or anything. They just like to slip it in there.

So I got a glowing PAR which she hinted had to be turned in today. Managers don’t normally do PARs which only adds to the feeling. Why get it done so quickly? Especially, on my day off. Me thinks some changes are a foot!

I’m a bit mixed on actually getting the promotion. It is more money and I get a chance to make changes about problems I’ve been bitching about. But, I’ll get bumped back down in senority. That translates into crappy days off. As it stands now, I’m far enough up the list I can at least pull one weekend day off during a sign up. (We sign up for our schedule every 6 months) As a supervisor, I’ll be on a 4-10 shift (4 days on at 10 hours a day). Certainly, not the end of the world.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take it if its offered, I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. I figured I would be on the list for awhile. That would give me more time to get better days off and at least have the semblance of a social life again! *G* Thats what I get for being a smarty pants.


1 peformance annual review

Job Promo – II

Ok, well the interview went fine. Of course, you always think of a better answers afterwards. I am confident I did fine nonetheless. I was surprised to see how many people applied. On the way out, I ran into a guy who used to be a dispatcher for us and left a few years back. Guess his new gig isn’t working out so well.

The process is simple. If you meet the eligibility requirements you are added to “the list.” Your score off the oral and written interview determines how high on the list you place. Once you are placed on the list, they just work their way down as positions become available. Pretty simple huh? Right now I think there are at least 2 possibly 4 positions available.

Job Promo

Well, I’m on a little earlier than normal today. I have an interview for a supervisor’s position at work. I’m always bitching about how crappy the sup.’s are so nows my chance to change that. Basically, if you are eligible, you take a test, go thru an interview process and then you are put on a list. When a position opens up, its offered based on how well you scored on the list.

Anyway, wish me luck!

418 Brewing

Let me explain. 418 (four eighteen) is the police code in SF for a fight. Today the owner of the house, I’m moving out of, had the audacity to ask me for prorated rent for the 3 days in December that I’ll be here. (For those of you just tuning in, read the whole store here.) I guess my temper must have been brewing over the way I’m getting shafted because I let him have it! I was so riled up, at one point, I think I was actually frothing at the mouth! The nerve of that fucker! After all he has put me thru this past month. Not only am I moving out w/o making a fuss but, I’m doing it quickly. I’ve managed to find a new place again within only 15 days of my move-in.

Legally, I could stay and force his hand and not pay him a dime beyond what was originally agreed. I had thought about it but, it’s just not worth it. I like my drama to be low. If he is this two faced now, I’m not sure what to expect later on. Oh but wait, there’s more! Only 5 days after I agree to move out he is already asking me, “have you found a place yet?” Five freaking days!

SF has some really tough housing ordinances on the books and most of them favor the tenants. After reading off the numerous rental ordinances he had violated, he was not so quick to push for more money. (I rarely make idle threats) Not to mention, I’ve held up my bargain since the beginning.

Anyway, I guess I’ve been holding it in because now that it’s over I feel a lot better! My friends always tell me I’m too nice. I’m not perfect, I’ll be the first to admit it. That said, I’ve learned, the hard way, your word is the only true bond you can give someone. I try to live my life w/integrity and honesty and expect the same of others. I can say, without any hesitation, that I’ve kept up my end of the deal. Even now, I’m still a bit dumbfounded that he actually had the balls to look me in the eyes and ask for MORE money. Especially after his little speech to me about not needing to rent the house out all. Oy vey!

Well, like I said, I feel a lot better now. [Jim Carey Voice] “I have exorcised the demons!” Gotta run, I have to get packing!

Back in Action

Well today is my first day back to work and I can tell my vacation was a success. The nagging annoyance that I had before I left, seems to have disappeared. For which, I am grateful. Even the annoying callers are tolerable.

Blessed be vacation time!