Work Work Work

Today is my second day on my new shift. I’m dragging a little. I’m used to 8 hours vs 10 and I’m used to taking my sweet time waking up. I have to get up by 10:00 am now. (I know, poor me) My days off are mixed up this week w/the change. Next week they’ll be all together again.

Saturday was very uneventful. I had lunch w/the ex caught up on a few things. I guess his new boyfriend wasn’t too happy to find out we were still “legally” hitched via our domestic partner registration. (I had to leave him on it so he’d have medical coverage) Well with him finally working he doesn’t need it anymore. He went down and had it dissolved. He was kind enough to bring me a copy of the paperwork. My first divorce! I feel so “legite” now. lolol I was a little sad at first but moving on.

I ran into Tyrone from the BCC committee at Starbucks. We hung out and finished the last batch of images for the 2006 men. I just realized I forgot two pages so I’m working on those today. I’ve finished revamping the entire site so my work is mostly over at this point. I’ll still be doing minor updates but the hard stuff is behind me. (whew) Mostovic also dropped by. I hadn’t seen him lately so we also had a chance to catch up. The three of us ended up doing dinner at Blue and then I volunteered to help Mostovic get his wifi up and running. Three hours later we discovered his DSL line was corrupted and had to schedule a repair. @#$%! SBC! I saw a new offer from Comcast on the tele so I’ve decided to bite the bullet and switch. (Bobby will be so pleased)

I had several things I wanted to blog about today but have completely forgotten what they were. Maybe they’ll come to me later.


So it’s Friday. Tomorrow is my last day having a weekend day off for 5 months. I know I gave up weekends for school but, I am not looking forward to the change. Sunday is my first day on the new shift. Blech! Because of the way our shifts change, I get Saturday and then Tuesday/Wednesday off this coming week. The following week of the 22nd I’ll have straight Mon/Tue/Wed’s off thru December.

On a good note, I discovered that I only have to catch one muni bus from my house to the campus. It goes right by my apartment. It couldn’t have worked out better! (see my afore mentioned comments about karma)

No more Eagle on Sunday’s. No more midnight mass. (yeah right, me in church?!) The only time I’m on my knee is during… uh well, “prayer”. And speaking of prayer, Mostovic, who never blogs anymore, finally got settled in his new place. He is having trouble setting up his wifi. I may try to swing by tomorrow and help him. We were supposed to have lunch today but I got up really late. (don’t ask)

It also eats into the time I devote to charities. I won’t be as readily available for fundraisers. I’ve made allowances for the bigger events but I’ll miss a lot of the smaller ones. [insert sigh of the martyr here]. lol

Bobby is driving me nuts to go to Marine World. (I don’t know why they still call it that as they don’t have marine life anymore. It’s just a theme park now.) Anyway, I haven’t really felt like going. I wouldn’t mind going up to the river but I’ve only been once and I don’t remember how to get there. I certainly don’t plan on driving up there spending hours looking for it. *sigh II* Speaking of charity, if you can afford to purchase a calendar for the BCC, I urge you to do so. It’s the best $20.00 you’ll ever spend. You can go online to purchase the calendar and have it mailed to you. They make great gifts too.

I’m very happy to report that my comm. center donated over $1000 to the family of the sheriff deputy we lost earlier this week. The money will go toward a college trust for his 8 year old son. Sometimes, people can do a good thing!

I’m doing overtime tonight so no late night shenanigans for me. *sigh III*

On a Sad Note…

A Sheriff’s who guards our building died early this morning of a heart attack. At the ripe age of 43. He apparently died in his sleep so his passing was believed to have been peaceful.

From my perspective he was a great guy and well liked by all of us. He will be missed!

Work Drama II

More drama on the work front. After the labor meeting last week, a certain supervisor has been going out of his way to antagonize me. He went so far as to try and write me up yesterday. He took a very simple mistake and tried to really over dramatize it. Even the shift manager thought it was over the top. Needless to say, I called in the troops. With one phone call from our Union rep, the write up was taken out of my file and destroyed.

Power to the People!!!

Dram Mamma II

I’m in a surprisingly good mood considering work was very dramatic yesterday. It’s been a busy week overall. If you are regular reader, you know I’m a Union officer at work and we’ve been having some real problems. Wednesday, my local chapter met w/an attorney to review our options and get some confirmations on what management can and cannot force us to do. Normal labor laws do not apply to us as one, we are a government agency and two, we are unionized. So we got that out of the way. It was a mixed bag of info as we got some good and some bad news. Yesterday was our monthly labor meeting w/management to discuss problems.

Our Union rep. basically started the meeting out by putting management on notice that we are prepared to get radical if they do not start keeping their promises. Often, management will state one thing and then do just the opposite. And the problem usually stems from the right hand now knowing what the left hand is doing. Our rep’ds speech tied into a problem I’ve been dealing with. After about 15 minutes of continued lip service from the deputy director, I lost my temper a bit and let’em have it. Let’s just say I put things in very simple English so there was no confusing it. I took off the gloves and started naming names too. I’m all for diplomacy but sometimes you just need to put it on the table to get people’s attention. I think it worked to an extent but I don’t expect much change. I fully expect in the next two months things are going to get ugly.

Who do you call when there is no one left at 911?

Schedule Change

My schedule signup at work is underway. (We sign up for our schedule every 6 months based on seniority.) The good news is after 4 1/2 years, I’m at the halfway mark seniority wise. The bad news is I won’t be getting sat/sun’s off this next rotation. Due to the severe staffing shortages, not as many weekend slots are alotted for the shifts I want. I’ll still end up w/at least one weekend day off but not both. I’m ok w/that as I like having one weekday to get errands done. Besides, I knew getting a full weekend slot last signup was a fluke anyway.

The part that has me annoyed is the signup was delayed due to last minute changes by management. I’m gonna be cutting it close w/my school registration. (I’m planning to start paramedic training in August.) I originally thought they weren’t offering it this semester but they reorganized the listings for paramedics and I missed it. If the signup continues to move as quickly as it started I’ll be ok. If not, I’ll probably miss the deadline for City College. I’m gonna bummed if I have to wait to spring again.

Cross your fingers for me?!

Sad Day

It is a day like today that I hate my job.

A 11yo child was mauled to death by a pitbull today. My last trainee released solo took the first call and had to be taken out of the room after it was over. She was so upset, we had to send her home. I don’t blame her. I didn’t even take the call and I was in tears when I saw the child was confirmed dead.

The real pisser? The dog belonged to the family! I’ll reserve my comments for now as I’m so angry I could spit nails.

The Haggling Ends

In the ongoing battle for a raise at work, the city responded to our counter offer w/their counter offer today. They’ve piddled around until the deadline is on top of us so we don’t have much choice. While we didn’t get everything we wanted, we did manage to get an 8% increase out of the deal. The increase takes affect July 1st. It is a permanent increase in our job classification which just means they can’t take it away later.

The sad part is the offer is probably too little too late. We are losing 10 bodies in the next 3 months. This offer may serve to keep 1 or 2 of those but that won’t help our staffing levels one bit. As we move into phase 4 of our training to take over the Fire/EMS function, we can’t really afford to lose anyone. The loss of 10 bodies is going to hit us very hard. Even with round the clock training of new people it simply isn’t enough. The numbers for the latter part of this year are going to be scary.

Trouble In Paradise?

So I had lunch w/Mostovic today. Normally, lunch w/him is great but today I came away angry. We started discussing some of the issues w/my work. Specifically, the work I’ve been doing w/the Union to help get a raise. I was a bit taken aback when he actually began arguing as if I didn’t deserve a raise. Like, HOW DARE I ask for more money in such a rough economy. I guess more than anything it surprised me. I didn’t expect it.

However, during the discussion, it did serve to remind me of the reasons why I’m fighting for a raise. The main one, my job was doubled two and half hears ago and am just now getting a chance to plead my (our) case. The other reason is I value my skills. I’ve learned (the hard way) that if I don’t stand up for my rights no one else will. Sometimes that means a new job and sometimes it just means playing hard ball where you’re at. And it’s definitely been an uphill battle. The city is facing another large deficeit and is looking for ways to save money. So, naturally giving me more money doesn’t figure into their plans. (In case you missed it, I’m a dispatcher for SFPD. Two years ago, we were forced to take over Fire and EMS dispatch as well)

Even before we took over the extra duties, we were the least paid in the nine Bay area counties. Now with the increased workload, we have stopped asking and started demanding more money. At a time when Sacramento’s dispatchers just got a 41% pay increase, I think our small 10% request is not going to break the bank. And considering there is only 1 dispatcher on duty for every 100,000 (yes that was one hundred thousand) people in the city, I think it would be in SF’s best interest to at least try to keep the dispatchers they have.

Remembering this put me back in a good mood and my day has been peachy since!