
Can’t think of any other way to describe it. Today has been a shitty day. Lots of bad calls at work today. Nothing catastrophic but just senseless violence and senseless stupidity.

Some bright news, I was working channel when an 852 (car vandalism) suspect got detained. I love it when we catch these guys. Frelling thugs just breaking into vehicles looking to steal stuff to sell for drug money. I wish we had tougher laws here to deal with’em. Guess I’m just too progressive for SF at times. *g*

I’m a tad more confident about my vacation. I think by the time Wilma does hit Florida it will be down to a Category 3 which they are so used too there. NO biggie. Some wind damage, trees down, blah blah blah. Some good news I hope. *crossed fingers*

Not sure why I’m in such a pissy mood today. Maybe tomorrow…


So crazy lady that threw her kids into the ocean plead not guilty today. It is times like this I just hate our justice system. Her lawyer will probably try to get her off w/an insanity plea. I just don’t have compassion for someone who murders innocent little children, crazy or not. I think they should throw her ass off in the water and say “sink or swim bitch!”

Course, that’s just me.


I should learn to check my own schedule. I was scheduled to lecture an acadamy class today. Needless to say, I arrived late. All done now. It is a beautiful day here in the city and suprisingly warm. I’m off to the Castro to oggle at boys and catch up on my tan!

It’s So Foggy Out & Ramblings

I went to see the remake of The Fog last night w/Bobby. Not bad for a remake in my opinion. It has what’s-his-name from Smallville as one of the lead characters. God he is so hot. Anyway, they didn’t flesh the plot out as much as I would have liked but not bad. There were a few scary scenes as well. Bobby hated it of course. Not sure why but I gave up trying to figure that out years ago.

I’m on fire side at work again today. Nice and slow so far. I’ve been busy w/academy classes this week. I teach CAD (computer) training to the new dispatch class. They seem to be doing well so far. I really tried to encourage them to work as a collective group and they seem to be doing it. (I have to be careful what I write here as I discovered some of them read my blog!) heee heee heee

My tanning bed trip wasn’t too bad. I really like the results from just the first tan so far. I’m back tomorrow for session 2. I should be perfectly lightly tan by the time I hit FTL. That reminds me, I gotta get a new bathing suit. SHIT! totally forgot that. I’ll try and work that into the weekend. Course, I may have to wait till the trip. Swimsuits aren’t exactly prime wear here right now.

I’ve been really good at hitting the gym this week too. I’ve been slacking as of late due to my hectic schedule. I’m blissfully sore all over today. I did my glutes/quads yesterday and I could barely walk this morning. I had to soak in the jacuzzi for a bit to loosen up.


I forgot to post this pic.

Beach Chalet

I don’t particularly like it as the lines on my shirt make me look like I have a belly. From the previous pic you know that is simply not true. This is 6 of the 8 remaining members from my academy class from work. The older lady on the right is the Client Service Mgr and sort of adopted us when we came in. Two of my coworkers are missing, one was sick and the other was unreachable in time. The short guy next to me is kristaki.

It’s been awhile since we could get together. I am just sad it took the death of one of those close to us to make it happen. I am determined to make sure we don’t let it go so long again.

Moving On

As often occurs, life goes on. The mood today at work was much better and people were moving beyond their grief to fond memories. Myself included. I’m w/o a trainee today so work was blissfully quiet. I was on Fire side most of the day so very little work. Did some minor maintenance on the BCC site but then got annoyed w/the committee chair over his unilateral decision making. What is the point of having a committee if only one person gets input? I’m probably just agitated from such a draining week. Maybe I’ll see it better next week. Cause right now I’m PISSED!

Not much else to say today really. I have a potential date coming up soon. I’m excited about it, more details later.

A Fond Fairwell

Not much time today, work is busy. My class from work got together this morning for a small memorial to our friend and coworker F. It was great in that no one tried to make her into something she wasn’t. We talked openly and honestly about the person we all knew and loved. We laughed and had a great time. We also caught up w/each other on our lives etc. It was a good morning.

Otherwise, just busy. This is my last day w/my trainee and I am so happy. I love her to death and she is doing fine but I’m just tuckered out. I’m looking forward to a blissful weekend (my weekend starts Sunday) of doing absolutely nothing. Well I shouldn’t say nothing. I have a big test this Tuesday and I haven’t had any chance to study. I plan to spend all day Monday studying like a fiend!


As expected, work is a mess today. Everyone is still very upset about the loss. We are doing our best to pick up the pieces and move on.

A HUGE thank you to everyone for the kind comments and emails. I appreciate your kindness and good thoughts. It is times like this that I am reminded of just how very stressful this job can be. I’ve always been lucky in that I don’t stress much. However, there are times when it even gets to me.

Tomorrow, my group is getting to have a Memorial for F. We are inviting everyone from work but it will mainly just be the core group of classmates.


I write this today w/a great sadness in my heart.

I just found out one of my classmates from work committed suicide earlier this month. She recently moved away, to Texas of all places. Beyond being a classmate, she was my friend and a sister in arms (meaning she was a lesbian). kristaki (another classmate) called me to give me the sad news. I am so shocked I just can’t put it into words. This comes as a complete surprise to everyone. Life seemed to be really going her way as of late.

I guess I should try to put things in perspective here. I’ve been at my current job w/emergency communications for almost 5 years now. My class carries some distinction in that not only do we have the highest retention rate in the last 10 years, we were and still are very close as a group. We spent a lot of time supporting each other and working together to get thru the training program. We became incredibly close. We got to know a lot about each other and felt stronger for it. And we were as diverse a class as they come. Old, young, men, women, gay, straight, black, white, asian, latin, you name it we had it. Out of 18, 11 of us made it thru and 9 of us were still together up until very recently. We often brag about how good we were to all the newer classes. It has sort of been a badge of honor I guess.

How would I describe F? She was what you would call a strong-willed lesbian. Very opinionated and vocal (how could I not love her!). She liked to put on this butch bad lesbian appearance but underneath the thick skin, she was a kind considerate woman just trying to make her way in the world. She’d give you the shirt off her back if you really needed it. She often championed the underdogs of society and pleaded their case w/a fierce single-mindedness that would not be ignored. We sometimes butted heads as strong wills tend to do but we were always friends beyond it.

F recently bought a new house in Texas and up and moved w/her girlfriend. We were all sorry to see her go but she seemed happy and life was looking up. Obviously, there was some trouble in her life that none of us knew about. A trouble so deep that even her closest friends didn’t know it. I can’t even guess what it could have been. All I know is the shining light that was my friend F is no more.

F, wherever you are, your friends miss and love you still. Whatever tragedy befell you in this life we hope you’ve escaped in the next. You may be gone but you are not forgotten.

Work Progress?

I met w/the deputy director and the client service manager today at work to go over changes to our standard operating procedures. Our existing SOP is completely out-of-date as it was drafted 1) in a different building and 2) before we took over fire dispatch. It is a very sore point w/me as dispatchers are routinely written up based on an icorrect out-of-date policy manual. It has been my single biggest complaint since joining the Union as an officer.

I’m only writing about it as it lifted my spirits a bit. (yeah, I know big surprise) The client service manager is someone I enjoy working with. She used to be in charge of the training division. The depuyty director on the other hand can be a mixed bag. While she has worked as a dispatcher before, she has all the makings of a typical city bureaucrat. Today, she was very receptive to feed back albeit a bit indirect. She routinely talks in circles so it’s not always easy understanding what she says. So it was with some surprise that the meeting went so well. Both were attentive and receptive to feed back regarding errors and requested changes.

There may be hope yet!