Ok, I’m at work so this might get cut short. Anyway, the trip home was great. I had more fun than I’ve had in a long time on a trip back to TX. I often complain that the trips home don’t always work out for the many facets of my id. Well this time around, everyone got a work out. From my inner child reconnecting w/the family to my inner slut getting a groove on. My inner fag went out dancing and then shopping the next day. Hell, even my inner bitch got a quick chance to speak up when my flight was an hour and half late and the surly counter lady decided to cop an attitude. Yeah, I’d say all of me had a good time. lol
So here we are at Barnaby’s, my favorite restaurant in H-town.

And here is what is left of my dish. I always get the same thing. BBQ chicken w/mash potatoes and garlic sticks. mmmm-kay!

Here is Trevan (the b’day boy), myself, and Mikey (in from Dallas) having a moment after dinner. Oy what a mug shot ey?

But wait there’s more…here is Dan, Gary, & Todd at the Black Eyed Pea on Saturday for lunch. Gary (in the middle is also one of the b’day boys).

Stay tuned for pics of the party and the clan!