I think this about sums it up!
Category: society
Bush Who?
This is what I think of the losers who re-elected a dumb ass to office! (but I’m not bitter)
Four more years of crap
I am dismayed to wake up today and discover that Dubya has been re-elected, albeit by a very slim margin. Four more years of discrimination, deceit, and more breaks for the rich. I am under the belief had the war w/Iraq been over the turnout would have been drastically different. Had the war been over, I think a lot more people would have seen Bush for what he is, a fake.
Even more troubling is there seems to be a mandate in the house and possibly the Senate. The Republican Party used fear and, in some cases, lies to scare people away from voting their hearts. How does that shake out for all the gays? Only time will tell. We can only hope for the best now.
Today’s nonesense
Nothing really special about today. Was out late so didn’t make the gym. Loafed around most of the morning watching the tube.
Work was another story….Total ignunce!
I do have one rant though. It has to do w/politics. I normally keep that sort of stuff to myself but I get so annoyed at people sometimes. So today, chicky that works w/me is just bitching/whining up a storm about all the things wrong w/this country. So I ask her, “who did you vote for?”. Her classic response, “Oh, I don’t vote, it doesn’t count anyway”. I would have slapped her but I think shit splatters! I mean come on. You have the right to get your ass out and be counted in who gets to run this country. Sure its fucked sometimes but there are not many other places I’d rather live. I don’t care who you vote for, if you open your piehole to complain about it, you better be voting. Way I see it, if you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem. So whats it gonna be? (ok, taking a valium …ahhh better now)
Talking during the movie!
Ok, here is my rant for today. I’m just home from watching Hero and what a great movie. If you like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, you’ll love this one. The cinematography was flawless and the plot kept twisting back and forth. You didn’t really know how it was gonna end until it did.
Anyway, about a third of the way thru the movie, these two biddies come in and sit down two seats over from me. They proceed to have a conversation all the way thru the movie. Not wanting to be disrespectful, I finally got up and moved. You’d think that would have been a signal right? NOOOOOOO They got louder! Another 10mins go by and I give a polite but unmistakable “ssssh!”. Did that work? NOOOOOO. So finally, during a crescendo of their carcophony, I stood up and said, “Would you two mind shutting up so the rest of us can HEAR the movie?” I shit you not, people started clapping. I guess I wasn’t the only one being annoyed. The pathetic part is the theatre wasn’t even that full. Its Wednesday at the 4:30pm showing.
The only thing worse than a cellphone ringing during a movie is chatty cathy and sister sally gabbing. What happened to being respectful of others? If you wanna have good conversation, go to a coffee house and bleat till your lips fall off. Don’t do it in the middle of a movie. Ok, I feel better now.