Ignunce At Its Finest

I’ve been quiet about the whole Teri Shiavo case as I’ve been waiting to see how it unfolds. Let me say for the record, if I was in Teri’s shoes, I would not want to be kept alive that way. I am of a firm belief that there comes a time when you are faced w/a quantity of life vs a quality of life. Even if she does get ‘better’ as some limited few have stated. Better does not mean she will recover people. Their version of better means she would be confined to a bed the rest of her life and only be kept alive by the machines attached to her. Thats not living!

But, I can’t say who is right or wrong because I don’t know. What I can say is Congress’s actions are beyond deplorable. They have turned this horrible case into a political statement to appease their conservative base. Even with public opinion polls showing a whopping 75% of Americans would not want to be kept alive. I was reading some comments on Dunners’ blog and stumbled across a ‘holier-than-thou’ mentality. These people crack me up. They feel no shame in meddling in someone else’s life because of their own misguided beliefs. Let me spell it out for you. Keep your nausiating beliefs in your own backyard and leave me alone.

Today is a scary day indeed folks. This case will set a precident that could haunt us for decades. Congress does not need to be meddling in our personal lives. Once the line is crossed, there is no turning back.

On a side note, this article might be of use. If you do not have a living will or at the very least a DNR (do not resuscitate) in place, you are asking for the same thing to happen to you!

You Should Die Because Your Bad

I left my first derogatory comment on someone’s blog today. But it wasn’t directed toward the owner, nay. It was directed towards a very insensitive fuck who thinks he has the right to say someone deserves to die over having bad habits. I know, I know, “moby your rambling again, please focus and explain.” Well, I’m getting there, keep your panties on.

Feeling a bit euphoric from such a great evening, I was trying to catch up on my blogroll. I’m scrolling thru Andymatic, whom I love reading, and I come across this post about the San Diego Diocese blocking a catholic funeral because the deceased was gay and owned a gay night club. I’m not surprised at this point until I’m reading the comments and schmucko aka Mark Ness left this lovely comment.

# Mark Ness Says:
March 19th, 2005 at 3:10 pm

John died of a drug overdose, not congestive heart failure. Anyone in the ‘industry’ knows what really happened here.

While I don’t agree with the Diocese in this case, the guy got what was coming.

Of course, he didn’t leave an email or web address. I can only surmise because his balls are about the size of snow peas but I digress.

Let me first say, anyone who knows me, knows I have zero tolerance for drug use. I can honestly say I’ve never even smoked a joint and I have no desire too. I make no secret about the fact that I have zero respect for people who use drugs. I also have the greatest respect for people who realize the destructiveness of what their doing and clean up their act. Point made? Having no respect for someone in no way translates into saying I think they deserve to die. I’ve only wished death on one person in my life and I’m sure the very few of you who have been with me since the beginning of my blog can guess who.

I can’t help but be reminded of the Lord of the Rings. I know its a cheesy reference but I find the statement very relevant here. The quote goes almost like this

“..many live that deserve to die. Many die that deserve to live. Do you have the power to give the latter their life back?”

So my point to you Mr. Goody-two-shoes, is don’t be so quick to deal out such harsh judgment to people, gay or straight. The same comments have been made about gays and PWA’s too often for my liking. By making this horrible statement, you sink to the level of the very hate-mongers we oppose.

Enough said? Good, moving on….

Boy Scouts Having Their Way w/You

This just chaps my hide.

Senate Majority leader Bill Frist has introduced legislation that would make it illegal to bar the Boy Scouts from using pubic facilities.

If Frist’s ”Support Our Scouts Act” becomes law the federal government would be obliged to support the Scouts and state and local governments would be required to give Scouts access to their facilities if they make them available to other groups.

Frist (R-Tennessee), a former Scout, tried to pass a similar bill last year, but he found little support at the end of a busy year in Congress.

Other Senate co-sponsors include Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander, Kentucky Republican Jim Bunning, Montana Republican Conrad Burns, Idaho Republican Larry Craig, Nevada Republican John Ensign, Florida Democrat Bill Nelson and Oregon Republican Gordon Smith.

I’m happy to read that the bill has no where near enough support to pass but balls of this guy is astounding. First off, even if it did pass, it would get shot down in the courts as it would cleary be unconstitutional. DUH! Leave it to a dim-witted, narrow-minded republican to come w/a brand new way to waste tax payer dollars.

I got a tickle out of the rest of the story though. Apparently, since their “come to jesus” decision to exclude gays, the scouts aren’t doing so well. Go figure.

Meanwhile an FBI investigation is continuing into allegations that the Boy Scouts of America is inflating its membership to gain funding. (story)

The number of scouts has dwindled since it became embroiled in the dispute over gay scouts.

Membership in the BSA has declined since the Supreme Court ruling. But, in cities where agencies like the United Way continue to fund the BSA it is alleged that troops are being encouraged to list fake names as members to boost enrolment making the group eligible for more money.

Poor things, they have to resort to lying to boost their numbers..Wait! Isn’t lying a sin? *checking the holy-roller text* Why! yes it is! SCANDAL.

New Definition for Terrorism

I’ve seen this happen quite a bit but I’ve kept quiet about it. With the new legislation passed after 9/11, the term ‘terrorism’ has taken on a life of its own in this country. Every time someone thinks a crime is heinous or serious they refer to it as terrorism. I offer a big….WHATEVER!

So now your thinking, “WTF are you rambling about Moby?” Well, I’m catching up on headlines this AM and I stumbled across this story about the accidental release of a list of names involving people who are HIV positive. Apparently, some of the folks on the list received a harassing letter stating that someone knew their names was on the states list of HIV positive people. While I am of the firm belief said person who did this is a big time coward, sending someone a harassing letters is not an ‘act of terrorism’. For clarity I’ll say it again, I think the person responsible needs his ass whooped. Clear enough? Good…moving on.

For the record, the word terrorism is defined as the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature.

All I’m saying is we have a habit overreacting as a society at times and this a is a glaring example of such. Don’t even get me started on the whole “patriotic” issue anytime someone w/half a brain disagrees w/our not so brilliant leader & chief.

I’m all for punishing the pathetic waste of skin that did this however, yelling “wolf” every time only serves to diminish the belief that the wolf exists.

A Day of Days!

Today is a Day of Days folks! (Bonus points if you know where I stole this quote from) Ok, so apparently I should watch the news more often. I got to work and plugged in before I knew this ruling came out!

San Francisco County Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer ruled that keeping gays and lesbians from getting marriage licenses is unconstitutional.

If the ruling is upheld on appeal, it would pave the way for the nation’s most populous state to follow Massachusetts in allowing same-sex marriages.

Kramer’s opinion came in a pair of lawsuits that were trying to overturn the state’s statutory ban on gay marriage.

Talk about a scandal and a half. Someone call Martha! I can only hope it survives the appeal. Ok, scratch that, I didn’t actually find out on the news. I read it on T’s blog. Dunner and Towleroad got in on the act too. Check’em out for more details if you haven’t already.

Painful Reminder

I’m killing two birds w/one rant today. I’m trying to distract myself from my life and be more a “topical blogger” today. Taken straight from Towleroad comes today’s idiocracy. [1]yes, I know it is a made-up word.

(Story) A group of delinquents decides to go out for a wholesome day of fag bashing. They beat up a couple of fags and then get arrested. I’d blame the parents but that wouldn’t do any good. I’m sure by now they absolved themselves of any moral responsibilities by claiming the ‘fags’ were asking for it. Meanwhile, the main culprit tries to turn into a ‘gay panic’ defense. How 80’s can you get? Forgetting for a moment, there was no mention of the victims approaching the suspects at anytime. But hey, who needs facts right? Tish! Tosh!

Wait! I think I’m channeling Miss Cleo. . .I’m having a vision. . . Boys beat up fags, boys get arrested sent to jail, news station does a biased interview and edits out all of the real facts for the their own more wholesome version, public is outraged. Film at Eleven. Oh wait, nevermind. That’s already happened. Maybe I’m channeling Martha from prison. Oh well, so much for my psychic abilities.


1 yes, I know it is a made-up word.

Shame? No, I Don’t Think So

I must be PMS’ing this week. That or I’m still sick, cause this story brought me to tears. Being a cold hearted fag at times, not always an easy thing to do.

I’m hiv positive. i’m not a fucking hero. i’m just a guy who had unsafe sex and i’m paying for it the rest of my life. i was a stupid guy who contracted one of the worst diseases of modern time. yep that’s me. i’m stupid. just call me stupid, but don’t ever call me a hero. yes, i knew the risks. i grew up in the time of aids. i knew how devastating the disease had been to a generation before me. i heard the stories of the death count. i heard about the ways to prevent the disease. i knew condoms, condoms, condoms. i even spoke about hiv prevention in my high school. i was always telling my friends to use condoms. i was a living breathing public service announcement for hiv prevention. that was me. well actually that was just part of me. the other part was an insecure guy who just wanted to be loved.

i guess part of me trusted them. up until that point i’d never been a strong person. i’d pretty much let other people make decisions for me. so anyway, i would sleep with guys. i’d let them bareback me. i was young. i was invincible. i was the straight guy in his new sports car going 95 miles an hour down the highway. i was invincible…or so i thought.

First, let me clarify, I’m a big believer in personal responsibility. That’s not my beef today. And I’m not condoning risky behavior. My issue is a disturbing trend within our culture of treating anyone less perfect than ourselves as “less than human” and just writing them off. Well, life ain’t easy for all of us. For some of us it can be a unbearable unending hell at times. If it were so damn easy to make the right choices then we wouldn’t have tens of thousands of people dying every year from cigarette related cancer now would we? This is a serious problem people. And for the record, I’m not perfect and I’ve been guilty of this fallacy.

The snips above come from MeSouthern, who is an HIV + male. He converted at an early age. By his own admission, he knew of the risks, albeit indirectly, and made some bad decisions. So now should we write him off as undeserving of our sympathy? If you answer yes, then I hope you never know hard times because karma can be an ugly unrelenting teacher. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t we should glorify it either. Far too many guys these days, shake off the horrible aspects of being HIV+. Reality check, HIV is a terminal illness. That means there is NO cure for it. Granted we have some great drugs out there these days but not everyone responds so well and not all of these drugs are easy to take.

…the day my positive test results came back. that’s the day i knew it was time to take responsibility for my past mistakes. the past mistakes of being a stupid fucking whore, not a hero. here i sit now. my body is starting to fail me. it’s been about 4 years, since i got my test results back. i will soon be on meds, that will hopefully keep me alive. yes, i regret fucking every hot guy without a condom. yes, i regret using drugs. i should’ve known better; i did know better. aids isn’t pretty. it’s a very serious disease. it’s going to kill tons of people. it will probably kill me. oh well, does it matter? probably not because i’m a stupid fucking whore, who isn’t a hero. i should be ashamed of myself…

Is this what we are teaching our young people? If you make mistakes, shame on you? You no longer deserve our love/support? If so, then we need not worry about the christian not-so-right folks. We have a far greater enemy in ourselves.

Me Grown Up Now

I realized after an incident today that I have finally achieved the maturity that comes w/adulthood. If such a thing were possible. [1]My friend Bobby will get such a kick out of this story only because he thinks everyone in SF is stuck up. So Bobby, it finally happened! I got snubbed.

I’m leaving the gym today and this rather attractive fellow was in the locker room preening like a peacock. Ok, let me re-phrase that. This very attractive and very well built fellow was preening in the locker room today. I’m doing my thing, as usual, and can’t help but stare just a bit. He keeps doing all these little obvious tricks to flex a muscle or expose a hidden area. All w/a not so random randomness. After about 10 minutes of this, I’m getting rather bored as that’s all he is doing. I finish my business and I’m about to leave when he crosses my path. Now I don’t know if was offended that I didn’t gawk more or because I didn’t pursue him further. Either way, he gives me this very disdainful once over look and snorts right in front of me as if to say, “your pathetic and nowhere near my league“. And for once in my life, I didn’t give a shit. I wasn’t even offended. I giggled as I shook my head and walked out. Not only that, I got the distinct pleasure of hearing him throw his gym bag down as I descended the stairs.

Let me explain a bit. Just a few years ago, I would have probably done the same thing however, I would have been wounded inside and felt inferior. I would have called him all kinds of horrible names in my mind like poopoo-head or snooty patooty. (where do kids come up w/these names?) All the reasons why don’t really matter at this point. What does matter, is that I didn’t even begin down that demoralizing path of reasoning this time. Jesus H Christ, Mary, Joseph, & David! Maybe there is hope for me in this life after all!


1 My friend Bobby will get such a kick out of this story only because he thinks everyone in SF is stuck up.


So it was nice to see even in Wisconsin Joe Schmoes can’t use the “gay panic” defense to kill gays. What is shameful are attorneys still trying to use this as a form of defense.

(Full Story Oshkosh, Wisconsin) A jury has ignored claims that a Wisconsin man was murdered in a case of “gay rage” and ruled that Gary Hirte, 19 was sane when he killed Glen Kopitske in July 2003….
He said Hirte had been drinking at home and went to a boat landing and sat on the hood of his car. Kopitske approached and invited Hirte to his house.
The men had oral sex and Hirte left and returned to his car. A few hours later he drove off in what his lawyer Gerald Boyle described as an “unbelievable rage”, got a shotgun and knife, returned to the house and killed Kopitske…

If the jury had found Hirte insane he would have been sent to a mental institution, where he could petition every six months for release. It’s just a shame they don’t offer the death penalty in Wisconsin. Me thinks he’d make a great candidate? What say you?

Gay Genes – No, not Jordache

Yet another study on human genetics playing a role in human sexuality. Pretty soon, there will be too much irrefutable proof for even the bible thumpers to ignore. Of course, I’m sure they’ll find some other reason to hate us.

But this study examined genetic information on all chromosomes, including genes from the father. The findings show that identical stretches of DNA on three chromosomes were shared by about 60% of gay brothers in the study compared to the about 50% normally expected by chance…
…The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes — chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.
The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother.

I’ll be the first in line asking for an apology.