Its Here!

The New Laptop

Finally! Its here. Wahoooo! You’d think I’d never seen a laptop before the way I tore thru the boxes to get in unwrapped. I know I shouldn’t be so excited over something so materialistic. You have to remember though, I’ve been putting it off for YEARS! Finally, I get what I want for a change.

Of course, I blew off the gym to spend the whole morning tweaking it, installing stuff, and getting it just right. I also realized my webcam sucks! What a crappy picture. (The ex got the digital camera in the split) Well, I can add that to the bottom of the list. Lord knows, I’ll be busy working my butt off to pay for this little gem here. I don’t mind though. It will get used alot and I promise to ring every ounce of enjoyment out of it that I can!

The Trip – Short Version

Its amazing what some time away can do for the soul. The trip was fantastic! Surf/Sun was the order dejour with a little wave running thrown in for good measure. I’m condensing it here but if you want more details, check out the long version

I seemed to have lost the flash disc w/most of the pics on it however, I did manage to salvage a few from the camera. I can’t tell how much better I feel afterwards. Not to mention it gave me some time away from the ex to clear my head and remember what’s important to me in my life. The pain is still there, no doubt, but I’m coping w/that and am in a much better place mentally now.

I’ve been working out pretty hard this last year and was very pleased w/the ‘attention’ I got while away. hehehe I know, vain and shallow but I need some attention too! (G) I also got a good tan working now too!

Me, Oh So Long Ago

Being a typical vain fag, I’m a member of several online gay muscle sites. I’ve gotten alot of requests from guys wanting to know what I looked like before I started working out.

Well folks, seeing is believing! The pic below is me circa 1990. This is me before I knew what working out was all about. (It was also me when I HAD hair).

Moby Circa 1990
As you can see, I’ve changed quite a bit since then. My goal was never to be huge, just bigger. I didn’t actually start working out in earnest until early 2000. I’ve never been one to work out so I could impress others. I got tired of being so damn skinny a good gust a wind could blow me away. Now don’t get me wrong, I like the attention I get now that I’m bigger. That said, when I started working out for my reasons, I stuck w/it. Its become a part of my life that I can’t go without. I don’t live for the gym but I go often.

On a related note, I got the chance to experiment w/a low impact steroid about a year ago after recovering from a bad case of food poisoning. By low impact I mean a pill version w/limited side-effects. While it did give me a really good pump, I found that my sex drive increased exponentially. And while this may sound like a good thing, let me explain. I’ve always had a strong libido. If you know me, you know I ain’t lyin’. So after about 2 weeks, it got to the point where I could not focus on a single task without thinking about sex. When I could get it, where, from who, how often, etc. After a while, it began to affect my daily routine and my job. I know what your thinking…”I’d kill for that” right? Wrong! When it starts affecting your life on a fundamental level, its time to quit. And quit I did.

Afterwards, I did manage to keep a little of the bulk I had gained but not much. What goes up must come down. The same is true for the body. While I peaked performance on the drug, I went thru a dip after coming off of it. My desire for sex evaporated. For the first time in my life, I knew what it meant to not be in the mood. I also couldn’t muster the same amount of energy to workout. I’d go for days w/o even going to the gym. After about 2 weeks I leveled out to normal again. I can only imagine what the stronger injectable versions would do to you. Yikes!

So the long and short of it is simple. I’m proof positive anyone can workout and improve their appearance. Its no always easy but, if it was everyone would do it.

Thats my story officer and I’m sticking to it!