Pictures Worth A Thousand Words

I’m just home from the BCC contest. We had a whopping 6 contestants tonight. That is the most yet. Four of which made it to the finals. I got there late tonight as my schedule has gone back to normal since getting my fire training out of the way.

TH went w/me, which was very nice. I find I enjoy spending time w/him as we always seem to laugh a lot. I miss that. I took the camera w/me and snapped this pic of him and Thom who is a finalist for the contest.

Thom & The Hottie

Hopefully, I won’t fuck it up and scare him off. *crossed fingers* We did have a good laugh before hand. I wasn’t going to post this originally but you guys already know I’m screwy in the head so here goes. The other night I was feeling a bit lonely. TH had left an under shirt from his sleepover (yes, he slept over one night) and I put it over my pillow so I could sleep w/it. How pathetic is that I ask you? He seemed flattered so I guess all is not lost. I can say I didn’t wake up once that night. *g*

Anyway, back to the present. We had a nice time. All the photographers were snapping pics of us tonight so I’ll have several more pics to post later. I also ran into another friend Mark and his new crush. I snapped off a shot of them as well.

Ivan & Mark

They make a cute couple. Mark (on the right) is a great guy and he deserves someone special in his life. His last LTR ended a bit rough so I was tickled to see he has a new flame as well.

And with that, I’m off to bed.

Hello world!

I’ve discovered that “Hello World” is the first term that programmers learn to recreate when learning to code. It has been driving me nuts seeing the same statement over and over again throughout the code as I’m try to learn PHP.

Here is the first official shot w/the new camera.

What a Mug?

As you can tell I got the new camera. It arrived yesterday right after I left for work. Of course, I had to take a pic of the annoying construction that woke me up at 8:30am bright and early.


You have to understand I live in a noisey area so I expect some noise. You also begin to understand why I look so hungover in the first pic. *g* I often sleep w/one ear plug in to keep the noise to a sleepable (my new word for the day) level. If you look closely, you’ll see this guy pushing a little bitty motorized thing inside the section of the street that is all torn up. That tiny insignificant little bastard was louder than a harley at full throttle!

On a good note, it is a beautiful day here in the city! The sun is out and it is a balmy 64 degrees out. So trying to make the best of it, I trudged off to the gym. I managed to strain a muscle in my back. (or is it the side?) You know the muscles that line the side of your abdomen on both sides, that one but closer to the shoulder. OY! it hurt. Don’t EVEN ask me how I managed to do that when I was working my chest today. I still managed a decent workout so all was not lost.

Changing topics, you’ll notice the shoutbox has moved up the sidebar. I was given strict orders by Tim to move it closer up as he just hates scrolling down for it and also fears his comments aren’t being viewed properly. God forbid the huzzy should get her own blog. Noooo, he is too busy running mine. (and you know it is only w/love that I say these things Tim)

New Camera

As promised, I finally broke down and bought a new digital camera. The ex got the last one in the split. I ended getting the Canon A510

Canon A510

which is not their latest and greatest but that just means I got a better deal on it.

Not being a true ‘are-teest’, I don’t need tons of bells and whistles for the advanced photographer. I just need a decent pixel size, ability to transfer/print, and size. All of which is provided by this model. So now I have no excuse not to have more pics for the blog. I get so jealous of homer, Jimbo and some of my other blogroller’s who always have such great pics on their sites.

Oh crap! I forgot to enroll in the extended warranty. I’m off to the website to get it!

I splurged and got it 2nd day delivery so I’m hoping it ships by Monday. I’d be surprised if it showed up any sooner than that.

Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood

Golden Gate Bridge
It is a beautiful day here in the great SF. I’m almost good as new health wise and I’m plugged in here at work. The sun is out, it is warm and the world is rolling by at a nice steady pace. If I may, I’d like to interject some routine drivel.

First, even if you do have the right-of-way, never step in front of a moving muni coach thinking it will stop. Here is a clue. They may call it a LRV (light rail vehicle) but it is by no means light. Those buggers weigh in excess of 20 tons. With this in mind, they do not stop on a dime. DUH!

Second, when your driving down the freeway and your vehicle is on fire. It is considered wise to pull over and exit the vehicle. Just a thought.

*getting off the high horse*

I’m almost back to normal. I’m headed back to the gym tomorrow. OY and do I miss it. I feel so flabby. With the family drama and then getting sick it has been just over two weeks since my last workout. To commemorate the occasion, I’m starting a new workout routine. The only reason I mention this is I’m planning on adding links regarding m routines to the website once I get the flash & php crap figured out. Leave it to me to pick one of the most difficult designs to incorporate.

BCC – Prelmin Feb 3rd

This past Thursday I was hanging out at the Powerhouse for the Bare Chest Calendar contest. I’m not required to be there since I’m just doing the website. However, my friend Tim is always trying to drag me to a bar so I thought I’d kill two birds w/one stone. [1]Don’t ya like the way I shoved it off on you Tim? It really is all your fault.

So I’m hanging out and Norm, one of the photographers, snapped this shot of myself and one of the calendar husbands. (meaning his partner is involved in the event) Not my best shot but I ain’t afraid to let it all hang out. *g*
February 3rd


1 Don’t ya like the way I shoved it off on you Tim? It really is all your fault.

Its Here!

The New Laptop

Finally! Its here. Wahoooo! You’d think I’d never seen a laptop before the way I tore thru the boxes to get in unwrapped. I know I shouldn’t be so excited over something so materialistic. You have to remember though, I’ve been putting it off for YEARS! Finally, I get what I want for a change.

Of course, I blew off the gym to spend the whole morning tweaking it, installing stuff, and getting it just right. I also realized my webcam sucks! What a crappy picture. (The ex got the digital camera in the split) Well, I can add that to the bottom of the list. Lord knows, I’ll be busy working my butt off to pay for this little gem here. I don’t mind though. It will get used alot and I promise to ring every ounce of enjoyment out of it that I can!