Micro Bigot XP

Just in time for 2006 Micro Bigot XP!
Credit goes to Pam’s House Blend for the artwork and to Ameriblog for the link

Haven’t you heard? Microsoft has done away w/its new operating system Longhorn for a much more ‘christian-friendly’ version dubbed Microbigot XP. Don’t worry fellow ‘mo’s. It is only on-sale to ‘god-fearing-bible-thumping-wackos’. No more updates, no more viruses ever. Why? Well, since it is based on good wholesome ‘family values’ there won’t be any need. Besides, who needs a virus protection program when Jehovah is on your side? You can just open up your bank account and “tithe” accordingly and remain virus free.

All I have to say is FUCK YOU Microshit! They actually think that this shitstorm is gonna blow over if they pretend like it was all a ‘misunderstanding’. Riiiiiiiiiight!

In case you are completely clueless as to what I’m talking about, check out Ameriblog on the scandal. The short version: Billy & CO originally endorsed the bill to end discrimination against gays/lesbians and then lo and behold after a meeting w/ONE christian fanatic and being threatened w/a boycott, Microsoft suddenly never meant to endorse the bill. They are only neutral. *This neutrality effectively killed the bill* Then the “official” excuse by CEO Steve Palmer was down right insulting in its blatant disregard for the facts, past and present. The real pisser is he actually never thought it would go public and make a big deal. Of course, now the more they try and rationalize it away the bigger it is going to get. lol

I guess we aren’t the only ones w/an ‘agenda’.

The Tax Man Cometh!

I frelling hate taxes!

Taxes from HELL!

Leave it to bureaucracy to make something that should be simple, incredibly difficult. I’ll never understand why they don’t just take what you owe out of your check the first time. Then, you would only need to file when and if you had credits, deductions, changes in income, etc. If you make the same amount every year w/o fail, there is no reason to have to ‘guesstimate’ every year. It’s not like the IRS doesn’t know what I make already.

Death to Tax Man!

I filed my taxes w/just 30 minutes to spare last night. I had a busy day of training at work so it only served to aggrevate my mood. I normally claim just enough every year so I end up owing a little or getting a little back. However, the last two years the owe amount has been getting higher. Since nothing on my end has changed, I can only assume it is because of changes in the tax laws. *Thank you once again for fucking me Dubya – At least you could use a little lube*

I do have some good news. I didn’t know I could deduct my work for charities as the IRS only offers “noncash” deductions in the form of real property. Well, it never dawned on me until recently that the work I am providing for the BCC is a “real property”. It is digital but still a physical object. If the freaking recording industry devils can sue people for copyright infringements for music then I sure as hell can claim my work as a deduction. So, for the first time in 3 years, I am getting roughly $500.00 back.

The bad news is I owe California roughly $450.00. I’m still ahead $50.0o bucks so I shouldn’t complain. I spent $30.00 of that e-filing my state return. I used to have to pay for both but this year a lot of the online sites offer free federal turns to everyone. I stuck w/H&R Block’s services as I’ve used them in the past. It was a good thing too as part of my state deductions were based on how much I paid last year. I couldn’t remember but H&R had it on file and imported the data for me seamlessly. This one single item was the saving grace of my mood last night.

I had an opportunity to go out w/Mostovic last night but I was in such a mood I didn’t think I’d be much fun. He went out w/the gang from the BCC. I really wanted to go but I know how I can get sometimes.

My mood is better today but still a bit fowl. I went to bed early but proceeded to wake up at 2:30am and spend 2 1/2 hours watching tivo’d shows. I finally crawled back in the sack around 5:00am.

Inspected by #11

Don’t you hate those annoying little tags they insert into new undies? “Inspected by #11” or “#7 approved”. *just a rambling thought that settled into the spinwheel that is my brain.*

J & Moby

Yesterday was the first day w/the new trainee. I snagged this lovely shot of us on channel (radio). She is in her final rotation. That means at the end of the next 4 weeks she either gets released into solo capacity as a dispatcher or terminated.

My first impression: she has a good foundation but hasn’t really had the hardcore training she needs. Not trying to toot my own horn, I am a fantastic trainer. And I say this only because it takes a separate talent to teach someone a new skill. There are plenty of dispatchers who are excellent at what they do. However, very few have the real skills to teach what they know to others effectively. I have this skill in spades it seems. (Go figure, I almost became a teacher)

J and I have something in common in that we ‘play for the same team’. If you don’t know what that means, you should read my profile again. 😉 That doesn’t really make a difference in her training to me. I mention it only because she is the first “team member” I’ve trained.


I broke down and bought a Tivo system online. It arrived today. I couldn’t help myself. It was on sale on their website. I just couldn’t resist. After rebate, I’ll only have spent $100.00 on the system so thats not a bad deal for the midgrade model.


So far the setup has been pretty simple. The only downside is once you get it programmed you have to wait 6 hours for it to ‘process’ all the download data. Not a problem, as I’m off to work in a bit anyway.

Monday – Blech

I hate Monday’s. Especially after having such a great weekend. However, Monday has arrived and with it comes responsibility. blech!

I did manage to drag my lazy carcass into the gym only to remember halfway thru it I had a Union meeting today and was late. So mid work out (triceps) I had to break and head to work. The meeting went well w/the exception of one Supervisor who only focuses on his needs. Naturally, he is applying to fill the empty managers position. *but I’m not bitter*

Work was uneventful today. Boring if such a thing were possible.

The feeling of enjoyment from the weekend is still w/me. Which is odd as work usually zaps it right out of me. I just had such a relaxing weekend goofing and blogging w/mostovic that I’m in glow mode. *giggle* Norm snapped this shot of us blogging together in the Castro.

Mostovic & Moby Blogging

Great Pic, thanks N!

Cheap Self Plug

Ok, because I know you just love photos, I’m posting these for all of you. It has nothing w/me wanting to show off. Really, I swear. lolol

TH and I had a sleepover and this is our morning after photo.

The Morning After

The photographers for the BCC have gone hog wild taking pics of TH and myself at the prelims. So, of course, I just have to post them.

This one is my favorite. We both came out looking good.

Aren't we cute?

This is my second favorite. This was after the contest was over.


Sick to your stomach yet? lol I have more but I’ll spare you.

I did manage to snag a shot of some friends we ran into at Squat & Gobble. I haven’t seen Tim & Dennis since the breakup so it was good to catch up and chat.

Tim & Dennis

TGIF and Random Bits

Last night was the final preliminary for the BCC. I got there late as I had to work but TH picked me up and we got there just in time to catch contestant #3 of the 5 total. (I usually have their site updated by Sunday)

I snapped off a shot of Thom & Joey, two of the finalists.

Thom & Joey

Now don’t you wish you had gone? *g*

I also managed to snap a lap shot of Th and I. Neither of us liked this shot as it distorts our faces. Oh well, you can’t always have good lighting right?. Instead of looking high, I look like I have a fat head in this one. Speaking of the hottie, we are fast becoming close friends. Now whether that will develop into something more is unknown at this point. We just like spending time w/each other. I have to admit, it is nice to snuggle up next to him when we are out. My ex abhorred any sort of personal affection in public. TH on the otherhand seems to enjoy it as much as I. wahoo!

Mark & Moby

Oh TGIF btw. It has been a decent week w/o the drama queen here. Other than my one rough call things have been nice. The big issue now is our local union chapter is ramping up for a big fight against the city for our raise. The city tripled our duties 2 years ago w/o any sort of raise and we have reached our limit w/that. Things are about to get radical if we don’t see some results soon.

Speaking of the ex, we are scheduled to get together on Sunday and swap out some furniture. We still have some loose ends together. From all the little tattletales who feel the incessant need to give me updates on his life, he seems to be doing fine. I don’t know why they feel the need to run back to me. The ex and I talk often enough I know he is doing ok, I don’t need anyone’s input over it. *hint hint*

Not much else for now. Maybe later I can blather on about something.