Tomorrow is Bobbeisha (Bobby’s) birthday. I’m stuck doing a ride-along for school but I thought I’d pass on a nice b’day kiss to him.
Pucker Up Baby!
Tomorrow is Bobbeisha (Bobby’s) birthday. I’m stuck doing a ride-along for school but I thought I’d pass on a nice b’day kiss to him.
Pucker Up Baby!
Bobbiesha…this pic is just for you!
Ok so finally got the pics all edited. Some are pre-trip. And w/o further ado…..
Bobbiesha (aka Bobby) and I, prior to heading out to see “The Thing” on the big screen in the Castro. Yeah, I told you he was a scifi geek. More than me even!
Here we are scared shitless in the theatre just before the movie.
So while waiting to board at the airport, I was a little disturbed by this picture. Exactly WHAT did he hit that put the big dents on the top of the windshield? And was this midflight or during landing? *g*
I hate to say most of Texas is poor but when stores advertise they accept WIC on their street signs you kinda get an impression of their customer base.
Here is moi getting ready for the Halloween. It’s a cheesy costume but it was put together in less than 20 minutes cut me some slack. I was supposed to be Zorro but I saw several better Zorro outfits so I reduced it to The Gay Blade.
Here is moi after a nice hard workout today at the gym. This is the cheesy shot from the webcam.
Now here is the one from the digital camera. Whadda ya think? Which is better?
After a hard chest/tricep workout and a steamy session in the sauna, my endorphins were flowing and I felt much better. “Steam” can be very relaxing. hehehe
So still feeling a bit down, decided to to go for a manicure and a pedicure. I’ve never had a pedicure. They were offering a two for one sort of deal so I said what the hell. I haven’t been purdy in months. Ok, thats not true but I normally don’t do the whole manicure thing. On what I make it’s a bit extravagant and not something I could really justify doing every couple of weeks. However, there is a new salon in the Castro (80% of their biz is gay boys, go figure.) that runs specials during the week. I could get my hands done for only $15.00 or the combo for $28.00 which is their normal price for a nail job. Prices well within my range.
I have to admit, I liked it. Hehehe. Does this mean I have to turn in my butch card now? There was a chic gettingg her feet done too. They must have been horrible as I heard the lady doing her gasp. I almost burst out laughing. Luan, the girl working on me, gave me a sideways smile as she looked over to her co-worker.
So now, I’m all done up and no one to blow..oh er…I mean nowhere to go.
I just discovered they are releasing a new version of Ratchet & Clank! I’m ecstatic! R&C is one of my favorite playstation games. It has lots of action and skill levels and is more than worth the $40.00 bucks.
I just pre-ordered from Best Buy and I can’t wait! (The release dat isn’t until the 27th.)
This version seems to be heavily geared toward online game play which I’ve yet to venture into. Maybe this will be the spur.
I don’t like a lot of online games because they involve killing off other players as humans and that bothers me. I much prefer games where I’m dealing in complete fantasy and any killing involves monsters and gruesome bad guys. I could go on and on about my feelings on violent video games but lets save that for another day when I’m desperate for a topic.
Wouldn’t it be great if I get back from my vacation and there is a fantastic new video game in my mailbox just waiting for me?
Courtesy of Naked boy Chronicles. This is frelling HIGH-larious!
Where did the weekend go? Seems like I just left work.
So tomorrow is my Monday. I’m back at it. I’ve only got 4 days till I’m on vacation. Wahoo!
Class is still going great. I made a 98 on my midterm! I was tickled pink. We lost 4 more students. The midterm was the deciding factor for some. Our class is down to 15 from 31. That said, the 15 left seem to be equally commited as I. I don’t think we’ll lose anymore.
Today, was spent mostly doing errands. Didn’t get much play time in. This blasted flue keeps lingering around. I’m not quiet sick but not back to a 100% either. I did get a good workout in at the gym today. I’ve really been disappointed w/gym schedule and am making a hard effort to get back at it. I also got my 3rd tan in today. I’m finally starting to show some color. I got 2 more to go before I leave.
I got home kinda late and didn’t feel like ordering out so I thought I’d cook something. Course, there was nothing in the fridge. Can I insert here how much I love Whole Foods? Not for everyday shopping as I can’t afford it. However, their meat/seafood section is unriveled. As expected, they had a plethera of meats. Pre-marinated and everything.
So here is my latest creation.
Chef Moby Strikes Again!
Not much else to report. Just dinner and a movie to finish off the evening.
In an attempt to be more of a “topical blogger”, I’m adding some random news stories that struck my interest. They may or may not be top stories (usually on the “may not” side).
In local news, our very own MUNI is apparently planning to offer free wifi to the masses. However, the mayor expects a lawsuit from SBC and Comcast. Wouldn’t surprise me if they did. Selfish stingy bastards that they are. People are always going to want to pay for dependable service. So the big fear of municipalities taking away revenue is nothing more than a shameless attempt at a monopoly. Let’s hope Muni wins.
In not so local news, The Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy has rejected a proposed rule that would have allowed pharmacists to not fill prescriptions based on their personal beliefs. Had the motion passed, it would have allowed a pharmacist to refuse to fill or refill any prescription based on personal beliefs. So in other words, “…I don’t like you because you are gay or lesbian. I decide I’m not going to fill your life saving prescription.” This was a no brainer folks. I can’t believe some yahoo had the balls to submit it for consideration.
Dipshit Alert! Courtesy of Good As You, Mr. Dipshit (aka I’m a former gay) has his nickers in a knot over all those damn gays on the tele.
America better wake up; that’s all I say. I don’t mean to sound harsh or angry, but it’s gotten to the point right now where homosexuality is just so accepted now, it’s being promoted on every television show.
For you pez fanatics out there, Pez has come out w/their new Pez MP3 player. How cool is that! It is MAC compatible but doesn’t mention itunes. Thought to ponder. It plays mp3’s wma/wmv files which is nice as you can play your existing collection as well as any “downloaded” music files as well. And the price is right at a low $99.00
Scientists have discovered that black holes aren’t quite the super over-eaters as previoulsy expected. The discovery shows that stars can actually form near blackholes. Who knew?!
In preperation for the trip to FTL, I decided to visit the fake-n-bake (tanning salon) yesterday. I tried the new “no burn” tanning bed. You spend about an hour in the bed flipping once.
It wasn’t bad. I guess it’s too soon to tell. I did see some color right away. I’m unusual in that it takes alot for me to tan. However, once I do it tends to stay that way for awhile. I really just want a base tan so I don’t burn while I’m away. I prepaid for 3 sessions so I’ll see how it looks afterwards. I still have 2 regular tans left over from last year. I’ll cash in on those if the “new and improved” tanning doesn’t work.
After work last night, Bobby dragged me kicking & screaming to the midnight showing of Friday the 13th III in 3D! Captured here is the sheer terror on my face at the discovery.
I quickly recovered from my 80’s flashback shock syndrome and decided it would be kinda fun. After all, I’d never seen the 3D version on the big screen. Of course, Bobby was thinking we needed to show up hours early, I quickly squashed that delusion. While it did have a good turnout, it wasn’t like the release of Star Wars or Star Trek. I’d say probably couple hundred people all total.
After a late night snack at Orphan Andy’s, we waddled over to the theatre. Here we are getting “in the mood” so to speak.
We stood in line very close to the front for about 35 minutes. It was a bit nippy out and I had already commandeered Bobby’s fleece warm up so he froze while we were waiting. We had the pleasure of standing behind this gaggle of drunk twinkies in cheap knock-off hockey masks. They kept bouncing between the line to get in and Daddy’s (bar). You can picture the scene I’m sure.
So we finally got in out of the chill, got our beverages and quickly took our seats. Here we are in anticipation of the movie. I might add the glasses we are wearing are from the original release in 1982. Bobby is a fanatic when it comes to the Friday the 13th/Halloween franchises. You don’t even know to what degree.
Bobby didn’t believe me when I told him there would be lots of yelling. Sure enough we were surrounded by a cacophony of cat calls, screams, yells, and chants. We gave as good as we got though. There is one scene toward the end I couldn’t resist. The main female character is the only one left alive at this point. She just spent the night asleep in a canoe out in the middle of the water. She hears a sudden sound and is frightened by this mallard duck suddenly landing in the water. Right as the scene quited down I yelled “AFLAC!” Bobby laughed so hard I thought he might fall out of his seat.
So all in all, we had a good time. I didn’t get to bed till late and I’m paying for it today but it was worth it.