Blogger Sightings!

In a rare indulgence, I’m just finished gorging myself on pizza and ice cream. Non-fat ice cream at that.. hehehe Now, Im just kicking back to enjoy a movie, Transporter 2 w/the holy hot Jason Statham. Besides being an incredible marshal arts expert, he is fantastically handsome. There is a scene in part 2 where he walks out of his house in just a tshirt and jeans. Yet the silhoutte of his muscles against the clothing is very erotic. Ok, I’m in a mood now.

In the blogworld, Bratt from Beyond Buffalo did call and we got together for a quick lunch this past week. He brought his friend Karen w/him. We didn’t get much time as I had to head off to work. It was nice to see him (and her) and catch up. I keep telling him he should move here. Maybe one of these days he’ll listen to me.
Bratt & Karen

The same day I ran into Viktor from v-hold. I got such a giggle because I didn’t know it was him at first and was checking out his boo-tay. hehehe. I’m sure he’ll forgive me.

Today, I met Chad from stop touching my food. Chad and I are participating in Large Tony‘s shirt around the world project. Besides that, we had a great time. We were all over the map with conversations. Tony being the prime subject for quite a while. All good mind you.
Continue reading Blogger Sightings!

Mini Guns

I had a good arm workout today and having nothing to rant about for a change, I thougt I’d post some shots of my “minis” as I like to call them. My biceps.


My Mini's

It could be worse. I could have posted some long winded rant about stupid ass Cheney shooting one of his buddy’s in the face. Ney, too many other more profound bloggers are beating that horse for me.

My Mini's

God, I need some sunshine. . . oh well, at least you know, what you see is what you get.

Who Needs A Hug?

Thought I’d toss out some pics to feast upon. Not as spectacular as the last round of pics but hey, its just me. Enjoy or no.

I have a date w/NM tonight. Afterwards, I’m off to the Powerhouse for the BCC contest. I’d say I’m ready for the weekend but my weekend is over. blech.

I haven’t been to the gym this week but I’m holding up ok. I so need better lighting though.

Confuscious Say…. II

*I’m feeling a bit long winded today so you might want to skip this and just enjoy the purdy picture*

The click version is not work safe…

Ok, so I guess I wasn’t overly clear yesterday on my rant. I was at work and got distracted several times. I kept going off on tangents too. I was trying to articulate that I haven’t quite narrowed down the exact traits in men that I find attractive.

I don’t have a set type, that only serves to confuse the issue further. The pic posted was not my ideal guy. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I think he is HOT. I’d get down and worship at his “alter” as long as he’d let me. My point is fantasy and reality are two different beasts. Thinking someone is attractive doesn’t necessarily mean they are compatible. I can easily look at a man and think to myself, “I’d do you in a minute but I’d never date you.” And at first thought, that sounds very demeaning and callous. And before you fall off the deep end, let me explain. It’s not about a double standard at all. (for me anyway) Having learned the difference between my attraction to men and my compatiblity to men, I can easily find someone incredibly sexy but also realize we don’t have much in common otherwise. In the unlikely event, we did have more in common, I wouldn’t be opposed to exploring that.
Continue reading Confuscious Say…. II

Blog Me Baby!

Today, I thought I’d give some shout-outs to my peeps in the blogosphere. (yeah, I know, stick to the hick accent) Or more simply, a nod to the blogs that have enriched my life over the past year.

Oh and special thanks to Pookie from Inherently Wrong for awarding me the “Blogger than screams raw sex” award.

Large Tony
A big thanks to Large Tony for his new pic link to my blog. The new link has quadrupled the number clicks from his site to mine. – Thanks T! If you don’t read Tony, you are missing a great blog. Tony makes no apologies for being a southern boy w/a big heart as well as a big schlong. Tony combines sweet innocence, raw sex appeal, a naughty but nice nature, and genuine sincerity into a powerfully attractive as well as erotic blog. You might start readin’ for the sex appeal but you’ll stay for so much more.

Brett Cajun
I discovered brettcajun completely by mistake. I was looking up some cajun recipes and landed on his blog. Being half cajun myself, I was immediately hooked. Brett is going thru a transition in his life right now and so far making a bang up job of it. His style of wit and cajun charm are not to be missed. (And being the devlishly sexy cajun he is, his occasional sexploits are scandalous too.)

Bent Collective
On a sadder note (yes I know it’s not good grammar), one of my more recent blog additions, Bent Collective is dealing w/the recent passing of his mother. If you have a moment, please stop by and offer some kind words/thoughts for Steve. His loss, while not unexpected, marks the end of a difficult chapter. Besides being down right hunky, Steve’s blog offers up an insightful articulate read that serves to stimulate the mind as well as the soul. His approach is very similar to mine in that we both speak from a “skip the bull-shit” mentality.

And a local blog buddy, roblog has had his share of tragedy in the past year as well. Rob lost his ex-partner to AIDS just a few months back. It would take me too long to go into the incredible amount of love, honor, and compassion he showed thru the whole ordeal. Currently, he is trying to heal and move on with his life. Saying I admire and respect Rob doesn’t even come close. Rob represents the type of man I hope to be someday. And by that, I mean living life w/integrity as well as passion. (He thinks I’m a bit over the top w/my adorations. But we all need role models right? Why not a real every day guy?)

*And on a side rant, if you think AIDS is no longer a terminal illness, I suggest you take a read back thru Rob’s blog. This illness is still killing thousands and thousands of our loved one’s every year. Pointing fingers and blame or simply avoiding it is not the answer. Education and understanding are the keys to beating this awful destructive illness.*
Another local buddy, v-hold is going thru the pains/tribulations of adopting a child. And! All their hard work is about to pay off. Being someone who hopes to adopt a child within the next 5-7 years of my life, I’ve really been following his updates. Course, I never read for the parties, video games, tidbits, etc. No, I wouldn’t find any of that exciting. lol Add to that he is sexy as hell (and so is his partner) and equipped w/a great sense of humor.

Homo Homer
And last but certainly not least, we come to homer. His blog makes for a fascinating read. Between his latest archeological dig and his occasional take on politics, homer is a down-to-Earth (literally), well-rounded, kind-hearted fellow. Mix in a little humor, plenty of pictures, some random craziness and you end up w/a very informative and entertaining blog. Besides that, he is incredibly nice guy w/a great fuzzy smile.

Of course, no tribute would be complete w/o mention of my first blog buddy, Smitty. The ever insightful and handsome Dunner, and the buff and brainy Johnny just to name a few. And if you didn’t get a special mention, don’t go and get offended on me. If I link to you it’s because I read your blog. Maybe not everyday but I read you. Even those of you who haven’t updated in quite some time. *hint hint*


Snapped off a couple of pics from work today, bad lighting and all.

Me looking mean. (yeah right) I hate the way the light shadows my face…I look like a hag.
Mean Moby

Work is slow thankfully. Not much going on today due to the muggy weather. The one good thing about icky weather, it keeps the drama down. 518’s are up (car accidents) but overall the day is slow. Bad weather or not, tomorrow night is gonna be fucked regardless. I’ll probably get mandatoried to stay over. And speaking of…

My date for New Years had to cancel. It’s ok though, he has a lot on his plate right now and won’t make it back to SF in time. I wouldn’t be a very nice person if I blamed him. However, his allowances are running out! hehehe.

Me looking a little happier, ( I think). (Another w/bad lighting…what was I thinking? silly faggot)
Mean Moby

In blog news, I’ve given up on converting my blog to the other template. Every time I get it tweaked, I discover another flaw that causes a cascading effect. The template creator got table happy and there are so many tables, I keep getting lost. Frankly, I’m just tired of dickin w/it. Instead, I plan to design one from scratch. I really like the tab look on Andrew’s Moblog. I think I might go w/something similar. I also like large T’s photo links to his favorite blogs. No changes anytime soon though. More blogroll links coming as well. My blogrolling is way up lately. Another task to add to the list. Course, I can’t let such pesky tasks interfer w/my quality goofing-off time.

Lunch is over. Ciao


I’m just back from seeing Brokeback Mountain.

*spoiler alert – if you haven’t seen the movie skip this post*

Brokeback Mountain

First off, it is a fan-fucking-tastic movie! The movie cuts to the heart of the gay movement w/it’s simplistic focus on two men deeply in love w/each other. Two men trapped by expectations of society that they lead a totally different, albeit miserable, life. All the gay stereotypes are completely stripped away. On a side note, I was overwhelmed by several aspects that reminded me of my own childhood environment. If you grew up in any sort of country environment you’ll know what I mean after you see it. The movie starts out a bit slow while plot builds. While a bit borish, I much prefer a slow build to rushing thru it.

Second, the hype surrounding it as an artistic masterpiece is well deserved. That said, from all the rants just flooding the blogosphere, I expected way more sex and nudity. There is only one male/male sex scene where you actually see them in the act so to speak. A bit rushed but Jake takes it like a man! (He is my favorite of the two and I got a chub seeing him take it. hehehe) The only cock scene is a very brief one when they go skinny-dipping together. Several nice butt shots though. There are also several kiss scenes but again only one scene with all out passionate man to man kissing.

Artistically, the movie is great. I only say great because the scenery is complete in it’s believability but it rarely becomes the focus. I think this was deliberate to keep your interest completely on the actors and the story. Coming the heart of the sticks in East TX, it brought back so many memories. The director did a very good job of making you believe they really were a couple roughneck cowboys. From the way he put his boot heel in the fire (a common attempt to keep your feet warm in very cold weather), all the way down to the way Jake checks his 30-30. (rifle) Jake (aka Jack) and Keith (aka Innis) deserve some major credit too. Keith Ledger has never really been on my list of favorite actors. IMO, this was the best performance of his career. As for Jake, I haven’t seen him in many movies but he also played a very believable character. When he dies in the end I started crying. You see a brief flash on how he really dies even though his wife lies about it to Keith.

The end made me very sad. Sad that we still live in a culture where not all human beings can express themselves freely w/o oppression. Even sadder, that gays still face the threat of physical harm in many places in this country just for being born gay.

While I was leaving the theatre, I overheard a gay guy and his female friend in front of me discussing the movie. She was blathering on about how she didn’t see why people said it was so sad. His response, “Bitch! were you watching the same movie I was? Maybe you need to go back and watch it again.” After which, he promptly stormed a little of a head of her.

If you haven’t seen it, sorry for spoiling it but I left out plenty of juicy info. Gay or straight, I highly recommend you see it.

My next big flick to see is Underwold:Evolution. Which just happens to be coming out on my birthday!


I almost forgot. I promised to post some pics of the new look.


2nd Attempt

3rd Attempt

Notice all the pics are of my right profile. I got a a nice red pimple just on the other side of the nose. (you were just dying to know that right?)

So my blog friends, what say you? Beard or no beard?

I’ll give my feelings afterwards. *eg*