Courtesy of Chad Fox today.
awwww purdy.
So here is the pic of Tony, brettcajun, and homer at the moby pad. How did I find out? I had to log onto brett’s blog to find this pic. Here I am slaving away at work and they can’t even CALL me to let me know the plane hasn’t crashed into the ocean. I mean god forbid they let their gracious host know they made it safely. Especially, after Brett had a horrible Ms. Cleo moment a few months back about his SF trip. Gosh!
hehehe, I’m joking of course. I’m at work and delighted to see the boys made it safe and sound. I’m counting the minutes till I can get away and go see them in person.
I forgot to mention, I got to meet another blogger this week. Kel from Who Threw That Ham. Kel is from Texas and recenlty moved to SF. We had dinner at Blue in the ‘stro and chatted about home, etc. He misses Whataburger too! hehehe
My mirror shot didn’t turn out so good so we asked the waiter to snap off a shot of us together. It turned out pretty good.
So far, Kel is liking the big city. I am a little disappointed. His blogging has lessened since his arrival. Hop over and tell’em to keep it up.
Well, it finally stopped raining. Yesterday, was the first day in weeks it didn’t rain once. Today is supposed to be clear as well. Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain again before finally clearing up. I’m hoping it bounces around us. Maybe I’ll get a chance to take the bike for a nice long ride next week. *cross your fingers*
My schedule for work is changing a bit this weekend. Instead of Mon/Tue/Weds off, I’ll have Sun/Mon/Tue and I’m liking that. One, it means I’m only working three days instead of four this week and two, I get a weekend day off! Can you say “beer bust” at the Eagle? (I don’t drink beer but it’s a fun chance to hang out and socialize in daylight hours!) I’m also getting ready for homer and brettcajun‘s visit. They are both crashing w/moi while in town. (Oh lord, what have I got myself into?) This just means, I have to clean up a bit. Take down the sling, put away the whips, clean up the lube stains, etc. (j/k) But I do need to clean up a bit. I don’t have much but at least it will be clean when they get here. Mi casa es su casa!
Arrgggh! It’s been a busy week. It’s my Friday night and I’m catching up on the tivo shows.
Has anyone else been watching the release of the new Doctor Who series on scifi? It’s starting off pretty good. I wasn’t to keen on the first episode but the rest have been excellent. I’ve been having scifi withdrawals w/my regular shows being in the off season right now. It might just work out. hehehe.
OMG! I be done lost my ever love’n mind.
Lookie lookie what Moby got.
Better pics to come once I am not so crunched for time. My buddy kristaki from work went w/me. Afterwards, we were starving. And I didn’t wanna ride it too long till I get my insurance converted over.
We were both surprised how fast it went. I had planned to just go by and look at it. However, the guy offered me 5.9% on the interest so I couldn’t say no. Fast forward 30 minutes later and kristaki is watching me lurch up/down the block getting used to the clutch. (My scooter is one gear w/no clutch. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a bike.)
I might be getting my motorcyle sooner than I thought. My buddy from the dealer called me and they have one meeting my specs. I’m gonna swing by on Tuesday and check it out.
So in completely random news, I’m liking the new phone. The sd drive is screwy so Tmobile is sending me a new one. In the mean time, I’m liking it.
Here’s a snapshot from the new camera.
Not up to par with my digital one but not bad for a phone cam. It’s 1.3 megapixels. I never used the camera on the old one, it was horrible. This one will be ok I guess.
Tomorrow the city will be all abuzz w/the tale of the big thunderstorm we are having tonight. It’s a doozy too. I just saw my first flash of lightning. I got up and opened the blinds in my bedroom.
People often look it me funny when I tell’em I love thunderstorms. And I do. It’s one of the few things about Texas I miss. The only type of rain you get in Texas is usually courtesy of a nice fat thunderhead. It sorta just boils across the sky like an angry mass of mindless energy. (And if you think about it, that’s kinda what it is.)
Thunderstorms bring back memories of my early childhood before my foster mom got sick. Before I had to watch her waste away for 2 years battling lung cancer. Before life got ugly. You couldn’t keep me out of the rain. I lost count of the the number of ‘whoopin’s’ I used to get. My mom finally gave up. And I was never once afraid of getting struck by lightning. I’d watch those great bolts flash down across the sky and stare up in amazed wonder. Even not knowing what lightning was, I was just amazed by the sheer power of it. The flash, the smell of ozone, the loud crash, and the soft, wet ever refreshing rain. Afterwards, everything felt so clean. The air was free of pollens and dust. (In Texas, everything is dusty!) It was like someone hung a big sign out saying “wash me” and god finally obliged.
I didn’t realize how much I missed thunderstorms until tonight. SF rarely gets rain in thunderstorms. Usually, our moisture comes from fog, drizzle, and the occasional light rain. I’m amazed at what they consider “coming down hard” here. To me, it’s a sprinkle.
So here I sit in my boxers, with the blinds up, a glass of red wine, and rain pouring down my windows. I can’t wait till tomorrow when everything has that “new planet smell”.
*tech post – you can skip it if you don’t like technical rants*
In unrelated drama, I finally broke down and bought a new phone/pda. My Ipaq 6315 has had some heavy wear n tear and is falling apart. I’m a tad ashamed of myself because it’s only a year old. I’m hard on my toys, what can I say. This particular model has been plagued w/hardware issues so I’m glad to be rid of it soon. The latest drama is the external speaker has started only working intermittently. So when it rings, I don’t always hear it. @#$%! grumble grumble grumble.
And being the tech geek I am, I can’t settle for just any old phone. Oh no, not even close. I’ve been chopping at the bit waiting for this one to be released in the US.
It just 7 short days, I’ll have this baby in my hands. Besides having a faster chip, this one is loaded w/the new Windows Mobile 5 platform. Which is supposed to be much more robust.
One lesson learned from my previous model, is never buy one that someone else does the tech support on. My biggest complaint is having to constantly bounce between HP and Tmobile on issues. The previous hybrid was put out by Tmobile and they bent over backwards anytime I had issues. So I’m extremely happy Tmobile decided to slap their name on this one as well.
Oh and lest I forget, let me share my delight in the news that TV remotes have come a long way. I bought a new all in one remote from Radio Shack yesterday on a whim.
This bad boy not only controls my TV/DVD/Stereo, it also controls my Tivo and my Cable box. You used to never be able to do that. Who knew? *giggle* I’m in heaven now. One simple remote for every freaking piece of electronics in my entertainment center. All for the bargain price of $20.00 bucks!
Yeah, I’m a geek, whatcha gonna do about it!?