
No not the website but the mythical skill of devining if someone is gay or not. First, let me say gaydar is never 100%. However, some have a knack for picking the ‘mo’s out of a crowd, myself included.

I always get a giggle out of guys who go out of their way to hide the fact their gay. That, in itself, is a topic for another day. I tease my straight counterparts w/ “I can smell a fellow homo at 500 paces! The eyes are the quickest give away. I’m a roamer. My eyes are always roaming. I can’t help it. The quick glance or stare is always the easiest to spot. Or they look you up and down and then quickly look away. Ding! Then there are the guys who avoid eye contact in attempt to foil your signal. Little do they realize that’s also a dead give away. Duh! Oh and when you are sitting in a steam room w/a semi, I think it’s pretty obvious too.

In other less interesting news, I called in sick yesterday. I feel fine but my carpel tunnel was flaring up so I gave my fingers the day off. I have an ergo keyboard at home/work which is a god send. My case isn’t that bad however, I also have a light case of arthritis in my hands (not the crippling kind). When the two flare up together it tends to give me grief. My roomies works a 9 to 5’er so we took the opportunity to go shopping at Pottery Barn. He felt left out the other day when I did my power shopping at Ikea. We needed a few more knick-knacks for the living room. We have very different tastes it seems. We are making headway though. He likes ultra contemporary and I tend to like lots of hardwoods w/strong lines. Thank goodness we agree on colors.

Oh, and I bought a new watch (again) today. I managed to break the last one. Which is why I rarely spend over a $100 on a watch. I’m hard on my toys.

Texas – Day 1

I’m coming to the end of day one. I made it safe and sound and the flight was uneventful.

My day started at 5:00am pacific coast time. I often end up running late for one reason or another but this time I was right on time. I found myself sitting down to eat a very over priced breakfast after going thru security at the airport.

Barring that, it was actually pretty good. Fresh croissant, eggs, bacon, and potatoes.

The flight, while full, was very uneventful. I sat toward the back and watched movies on the laptop the whole way.

Of course, right off the plane, I had to have me some Whataburger. I loves me some Whataburger. Kel? I’m having some for you too!

And then to round off the day, Trevan and I had dinner at Barnaby’s, one of our favorite local restaurants.

Does this sound familiar? For all my pretense, I really am a creature of habit when it comes to eating out.

So day one is fast coming to an end. I’m off to meet some friends for a drink and then calling it an early night. Oh and thanks for the frappr pics!

Name Dropper

I’m having a “that current popular kiddy bimbo” girl moment…

I ran into v-hold in the castro today. Him and his sexy husband were there “representing”. *G* They really do make an adorable couple. *sigh*

homer also called and left me a quick message. I’m at work at the moment so couldn’t answer. Text’ing me works so much better.

Chad Fox is mia as usual and Kel found a place to live. I even noticed Dunner is back in town.

I had my 2nd “Body by Moby” installment all ready to post and clicked the back button and erased it by mistake. Arrrrrggh! Now I get to retype it all.

I wore a sleeveless shirt to work today and all the girls were cooing. Whatever. I didn’t wear it for them, it is hot outside today. And speaking of, what the hell are you doing sitting in front of your computer reading blogs…get outside! Go on, shoo!

Helga To The Rescue!


I guess all my frustration at not being productive yesterday built up. I was soooo productive today.

I. . .
cleaned the kitchen
vacuumed the apartment
bought a new broom, mop, and light timer.

But wait! There’s more.

I. . .
went to the gym
paid bills
cleaned the desk (again)
mailed Large Tony‘s Tshirt (again)
went for a ride on the bike
bought some fresh flowers
and went to a 2nd showing of X-men 3.

I even managed to squeeze in some time to be a dirty slut. Whew! I’m tired. *g*

I still need to do some laundry though. Notice I saved the worst for last.

And how is your post holiday week going?

Work Work Work II

I’m over this week. Nothing overly exciting just over it. You know how it is. The weekend fast approaching and you get ants in your pants.

I was goofing off w/the camera and snapped this pic of my buddy kristaki. He so ignunt. Didn’t anybody tell him flipping off the camera is ‘so 80’s’? *g*


Everyone was taking so many pics over the past weekend, I forgot that I actually snapped off a few. I guess I’m the only one who got the group shot. I remembered after hearing brettcajuns podcast this morning.

Left to right brettcajun, Kel, Dan turning 40, woof brandon, Tony, homer, Steve, Jeff, Sean, & Glenn

Not to be left out, I had to get one w/me in it. hehehe
Moby, Chad Fox, brettcajun, Woof Brandon, Tony, & homer.

Moving On

The apartment feels so empty this morning w/out homer and brettcajun rambling around. Brett was usually sittin’ at the computer updating his blog while homer would be either watching TV or watching Brett. The guys were so muh fun to have around. I hope they come back soon.

The one thing the really struck me about our meeting was the interaction. The three of us was very relaxed and unforced around each other. You don’t find that much in complete strangers. It’s probably the number one reason I took to both of them instantly.

Oh, I loaded some more pics. I still have a few left to load but check’em out.


So the blogger weekend is over. brettcajun and homer are probably already home as I write this. Chad Fox was kind enough to overload us w/pics. We got some quality goof time in as well. I’m uploading them to It’s active now but only a few pics loaded so far. Check back later for the 30-40 pics I’m keeping. *click on the top right icon to enlarge it so you can really see the pics.*

What can I say about the weekend? Was it worth it? Did I measure up? Did they? You probably know the answers already but I’ll bang it out anyway. The boys already know how I feel about them so I’ll share qualities in each that stood out.

My impressions of brettcajun? Charming and sweet come right to the front. I wasn’t too worried about Brett. I thought we’d hit it off. I did discover he has a naivete which makes him absolutely adorable. And while he tries to act out on his blog, I think he is really a bit shy. This trip was good for him, IMHO. He got a chance to come out of his shell. No judgements or fear of rejection, just a chance to connect w/other gay guys. I hope the honest feedback he got from everyone stays w/him as he returns to the normalcy of home.

And homer? Actually, I was a little worried homer and I wouldn’t connect much. Worried he might find me over the top. I’m glad my assumptions were off the mark. homer is very witty. The classic smart ass mixed in with a wholesome sensability. You don’t quite get that from his blog. He is also very gracious and kind. Traits I always find admirable. (Even though he didn’t fix my toilet as promised. )

Tony (the lurker one. *g*) Tony doesn’t have a blog but has been a regular commentor for months now. And while we all had fun w/him, I don’t really feel I am any more connected to him than I was before. He is very nice in person however, he didn’t really open up much. I’m not sure if that was because I was a bad host or if he is just reserved. I definitely have an extroverted personality. I think Brett and homer fed off of that. I’m left to wonder if that had the opposite affect on Tony. He hung out with us all weekend but I never really heard much from him. I’m hoping all the bloggers he met will spur him into doing his own blog so we can all get to know him better. *I’m not very good at being subtle. You think he’ll get the hint?*

homer and Brett were great houseguests. I think we were all a little nervous but that melted away. In it’s place, friendships were forged. Not only considerate but they were well-behaved and I had no worries about leaving them unattended. They are both welcome back anytime.

The rest is an accounting of our ramblings to help explain some of the pics. Feel free to read or skip. I know you’re just here for the ‘purdy’ pictures.
Continue reading Finito