I made it in and out of the dmv today in less than 30 minutes! And, that’s including the time I spent running outside to take the plate off the bike. Confused? Don’t be. I bought a personalized plate for the bike and it finally arrived1. I didn’t like the one I had on the scooter so I switched.
What do you think? Does it suit me?
Speaking of, did I mention I sold the scooter back to the dealer? They gave me a fair price for it so no complaints there.
I also got the replacement phone/pda today too. Thanks be! I was going freakin’ nuts w/o it. I really am dependent on my gadgets. While waiting for the new one, I was given a clear idea of how much I depend on technology2. I can’t help it. However, isn’t that the point? To make ones life better? That’s a big affirmative in my book. hehehe.
I also made it to the gym again today. Three times in three days. I may actually gain back all my lost muscle before Christmas. That would be nice. I discovered my buddy, Woof Brandon, has passed me in size as well as strength now. Before I had him beat on strength. *sigh*
1 I ordered it over a month ago. They say 2-4 weeks. My ass. Try almost 2 frakin months!
2 Don’t laugh, I can check my email, surf the web, make calls, listen to music, manage my workouts, watch video, even record video on the damn thing. Hell, if I wanted to I could even use it as a garage remote.