The sun setting on the pride flag in the Castro.

It’s Friday and it was warm and sunny here today. The week was muggy and rainy so a nice way to end it. I’ve been in training all this week. First few days I was training in WMD classes and then the last few teaching fire classes.

I still have one more day to go before my weekend starts however, a happy TGIF to everyone.

Quick, Fast, & In a Hurry!

I made it in and out of the dmv today in less than 30 minutes! And, that’s including the time I spent running outside to take the plate off the bike. Confused? Don’t be. I bought a personalized plate for the bike and it finally arrived1. I didn’t like the one I had on the scooter so I switched.

What do you think? Does it suit me?

Speaking of, did I mention I sold the scooter back to the dealer? They gave me a fair price for it so no complaints there.

I also got the replacement phone/pda today too. Thanks be! I was going freakin’ nuts w/o it. I really am dependent on my gadgets. While waiting for the new one, I was given a clear idea of how much I depend on technology2. I can’t help it. However, isn’t that the point? To make ones life better? That’s a big affirmative in my book. hehehe.

I also made it to the gym again today. Three times in three days. I may actually gain back all my lost muscle before Christmas. That would be nice. I discovered my buddy, Woof Brandon, has passed me in size as well as strength now. Before I had him beat on strength. *sigh*

1 I ordered it over a month ago. They say 2-4 weeks. My ass. Try almost 2 frakin months!

2 Don’t laugh, I can check my email, surf the web, make calls, listen to music, manage my workouts, watch video, even record video on the damn thing. Hell, if I wanted to I could even use it as a garage remote.

Nothing to See Here… (II)

I attended the 2nd official Choxita de Badlands Brunch today.

I arrived to find kel playing Martha Stewart in the kitchen. Of course, kel gurl has a much fitter waist line than Martha. He is also lacking a prison record but who am I to nit-pick.

Oh yes, there are many more to come. For some reason, I was the only one w/a camera today.1 Continue reading Nothing to See Here… (II)

Pic or Pry

While I was visiting the doc the other day, we started talking about blogging. He really wanted to know what it was all about. It got me to thinking how blogging has affected me. You few long time readers know I started blogging while dealing a painful breakup. I got so much support and outpouring of concern it was very overwhelming at times. After which, as it often does, life goes on. So, I told the Doc about all the friends I’ve made thru it, how it helped me find the apartment, and so on. He was truly amazed. He couldn’t believe people could do all that thru such a simple medium. Who knows? Maybe he’ll take up blogging. Not about his patients obviously but I’m sure he has a story to tell.

I mention it as it got me to thinking about why people blog. So, if you read this, even if you never commented before, take a moment to tell me why YOU blog (or don’t).

In the meantime, for those of you non-readers, here are a few more pics.

Here I am looking looking extremely excited.

To Go, Please

I forgot to post these. (Can you tell I haven’t been to the gym much lately) I so need a tan.


I can report the cleaning crew did a fantastic job! I was very pleased when I got home and found the apartment all nice and clean. I was a tad worried as I’m a bit picky when it comes to services I have to pay for. I have a strong work ethic and I tend to expect the same from folks I pay to do work for me. There are not many luxury items in my budget right now so this was an important decision. I feel justified in my choice now. They did more than even I expected. So any of you local yocals need a good reference, I got one.


No not the website but the mythical skill of devining if someone is gay or not. First, let me say gaydar is never 100%. However, some have a knack for picking the ‘mo’s out of a crowd, myself included.

I always get a giggle out of guys who go out of their way to hide the fact their gay. That, in itself, is a topic for another day. I tease my straight counterparts w/ “I can smell a fellow homo at 500 paces! The eyes are the quickest give away. I’m a roamer. My eyes are always roaming. I can’t help it. The quick glance or stare is always the easiest to spot. Or they look you up and down and then quickly look away. Ding! Then there are the guys who avoid eye contact in attempt to foil your signal. Little do they realize that’s also a dead give away. Duh! Oh and when you are sitting in a steam room w/a semi, I think it’s pretty obvious too.

In other less interesting news, I called in sick yesterday. I feel fine but my carpel tunnel was flaring up so I gave my fingers the day off. I have an ergo keyboard at home/work which is a god send. My case isn’t that bad however, I also have a light case of arthritis in my hands (not the crippling kind). When the two flare up together it tends to give me grief. My roomies works a 9 to 5’er so we took the opportunity to go shopping at Pottery Barn. He felt left out the other day when I did my power shopping at Ikea. We needed a few more knick-knacks for the living room. We have very different tastes it seems. We are making headway though. He likes ultra contemporary and I tend to like lots of hardwoods w/strong lines. Thank goodness we agree on colors.

Oh, and I bought a new watch (again) today. I managed to break the last one. Which is why I rarely spend over a $100 on a watch. I’m hard on my toys.