I often see people post search queries on how their sites were found by new visitors. I must admit, I’m always intrigued how people click thru to me. I assume it is mostly thru the blogosphere and that is pretty much correct. However, since my host doesn’t track keyword searches I had to figure another way to find out. With the help of Google Analytics, I’ve come up w/some results. In just a 48 hour period the top 10 keyword searches used to find me:
1.muscle gay
2.porn gay
3.jeans gay
4.gay working man
5.panties pic preview
6.gay sauna
7.butt gay
8.moby gay
10.jason staham
I don’t have a clue about the panties one. lol The number one blog referral I get is still from Large Tony. brettcajun takes a very close second place. Of course, this is only a 48 hour picture. I’ll have to revisit in 30 days and see how it goes. I was also really impressed w/the level of detail provided by Google. I even discovered a few things I didn’t now.
1) About 25% of my blog traffic comes from overseas.
2) I get way more non-robot clicks than I realized.
3) I have a huge percentage of ‘return clicks’ meaning folks who visit regularly. (I’m so flattered.)