Painful Reminder

I’m killing two birds w/one rant today. I’m trying to distract myself from my life and be more a “topical blogger” today. Taken straight from Towleroad comes today’s idiocracy. [1]yes, I know it is a made-up word.

(Story) A group of delinquents decides to go out for a wholesome day of fag bashing. They beat up a couple of fags and then get arrested. I’d blame the parents but that wouldn’t do any good. I’m sure by now they absolved themselves of any moral responsibilities by claiming the ‘fags’ were asking for it. Meanwhile, the main culprit tries to turn into a ‘gay panic’ defense. How 80’s can you get? Forgetting for a moment, there was no mention of the victims approaching the suspects at anytime. But hey, who needs facts right? Tish! Tosh!

Wait! I think I’m channeling Miss Cleo. . .I’m having a vision. . . Boys beat up fags, boys get arrested sent to jail, news station does a biased interview and edits out all of the real facts for the their own more wholesome version, public is outraged. Film at Eleven. Oh wait, nevermind. That’s already happened. Maybe I’m channeling Martha from prison. Oh well, so much for my psychic abilities.


1 yes, I know it is a made-up word.

So you want a topical blog do ya?

The hilarity of Jeff Gannan aka John Guckert’s story has reached a new high today. While I don’t really blog much about political fallouts etc, I can’t help myself. I’ve followed this story for some time and I’m just amazed at the balls of this man.

So get this, he relaunches his domain as a blog defending himself. He comes across as if it’s all made up lies! He gets caught red-handed (well not exactly his hand) and has the unmitigated gall to make out like it’s a fabrication by the liberals. Well, lets see, if you hadn’t left behind a whole slew of online profiles detailing your ‘extra income’ exploits maybe your story would be a little more convincing there Jeff. But who cares about the details right?

The guys over at Ameriblog did a much better job at calling him on his lies than I ever could have. [1]They do a step by step rebuttal of Jeff’s fictional blog accounting. A must read!

What really cracks me up is how many Republicans have come to his aid. Ann Coulter, the republican’s lap dog, published her own response to the scandal. It’s amazing how the Republicans all jumped on the bandwagon during the Clinton/Lewenski scandal but now it’s just the “liberal frenzy” trying to tear someone down.

Here’s a clue. The liberals aren’t tearing him down because he is gay, they are tearing him down because he lied, and supports people who would relegate gays to less than human status if the could.


1 They do a step by step rebuttal of Jeff’s fictional blog accounting. A must read!


Not caring a wit about the hypocrisies in the White House, I post this link for the other hussy’s out there.

Ameriblog has href=””>Jeff Gannon, naked in all his glory for the world to see. *hehehe*

Meanwhile Back At The Ranch….

OY! Its good to be home. I’m almost recovered from the trip. I was so exhausted. The flight home was pretty uneventful. I managed to catch an earlier flight on the layover in Chicago. They didn’t charge me anything extra which was a big surprise. I don’t mind flying American but they use those tiny frelling S80 planes that get uncomfortable after about an hour.

Thoughts I pondered while away:

  1. I rented a 05 Monte Carlo for less than the price to rent a GEO here in SF.
  2. Whataburger Rules! We need them here in SF
  3. Q:Why Houston is so Obese? A:No one walks and there are fast food joints on every corner.
  4. Cops in other States don’t care that you work for them in California
  5. Everyone in TX asks me about Earthquakes like everyone here asks about hurricanes there.

Other random bits of info.
My youngest brother is 9 years younger than me.
My oldest brother is 9 years older than me.
The Aunt I didn’t want to see wasn’t there. Apparently, she was told if she couldn’t keep her mouth shut to stay away until I left. I guess that was her answer.
The 2 other remaining Aunts were there. Neither of them recognized me until introduced by a sibling.
Everyone kept asking where my special friend was. I got so tickled by the attempt to include him I couldn’t tell them we weren’t’ together anymore.

A distant cousin came out to me in private. He wanted to know what it was like to take it like a man? My response, I’d have to show you to make you understand. Just kidding, I said it’s just like losing your cherry. Only you get to do it over and over and over. *g*

My gay brother [1]ok, straight w/gay tendencies is more like it. is remarried and has two kids now. He didn’t say more than two words to me the whole time I was there. *I feel sad for him*

Oh, and a tidbit I didn’t know…The entire clan thinks my first girlfriends kid is mine. How that happened I’ll never know. Considering the kid was born 2 1/2 years after we “did the deed” and looks nothing remotely like me.

I love Neanderthal looking men. Can’t help it. Guys w/over developed jaws and strong foreheads just do it for me. *had nothing to do w/the rant but just thought I’d slip that in there as one just walked by*

I still know how to call cattle.

I can still skin a deer in 20 minutes flat.

No matter where I go, home still feels like home.


1 ok, straight w/gay tendencies is more like it.

Wrinkle me this….

Trying to pull myself out of my glum mood I thought I’d tackle a topic that hit me yesterday at the gym. . . I found my first wrinkle! Well ok, probably not my first but, the first one that I really notice. Its a laugh line across my forehead. I saw it and thought maybe I’d been in the steam room too long or something. Nope! Just a wrinkle. Of course, once I thought about it, I started giggling over the silliness of it. The irony is I’ll be 34 on Thursday (the 20th). Thirty four years old, unmarried……practically a hag! LOL

Hell, maybe by the time I reach 64 will have come up w/a way to clone me and then transfer my consciousness into a new and improved body! Wahooo! I’d have to suggest some subtle alerations of course. Wider cheek bones, bigger muscles, and maybe a head full of hair. Not much else I’d change about me. And those are only whims. I did ok in the gene pool. I could have been better but I could have been worse.

I have to go now, I hear Safeway is having a sale on Oil of Olay! *g*

I Got Hit by a Bus Today

Seriously folks, I can’t make this stuff up. I was hit by a Muni bus today. Not seriously obviously as I wouldn’t be here ranting away.

I’m out and about doing some last minute errands and I’m walking across the street behind a Muni bus that is blocking the intersection. (If you’ve ever been to SF, a bus in the middle of the intersection stopped is no real surprise. I think Muni drivers get their licenses’ at Costco) So suddenly the bus starts backing up and BAM! Knocks me down. I wasn’t hurt but the driver wasn’t even gonna stop! Well not till I kicked the shit out of the bus. Then he gets out acting all surprised…. ‘are you ok, do you need an ambulance‘ I’m like, “hell no mother fucker, what I do need is for you to pay attention![1]The white trash flies out of me like a demon when I’m angry So, he offers to radio in for an inspector and I’m like, “Look, I’m fine, you just need to pay a bit more attention to where the hell you are driving.

And its just now noon! God knows what the rest of the day holds in store for me! *giggle*


1 The white trash flies out of me like a demon when I’m angry

Job Promo – III

Now that I’m off my horse so to speak. I must have done better on my supervisor’s exam than I expected. I went in to do some overtime today on my day off and several existing supervisors seemed a bit different. I can’t really put my finger on it. It’s as if they know something I don’t. Not to mention, the on duty manager pulled me off a busy channel to do my PAR. [1]peformance annual review Management are always behind on these things and I haven’t had one in almost 2 years. Well, they caught up on the last one today. With the exception of attendance, I got “exceeds standards” in all areas but one. And that one I missed only by an average of two points. The attendance took a hit as I missed quite a bit of work back when my ex was sick w/pancreatitis. It doesn’t matter the reason, it still counts. It’s not like I can be punished for it or anything. They just like to slip it in there.

So I got a glowing PAR which she hinted had to be turned in today. Managers don’t normally do PARs which only adds to the feeling. Why get it done so quickly? Especially, on my day off. Me thinks some changes are a foot!

I’m a bit mixed on actually getting the promotion. It is more money and I get a chance to make changes about problems I’ve been bitching about. But, I’ll get bumped back down in senority. That translates into crappy days off. As it stands now, I’m far enough up the list I can at least pull one weekend day off during a sign up. (We sign up for our schedule every 6 months) As a supervisor, I’ll be on a 4-10 shift (4 days on at 10 hours a day). Certainly, not the end of the world.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take it if its offered, I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. I figured I would be on the list for awhile. That would give me more time to get better days off and at least have the semblance of a social life again! *G* Thats what I get for being a smarty pants.


1 peformance annual review

5 Yrs Ago This Would Not Have Happened

Growing up in Texas, I have a perspective on this story. The police, troopers, etc there have long had a history of animosity toward gays. I could tell you several stories about gay domestic violence gone horribly wrong after police stood by and did nothing. This story tickled my funny bone. If Texas can wake up and smell the coffee, there is hope for the rest of America.

A Texas State Trooper, California’s verion of CHP, decided to tell 2 gay guys kissing at the Capitol that what they were doing was illegal. The results were surprising but heartwarming.

Lies & Deception from ABC

In a vain attempt to distance itself from other news stations and re-position itself as a “family” station, ABC news has stooped to fabricating stories for headlines.

As you’ve probably heard, 20/20 recently aired an “in depth” examination of the facts involving the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard in 1998. Their new version of the truth leaves out all of the plentiful evidence, including confessions from the murderers, showing the killing was motivated primarily as a ‘hate crime’. A hate crime is defined as . . . “any criminal act or attempted criminal act motivated by hate based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or mental/physical disability. The perpetrator views victims as lacking full human worth bearing any of those characteristics”.

Numerous parties interviewed by ABC have publicly come out against them for twisting their words thru editing to make it look like some sort of conspiracy. This includes the lead investigator in the case who cited numerous examples during the investigation of how Matthew’s murder was hate motivated and not a simple “robbery gone wrong”.

I normally don’t get on the bandwagon for boycotts etc as I think even closed minded individuals have a right to speak their mind. That said, I draw the line at lies. ABC is trying to change the truth for the sake of ratings. Enough already. How many more of my brothers/sisters do I have to watch die before America wakes up. WE are not a minority any longer and we will no longer be treated like one.

I will strike at ABC the only way I can, by not watching their programs or any affiliated networks. I’ve also emailed ABC expressing my outrage and unconditional opposition to their lies, demanding a public apology. I urge you to do the same. If you can, please donate to the Matthew Shepard Foundation. A small donation of $20.00 can help a lot of people. Think of it as a tax deductible write-off!

British Airways Sucks Ass!

I’m destined to just stay on my horse this week.

You’d think an airline that’s 1 step away from being bankrupt would be a little more gracious to its paying customers regardless of who their sleeping with. However, British Airlines has decided to harass to of its paying passengers by asking them to “not kiss” on their flights. Now I ask you, how ignunt is that?