TRN stands for Tranny Hooker Neighbor which is exactly what I got. I normally don’t mind so much as she is usually quiet about it. I’m sure she has a day job but I often see her boys coming and going. Sometimes two or three a night. She ain’t bad as far as trannys go. Latin, slender, decent features. Ru Paul she ain’t (and for clarification, Ru is a drag queen not a tranny) but not bad.

Tonight, I’m coming back up from the laundry room and I run into her latest catch. EEEEESH! He was scary. He looked like a really bad version of the Tall Man from Phantasm.

The Tall Man - scary!

She must be desperate because this mofo was fucking hideous! Which was kind of a surprise. She normally brings home some decent looking trade. There was even one guy a couple of months back that I wouldn’t have minded if he’d accidently came to my apt instead. Young, muscled and hot! Anyway, I digress. This one is stumbling out and around the corner right as I’m coming up to my apartment. Old, drunk, bloodshot eyes attached to a withered scared face w/hair that looked like it had just been run thru the dryer on high heat. Blech.

I couldn’t help but giggle as I walked into the apartment. I hope her dry spell ends soon. I don’t think I could stomach another one like that.

And The Karma Wheel Turns

I found my phone!

I can’t believe it. I am sooo giddy right now. Remeber when I said I called Starbucks to see if maybe I’d left it there. Well today, on a whim, I stopped by thinking mabye the night crew didn’t know about it since I’d been there during the day. And as fate would have it, they did! I’m still in shock. They said some homeless guy tried to claim it but since it has my name on the startup screen it foiled his attempt.

Another glaring example of my karma coming back to me I think. Switched the sim chips back over and I’m back in business.

I be so happy!!!

Murder Death Kill

I got mandatoried today at work. I’m doing a 12er from 11 to 11. We had a double homicide today already. Apparently, a domestic violence case gone horribly awry. The guy shoots his ex girlfriend/wife, whatever. Then later kills himself. The only good thing is that the infant wasn’t harmed. Very sad.

Maybe in his next life he’ll come back as a petite female who gets beat up constantly by her boyfriend. I wonder if Karma has a sense of humor?

Schiavo – Truth Finally Wins Out

As it turns out, all the lies and conspiracy stories the family made up Michael Schiavo were invalidated. The autopsy revealed she was in fact legally brain dead. Along w/that came the revelation that she was never strangled, beaten, or tortured in anyway.

(full story)

..there is no evidence Terri Schiavo was abused or mistreated (they pointed especially to the barrage of exams performed right after her initial collapse that would have indicated this). Terri Schiavo was clinically blind, putting to rest the sad delusion that she was looking at people or following a balloon or other actions utterly impossible given her condition. Terri Schiavo’s brain was HALF the size of a normal person of her age; in other words she was severely dysfunctional and incapable of the reactions her family and outsiders who hadn’t even examined her wanted to imagine she was performing. Terri Schiavo would have choked to death if given food or water via her mouth — so those fools rushing the security guards to give Terri water would have killed her, not helped her. And no amount of therapy or treatment would have ever changed her condition.

I think the parents owe Michael an apology at the very least. Forgetting for a moment, they planned to override their own daughters wishes and keep her on a machine indefinitely. Add to that, they expected the state to pick up the bill. The audacity of these people just astounds me. No one can argue that it was a difficult painful situation for ALL involved. However, when the state starts telling me how and when I can handle my own affairs then we might as well pack it in folks. Democracy will be a memory.

Micro Bigot XP

Just in time for 2006 Micro Bigot XP!
Credit goes to Pam’s House Blend for the artwork and to Ameriblog for the link

Haven’t you heard? Microsoft has done away w/its new operating system Longhorn for a much more ‘christian-friendly’ version dubbed Microbigot XP. Don’t worry fellow ‘mo’s. It is only on-sale to ‘god-fearing-bible-thumping-wackos’. No more updates, no more viruses ever. Why? Well, since it is based on good wholesome ‘family values’ there won’t be any need. Besides, who needs a virus protection program when Jehovah is on your side? You can just open up your bank account and “tithe” accordingly and remain virus free.

All I have to say is FUCK YOU Microshit! They actually think that this shitstorm is gonna blow over if they pretend like it was all a ‘misunderstanding’. Riiiiiiiiiight!

In case you are completely clueless as to what I’m talking about, check out Ameriblog on the scandal. The short version: Billy & CO originally endorsed the bill to end discrimination against gays/lesbians and then lo and behold after a meeting w/ONE christian fanatic and being threatened w/a boycott, Microsoft suddenly never meant to endorse the bill. They are only neutral. *This neutrality effectively killed the bill* Then the “official” excuse by CEO Steve Palmer was down right insulting in its blatant disregard for the facts, past and present. The real pisser is he actually never thought it would go public and make a big deal. Of course, now the more they try and rationalize it away the bigger it is going to get. lol

I guess we aren’t the only ones w/an ‘agenda’.

Awkward Moment & Another Chapter Closes


I just met the ex’s new beau for the first time! I’m tempted to insert something caddy here but what would be the point. I’m loathe to admit it but he seemed like a nice guy. Personable and friendly. I could tell they were a bit nervous but I guess that was expected under the circumstances. That said, I find I harbor no resentments toward him. He had nothing to do w/the breakup so no sense projecting my issues onto him. (Well, none that I am aware of anyway) The ex seems to be happy w/him so no need for me to pass judgement. If it works, good for him. If not….well, I’ve been true to my own principles thru the whole ordeal so my conscience clear.

I was a bit surprised at myself. I thought I might be upset or annoyed at meeting him. Neither of which happened. I’ll admit, I had a quick pang of jealousy but then I remembered everything that happened thru the break up and since and that disappeared in a flash. The truth is, as painful as the breakup was for me, I think it was for the best. Knowing all the things I know now I guess I have a better perspective of it. As for the ex and his new beau, I wish them all the best.

karma-1 / bitch-0

*forest gump voice* “…and dats all I have to say about dat”

Scouts Honor!

Following up on breaking ignunce in the news this week, The Head Scout is pleading guilty. Karma has a funny way of kicking ass and I just love it. The fuck is getting exactly what he deserves! (story)

Top Scout Pleads Guilty In Kid Porn Case…

…(Fort Worth, Texas) A former official of the Boy Scouts of America is facing up to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty Wednesday to charges of possession and distribution of child pornography.

…Last fall Smith wrote a letter to a legal magazine criticizing opponents of the gay ban. “Some intolerant elements in our society want to force scouting to abandon its values and to become fundamentally different,” he wrote.

…Smith who lives in Colleyville, near Fort Worth, remains free until sentencing July 12. In addition to prison time he could be fined up to $250,000.

And get this, he chose to retire. DUH! I wonder what kind of retirement plan Hunstville State Prison offers? hmmmm?


OH I just love a good scandal. Especially, when it involves a hypocrite. Thanks to Towleroad for posting this lovely article about the Boy Scouts head scout. (pun intended)

DALLAS, Texas – The national director of programs for the Boy Scouts of America has been charged with receiving and distributing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney’s office here told NBC News on Tuesday.

Douglas S. Smith Jr. was charged with one felony count of having photos that show “minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct.”

This just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside. *G*

A Day of Days!

Today is a Day of Days folks! (Bonus points if you know where I stole this quote from) Ok, so apparently I should watch the news more often. I got to work and plugged in before I knew this ruling came out!

San Francisco County Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer ruled that keeping gays and lesbians from getting marriage licenses is unconstitutional.

If the ruling is upheld on appeal, it would pave the way for the nation’s most populous state to follow Massachusetts in allowing same-sex marriages.

Kramer’s opinion came in a pair of lawsuits that were trying to overturn the state’s statutory ban on gay marriage.

Talk about a scandal and a half. Someone call Martha! I can only hope it survives the appeal. Ok, scratch that, I didn’t actually find out on the news. I read it on T’s blog. Dunner and Towleroad got in on the act too. Check’em out for more details if you haven’t already.