The Not so Happy Cheney’s

Apparently, all is not peaches in the Cheney Household. Ms Cheney took offense to some of the comments made my John Kerry during the debate.

I think the Cheney’s secretly support their daughter and have had their hands tied by a twisted conservative administration. Her startling absence from most functions only adds to this belief.

If they had any moral backbone, they would come out publicly in support of their daughter. Of course, we know thats not gonna happen…Oh well, one can dream.

Thanks to Dunner

So I’m scrolling thru some of my favorite blogs and I stumble across dunners blog about a pharmacist in Nowhereville who decides because of his religion – he is NOT going to refill a woman’s birth control prescription. THIS is what the future will be like for everyone if GW BUSH gets re-elected to another term. The Bushwacked Administration, as I like to call’em, are steadfastly eroding all the protections and rights that we’ve worked hard for over the last 20 years. Take a gander at his blog and read for yourself.

On a separate rant…For all the closed minded individuals out there, here is some disappointing news I’m afraid. Another study that shows that being “gay” is not a choice. Hide behind fear and ignunce while you can, your days of propagating hatred are coming to an end!