Ok, So Not A Heifer

Thanks everyone for the kind words on my "before" pic. It isn’t bad at all and the jock doesn’t hurt. hehehe.

I weighed myself today and I’m at 186.5 lbs (naked). My body fat is between 15-18%. [1]I did the old measurement style which is never accurate but close enough. I’m shooting for 8-12%. [2]Anything lower isn’t too healthy as you have no reserves for when you get sick. Your body immediately cannibalizes muscle for energy. Not a lot for a goal of 6 months so you can see I’m not really going overboard. lol However, I plan on focusing on building more muscle as well so the two goals together does present a bit of a challenge. I wanna get my muscle weight up to about 195 lbs. As soon as I do my measurements, I’ll list out the current vs the goal.

Today was my first day of cardio. I only did 3 miles. Not bad for first day. I get bored easily so I did 1 mile treadmill, 1 mile elliptical (spellling?) runner, 1 mile on the stationary bike. I plan on adding the stairmaster as well in a couple of weeks.

I’m not trying to be vain however, now that I’ve told everyone about my goal, it makes it harder for me to ignore it. I don’t like telling someone I’ll do something and then not do it. Just sticks in my craw when I do. I figure this way now I’m on the line and have to deliver. There is always a method to my madness.

Wish me luck!


1 I did the old measurement style which is never accurate but close enough.
2 Anything lower isn’t too healthy as you have no reserves for when you get sick. Your body immediately cannibalizes muscle for energy.

Milk Does A Body Good

I’m starting a new workout routine. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while now but kept putting it off. I figure if I don’t, I’m never gonna adjust to my new schedule. I admit it, I’m a tad lazy when it comes to getting motivated in the mornings. It is the least productive part of my day. Ugh! I’m not overweight [1]Btw, my before shot. Be warned it might NSFW but I decided as one of my New Year’s resolutions to see how lean I could get. No time like the present to get crackin’. I got the dentist aka braces goal on track so time to move on to #2.

I figure it is time to use some of my own advice and put myself on a routine and a workout schedule. Writing down goals and tracking them greatly increases your success rate. Such a simple thing and yet so many don’t do it. I’m gonna try to get my BMI (body mass index) done this week. Then I’ll post my current stats vs my projected goals. I’m giving myself 6 months. A tad long for my lean goal however, on my schedule I am building in space for errors (aka laziness).

Anyone wanna join me? I’ll give you the steps.

  1. Start off with a before pic. [2]That means no clothes or clad enough to see all your flaws. Oh yes!
  2. Find or create a routine/schedule that works w/your goal and life. You should plan for at least 3 days a week. Try to be realistic.
  3. Post your current stats and your goal stats.
  4. Weekly or monthly updates on your progress.

See, that doesn’t sound so painful hard.


1 Btw, my before shot. Be warned it might NSFW
2 That means no clothes or clad enough to see all your flaws. Oh yes!

Open Sesame!

Our garage door opener broke this week.  I’m thinking it might be a blessing disguise.  The thing is incredibly old and sounds like a klaxon going off.  The landlord is being very prompt about getting it fixed, calling all of us, yadda yadda yadda.  I’m hoping he will have to replace it with a newer quieter model.  The pain of manually opening/closing the door for a week would be well worth it.


I’m loving the new schedule so far but still struggling to get used to it.  I’m only working 2 more hours per day but that 2 hours makes a big difference.  hehehe.  I’m used to lolly-gagging around till I feel like mosing over to the gym.  Now, I have to get up and get going otherwise, it is too late to go.  I really only have to worry about two of the four days as I only do 4 days a week at the gym.  [1]Well, that is the goal usually.  The other two days I can cover on my day off.


The down side of my new schedule is I get a lot less time to blog and surf.  I can still manage at work usually however, work is often so busy I can’t really focus and that defeats the purpose.  Speaking of work, today royally kicked my ass.  I had a flood of Union related complaints.  I’m tired. 

More random shizer later in the week


1 Well, that is the goal usually.

Fat Heifer

I’ve been lazy the last couple of weeks. Ok, that is half true. I’ve had a busy work schedule and lazy on my weekends. I haven’t been to the gym in almost 2 weeks either. I feel like a fat heifer. I’ve probably put on about 6 lbs. Ugh! I think I feel the need to purge. j/k. This morning I woke up with a small sore throat. I ended up calling off work today. No gym yet again it seems.

I finally beat Timeshift on the Xbox so the absent-minded look in my eyes from too much gaming has begun to fade. It was a decent game. Nowhere near as compelling as Gears of War. The time-shifting ability isn’t that new either. Prince of Persia has a similar feature. Still it was a nice twist on an otherwise mediocre FPS [1]first person shooter for you n00bs game.

I felt guilt for having a booty call yesterday. I hope I didn’t give him a cold. lol He took it like a pro and wore me out. I did manage to get out and pick up a few more Christmas cards. I’m almost done shopping for cards and will starting mailing them out next week. [2]I spend more money on cards than presents I think. I like buying christmas cards.

The roomie got back last night. The apt. has felt empty the last two weeks without him. You know how it is when you get accustomed to having someone around.

I also had dinner w/roblog last night. It was good to see the big man-brute in the flesh again. I felt so bad though. His tendons are still giving him grief. We yacked and caught up on the random goings-on in our lives over burgers and fries. Always good to see him.

I’m feeling quite chatty-kathy today so expect several more blog posts before the day is over.


1 first person shooter for you n00bs
2 I spend more money on cards than presents I think. I like buying christmas cards.

In Other News

…not about TFA. LOL Thanks for all the kudos btw. Yeah, I think he is a hottie too. I think several things but that is a topic for another day. hehehe

Work is driving me nuts and a showdown is coming (when I’m back from vacation that is). The new Deputy Director has gone off the deep end w/repeated MOU [1]Memorandum of Understanding. The Union contract w/the City violations. Our last Labor meeting she got called to task by the City’s DHR rep. A small victory but boy did it light up our faces. She got called out of the room and when she came back in it looked like she had been bitch slapped. I’m sad about this turn of events because I kind of liked her when I first met her. And truth be told, she does have some good ideas. But because of the way she has come across, she has ruined any goodwill she could have captured. And I do mean ruined. The outcome is not going to be pretty. One good thing to come it though. She has cause a lot of the complacent employees to get motivated. They are hopping mad and ready to do something. FINALLY some support!

I’ve been a little lazy with my gym time lately. I’m still going but not as consistently. I haven’t lost any new muscle growth so I’m content for the moment. My biggest problem is I get bored. The routines become tedious and my mind wanders. Never a good thing. hehehe. I did have an interesting encounter today though. [2]More on that later

I went to see 30 Days of Night the other day with the roomie. Not bad over all. It gets an A+ for being scary. A throw back to the old days of using flash scenes and loud music to make you jump. Loved it! lol The special affects were ok. The goal wasn’t to wow in that dept so nothing exciting there. Another A+ for all the gore though. Several really gross scenes. Nice! That said, the plot was a tad disappointing. Of course, you don’t really expect much from these types of movies however, they could have made a little more effort to flesh it out (pun intended). You never discover where they came from, how they found the remote village, etc. They allude to it many times with no follow up so you are left completely bewildered in the aspect. Overall, worth a see if you are horror fan. If not or if you get squeamish, you might wait for DVD. The roomie and I amused ourselves by pointing out the hotties in the theatre we would sleep with given the chance. Oh yes, he is a slut too.

Speaking of movies, I watched all three versions of SAW the other day. OMG, those are some sick films! lol I sorta held off because I tend to shy away from movies that could give real world sick fucks ideas however, I couldn’t quell my curiosity. Thankfully, they were so far over the top, I needn’t have worried. Now I’m excited to see the new one coming out. TFA wants to see it too so I’m holding off till he gets back up this way. Thank god he loves scary movies! I haven’t quite converted him to gaming yet though. Give me time. *eg*

I had to chew Microsoft a new ass again today. I called for a status update on my 2nd return of my console. The chick launched into her spiel about 3-6 weeks for repair and I let her have it. I hate being ugly however, I’m really frustrated by the lack of organization. She said she didn’t see any notes about me getting an exchange. I can guarantee you after today there are some notes. She also said I’ll get a confirmation within 3 days. Sometimes being a bitch gets the job done sadly. Thankfully, I’ll have the new Ratchet & Clank for the PS3 soon. That should keep me preoccupied enough to give Micro-hell some time to get their act together.

Ok, I’ve rambled enough. I need to catch up on my blogroll. I’m still way behind. I feel so guilty. I discovered 3 of my regular blogs have stopped blogging. I’m sad but confident they will be back!


1 Memorandum of Understanding. The Union contract w/the City
2 More on that later

Just Effin’ Push It!

I had a great work out today. In fact, I broke several of my plateaus at the gym this morning. On the incline bench, I pushed out 3 sets of 225 lbs. I’ve been stuck between 195 and 205 for the last month. While that doesn’t seem like much difference, it is when you can’t push past it. I was so excited a did a little jig right there in the gym.

The flat bench I jumped from 225 up to 245 lbs! That put another big smile on my face. I asked for a guy to spot me on the last set and I could see the look of disbelief on his face. He didn’t think I could do it. Imagine his surprise when I not only did it but, I didn’t need his help until the last two reps. He was easily twice my size and doing the same weights. Again, I’d gladly trade size for strength however, I do get a kick seeing the look on some of the meathead’s faces. He asked me if I was doing any juice. I laughed and said, “look at me dude, if I was doing juice I’d look a lot bigger.” He grinned and said, “yeah, you are right.

The decline bench was about the same however, I’m already way ahead at that angle weight-wise so I’m maintaining till the bench and incline catch up. I’m easily pushing between 250 and 275lbs there so no worries. (It sounds like a lot but not really, on the decline it is much harder to isolate one muscle.)

I think I owe it to a brand new approach to my routine. While I alternate my workouts often, I usually do a prescribed number of reps to completion divided out over 3-4 sets. No surprise there. The goal obviously is to use as much weight as possible so you are always struggling to finish the last set. My problem is I recover too quickly. I rarely seem to get a real hard burn with this method. My new approach is similar however, I add a super set at the end. A super set is just an extended set w/no break and often lower weight. By doing this, I’m really starting to feel more of a burn when I finish my routines. I’ve noticed I leave the gym feeling much for fatigued than usual.

Speaking of fatigue, I’m blissfully sore all over right now. lol My entire upper body is aching from being pushed this week. Tomorrow, starts lower body and I’m applying the same method again.

Wish me luck!

Brag or Barf

I am happy to report I made it to my early training session on time this morning. Not only that, I finished w/o once throwing up.1 The session was exactly what I wanted/needed and I expect nothing but good results. (Are you reading this brettcajun? *eg*)2 I’ve been trying to keep myself hydrated to avoid feeling hella sore tomorrow. So far so good but we’ll see how I feel in the a.m. as I have another session bright and early (ok 10:00 am bu that is early for me). I’m also taking a big dose of Glucosamine chondroitin to help keep my joints in line with the rest of my body growth. I’ve had joint problems in the past and I don’t want my training derailed by ‘faulty connecters’. *g*

Afterwards, I had lunch w/roblog and took a ride in his new baby. We had lunch at Tower Burger. And no, I didn’t have any fries. I had a nice healthy grilled chicken and mushroom w/a side of chili (read lots of protein here).

I’m way behind on my blogrolling and reading my faves. I’m trying my best to catch up. Apologies in advance if I haven’t stopped by lately to say hi.

1 I came close but I think that had more to do with creatine on an empty stomach.
2 Brett is coming up to SF for bloggerpalooza 2007 over Pride in late June. We have a challenge going to see who can be the buffest.

Kickin’ the Dirt

I can report my temper tantrum over the CAD functions at work had an affect. A line-up announcement went out the very next day and the Deputy Director stopped me to find out the details. I couldn’t believe she actually agreed w/me for once. I rarely feel self-righteous but sometimes it just feels sooooo good. *climbing off the cross because I’m sure someone else needs the wood *

In other news, I have a date Friday night after my EMT ride along.1 We’ve gone out before. Its more of a ‘friends w/benefits‘ scenario but we rarely see each other so I’m looking forward to it. And speaking of dates, I ran into a guy in the Castro this week that I see at Gold’s gym sometimes. Actually, I ran into him 4 different times in the space of 2 hours. I finally stopped and flirted by asking if he was stalking me. He is just delish to look at it even if a wee bit young for me. He has a few pimple scars on his face but they only add to his look.2 Up until recently, we’d only exchanged looks. I figured I wasn’t his type. Then, we bumped into each other in the steam room one day a few weeks back. He has been much more friendly ever since. Turns out, I don’t see him much because he lives up in Marin. He comes into the city on his days off to work out as the Gold’s here is bigger. I had to dash off to work so couldn’t stay around. I hugged him and gave that extra squeeze to make a point. However, I was a little flustered. I’m kicking myself now for not giving him my number. Oh well, there is always next time.

Speaking of the gym, I’m back into a consistent routine. My max weight isn’t as high as before but I’m sure it will come back quickly. I can already see some of the “tightness” returning to my muscles. I’m meeting with the new trainer this weekend to talk about routines, price, etc.

1 Did I mention I’m off Friday/Saturdays now? I am and looking forward to it.
2 I don’t really go for the pretty boy look. The scars give his face character IMHO.

Cough Sniffle…PUSH!

It is downright cold in the city today. It is in the low 40’s. BRRRRRRR. I know for some that ain’t bad but for here that is pretty damn cold.

I’m still feeling a little icky from the cold or flu I’m fighting off so didn’t go to the gym today. I went yesterday and had a pretty decent workout. I’m starting a new routine working complimentary groups and then 1 or 2 finisher exercises. I’ve been looking around for a trainer and haven’t quite found one I like yet. Er..Um..well I like several of them however, I need to focus on their skills NOT their bodies. hehehe.


I watched a documentry called “Why We Fight” last night and I was more than a little mad when it was over. I’m pretty optimisitc however, after watching this little flick, my view of the future isn’t very rosey. I was particularly struck by Karen’s story. The American people need to wakeup and realize what is going on before it is too late. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you watch it. If you are Bush supporter, even remotely, you might just change your mind after seeing it.


I drove another hybrid vehicle the other day. This one had a “synergy drive”, whatever that means. I really liked it. I find I’m using zipcar more and more often. It’s just so darn convenient. So anyway, the car was uber quiet, it had surprisingly good pick up, and I especially like the ratio of gas to miles display on the panel. It does take a little getting used to though. The dashboard layout is completely different from most cars. The gear shift is a short lever that sticks directly out of the dashboard and to park you just stop and punch a button. The only thing I didn’t like was the hatchback. It interferred with my rear view. A small complaint for an overall superb vehicle.