Damn Holidays

I needed to get errands and domestic chores done today and all my local stores were closed. Blasted to all hell! How DARE they!

Ok, j/k of course. I was actually surprised. Not many places close for holidays anymore.


So the new roomie starts moving his new stuff in tonight. I’m excited. It’s been some time since I had a roommate and I’m really looking forward to it. The fact I’ve known the hussy for years only adds to the comfort level.

The bad news is I STILL haven’t moved my desk, the dresser, or the bed frame yet. *sigh* I’ve been so lazy lately. Even my normal domestic chores have piled up. Today, I cleaned the kitchen and I had so many dirty dishes in the sink the dishwashwer was full. Hello! I’m one person. You can imagine how long the dishes had been piling up. In a way, the roomie moving in will help. Knowing someone else will see your mess can be very motivating. hehehe.

I’m sure you were just dying to hear all that but no one reads on the weekends anyway. I’m bound to have something new to say by Monday.

Twinkle, Twinkle…

I’m in good spirits this morning. Even though, I got accused of being a fake today too! Honest Abe! Of course, it doesn’t matter that most of my favorites on the blogroll have already met me. ‘Cause, they are all fakes too. Riiiiiight. The emailer thought his attempt at being anonymous was clever but he sent it from the same IP he normally sends me email from. Tsk tsk tsk. It did give me a laugh though. (I kept thinking of an episode of Star Trek where this Admiral is out to find spies amongst the crew. She even accuses Picard of being one. I know, what a geek.)

In less dramatic developments, I finally cleaned off my desk. OY! What a chore that was. I’d let so much mail and stuff pile up it took me 2 and 1/2 hours to sort thru all of it. Course, I still have to move it into my room. The new roomie is moving in soon and I have to start shifting stuff around. Not really fair of me to dominate the living room w/my desk full of gadgets, gizmos, and mail. I also have to put away the air mattress. It’s still inflated from when brettcajun and homer were here. (was that subtle enough? *giggle*) Before I forget, anyone local need a dresser drawer set or a full size bed frame?

I’m getting back into my gym schedule again. Everytime I get a steady rhythm something happens it seems. It’s driving me nuts. My schedule is slowing down thankfully. yay! And speaking of, I know I haven’t posted the rest of the work out tips. I’m working on it.

Oh, don’t you hate when you forget to return a video? Especially, when the video store is only 3 blocks away!

In Other Sins…

So now that I’ve crawled down off the cross a bit, I could touch on other mindless updates. Chad Fox is coming over tonight to watch a mooovie with me. I’m making him wash the dishes in payment for standing me up yesterday. That’ll teach him.


The weather here has been beautiful this week. Today was no exception. I went for a nice ride this morning along the beach. Very nice. It gave me a chance to clear my head a bit. Now that I’ve got a little experience under my belt, I’ll have to start looking for a riding buddy.


I have another ride along w/the same medic crew scheduled for this next week. I can’t wait! They commented to my instructor that I was quick, eager, and competent!


Did I mention we finally got a raise in our contract for work? It’s only 7% but added to the 8% we got last year it’s a good start. We are still way behind other cities in the area but it’s nice to see all my (our) hard work paying off. (Yeah, a 15% increase and we are STILL not up to par. How pathetic is that?) The 7% is only for a year w/a line opener in the contract however, it’s far easier to keep something than gain something when you’re dealing w/a city-gov. Our staffing won’t improve anywhere near enough for them to argue it away so I’m not worried. It’s effective July 1st. Yippeeee!!! (of course, I still can’t afford a condo in the city. *sigh*)


In tivo world, I’m still loving the new Doctor Who on scifi. It rocks! And the series finale of Charmed is driving me nuts w/anticipation. They killed off two of the three sisters but Leo is back. OMG! The last episode is coming up soon and I can’t wait.

Told ya, I was back….Did ya miss me?

At It Again

I didn’t really think people pay attention to post times but apparently they do. After a flurry of emails wondering why I was posting at 4 in the morning, I stand corrected.

No bitches it’s not THAT. Get your mind out of my gutter. *g* Every now and then, I get restless at night and I find sitting in front of the computer calms me and helps me get sleepy. Sure enough, after about 30 minutes of mindless surfing, I feel my eyes getting heavy and I’m off to bed again. I didn’t get up till almost noon so I guess I was tired.

Chad Fox stood me up for lunch today too. That rat bastard! I waited by the phone…I lost 15lbs….I’m so over him. NEXT! lol Just kidding of course, even though he did stand me up. Story of my life I guess. *sigh* That’s ok, Dan turning 40 is meeting me at the Eagle to help console me over a beer. And I can’t remember if I mentioned this but apparently a local porn star thinks I’m THE moby. Chaddie boy had a hand it that as well. I’m not sure if I should be flattered or not. I’m way cuter than THE moby. Or so I like to think. Although, at least he can sing. I couldn’t carry a note if my life depended on it. Oh, and I’m not very good at pulling off a british accent. That’s ok though, I’ll wait until aftewards to break the news to him. *eg*

What else? Uh…hum…Let’s see. I think there is a scandal brewing in the blogworld. Only time will tell where it leads but yours truly is optimistic as always.

And with that in mind, I’m off to be a dirty whore at the Eagle.

Table for One

For whatever reason, I’m feeling lonely today.

I had two meetings this morning for work so I’m in early. There were too many major decision makers in attendance to blow it off. It would have taken another month to reschedule. In the end, it went smoothly.

I have to start getting ready for the new roommate. I’d forgotten about it until he emailed me yesterday w/some details…ooops! I’m looking forward to it though. I don’t mind living alone but I often prefer having a roomie. And since we already know each other it makes it that much nicer.

Depending on how things shape up in the coming months w/my ride a alongs, I may have to take time off from work to continue my education. Nothing definite yet.

Duty calls.

What Happened?

I’ve gotten some requests as of late for more of my old journal entries. I’ve cut back a bit on the heavy stuff. I’ve covered quite a bit of ground in the last couple of months and I think I still need time to assimilate all of it. I’m not too terribly introverted so I think I need more time than most to let it ‘sink in’.

I am rarely at a loss for words so you’ll just have to be content w/my jibberish for awhile. Besides, with the pending blogger arrivals, I’m sure to have at least one scandal to post. brettcajun is all nervous. Wait till he finds out how boring my life really is. He’ll be like “WTF was I thinking?”

And speaking of the blogger meeting, if you are local (or going to be local) this coming weekend and wanna meet the crew now’s your chance. I’m trying to schedule a big lunch before the housewarming on Saturday to give everyone a chance to meet. How does that sound? If you want in, leave a comment or email and I’ll post the details as they develop.

Ups & Downs III

An update on the sick friends I mentioned.

One has taken a turn for the better and almost out of the woods in scope of worry. While recovery will not be quick, it seems he will make a complete recovery. Saying I’m grateful is an understatement.

My other friend, who is local, has taken a turn for the worse. He was moved back into ICU in the wee hours of the morning due to complications w/maintaining his airway. Admittedly, my EMT experience is still limited however, I’m a bit perplexed on his condition. Everything shows he should be recovering yet isn’t. This has me very concerned my initial suspicions were true. Not good news. However, I am comforted knowing another friend of his has flown up and is taking good care of him. Only time will tell.

What a rollercoaster of a week this has been. I’m happy and sad at the same time. Plus, I’ve had all these topics to rant about and to busy to focus.

Of course, there is always next week to look forward to as well. The big blogger pow wow w/Jeff, Kel, brettcajun, homer, roblog, etc. I think there are more that I’ve left out but my mind is scattered at the moment.

The rain has finally let up. We have one more light storm coming thru late weekend and supposedly clear skies after that.

I’m hoping I’ll have better news about my friend next post.

Messy Missy

I’ve realized now why I let the apartment get messy at times. When it’s clean, it becomes painfully obvious how little I actually own. At least when it’s messy, the place looks lived in.

Ok, it was a good try . . .the reality is I’m just lazy. I’m not uber messy or neat really. The pad often goes from clean to a varied state of disarray and back again. It is a never ending struggle. blech!

Why can’t I be rich and have a hot butler?

Blogger PowWow / Ramblings

Wow, looks like my buddy roblog‘s house warming party is turning into a regular blog convention. brettcajun just firmed up today that he is coming as well. (homer – you don’t mind sharing the bed do you? *eg*) I work that weekend but have made arrangements to have some of the time off. I may develop a 24 hour case of swine flu. hehehe

My list of out-of-town bloggers met in person will grow substantially that weekend. Rob, Tony, Brett, Homie. . . is there anyone else going I don’t know about?

In other less exciting news, it’s rained almost everyday since I bought the bike. I’ve yet to take a nice long ride on it. *sigh* And, I spent 2 1/2 hours at the DMV again yesterday. It went smoothly this time. Last time was painful to say the least.

Kentucky Tim came over last night and we watched the Wallace & Gromit movie on cable. It was cute. Oh and I screwed up my email client last night. It drove me nuts till I fixed it.

Now, I’m left to finish the laundry. You know what a joy that is to me.