Snip Snip

Don’t tell Jimbo. I just finished trimming all my body hair. Top to bottom. It was getting scraggly. hehehe.

I never shave anywhere besides my face as I hate that stubbly feeling you get when you do. Even my head. I trim it down nice and short that way the hair stays soft.


The sun setting on the pride flag in the Castro.

It’s Friday and it was warm and sunny here today. The week was muggy and rainy so a nice way to end it. I’ve been in training all this week. First few days I was training in WMD classes and then the last few teaching fire classes.

I still have one more day to go before my weekend starts however, a happy TGIF to everyone.

Still Here

I’ve gotten a few emails asking if I was giving up blogging. The answer, NO. I’ve just been a little busy and digesting some of my new found revelations. My post about belonging really did open my eyes a bit and give me better insight into myself. I am still adjusting to that and will do my best to keep you informed of how it radiates out into my life.

I got a nice phone call from brettcajun today. He just called to catch up and chat. He is doing well and adjusting to his new life being single. He is such a sweetheart.

Irony of ironies, my ex called me yesterday and wants to have lunch. Nothing unuusal in that in itself however, he hasn’t called me in months so I’m thinking he wants something. That’s probably a little negative on my part but I do know him pretty well.

My training yesterday dealt with WMD’s. Yes, weapons of mass destruction. All I will say on that, is it is sad that terrorists often use the very freedoms we hold most dear against us. And the argument can and has been made that our government should be allowed to bend and even break those freedoms in the name of protection. I say no, No, NO! Two wrongs never make a right and if anything we end up being not better than the bad guys.

I was struck though by all the really horrible and devastating things we do to each other on this planet in the name of God. If there was an omnipotent figure up there watching, I bet he(or she) is ashamed of us. There is a lot of talk these days of banning religion from government all together. I’ve never been a supporter of that menality as I do believe people have a right to their beliefs and should be respected. However, I’m not so sure anymore. After witnessing the deplorable lengths that so called “christians” go to in this country to force their way of life on everyone, I’m beginning to wonder if that is the answer after all.

Party’s Over

I’ve sorta been revelling in my new found free time lately. So much so I think I’m making myself sick. I woke up today w/a low grade fever and a sore throat1. I’ve been on the go all weekend. Sorta like the energizer bunny….going, going, and going. Well, this bunny is worn down. I know, my activities are lame compared to some peoples standards but I’m not into all that.

So today, I’m just taking it easy. I do have to get laundry and errands dones so just a low-key slow paced day to recover. I haven’t been eating very good lately either. While I love fast-food, I limit myself to one or two trips a week. Lately, it’s been my mainstay. Time to get back on track. I can’t very well expect results at the gym if I’m only cramming regular unleaded into my system. Nope, It’s Premium only for this body2.

In sort of related news, I joined Zip car today. My roommate uses them all the time so I figured I’d give it a try. If you aren’t familiar with it, basically, they have mini “stations” of cars all over the city3. You log on, reserve one, and then just go pick it up. They cover the gas, insurance, everything. Starting at $8.00 bucks an hour, it’s hard to beat. Especially, when you just need it for errands and don’t need a traditional 24 hour rental. In a city as dense as SF, it goes over well. I’m surprised it took me this long to try it. I’ll let you know how it goes. Today is my first rental for groceries.

The dating bug is biting at me again. I’m not sure why I’m so keenly aware of this part of my life right now. If you read w/any regularity, you know my feelings on dating. You also know my history at such attempts. I’m still puzzeling over this one so I’ll have to get back to you. I do know I’m not feeling the old “whats wrong w/me” pangs. I think I’ve finally grown beyond that. It’s hard to explain w/o having you inside my head. Anyway, once I puzzle it out, I’ll share it.

1 Nothing so glamorous as all night drinking benges or drugs. As if. Have you forgotten where I work?

2Ok, it was a cheesey reference. Shoot me already.

3 They have 3, count’em 3, within just a few blocks of my apartment. I may never order online for Safeway again. hehehehe

Quick, Fast, & In a Hurry!

I made it in and out of the dmv today in less than 30 minutes! And, that’s including the time I spent running outside to take the plate off the bike. Confused? Don’t be. I bought a personalized plate for the bike and it finally arrived1. I didn’t like the one I had on the scooter so I switched.

What do you think? Does it suit me?

Speaking of, did I mention I sold the scooter back to the dealer? They gave me a fair price for it so no complaints there.

I also got the replacement phone/pda today too. Thanks be! I was going freakin’ nuts w/o it. I really am dependent on my gadgets. While waiting for the new one, I was given a clear idea of how much I depend on technology2. I can’t help it. However, isn’t that the point? To make ones life better? That’s a big affirmative in my book. hehehe.

I also made it to the gym again today. Three times in three days. I may actually gain back all my lost muscle before Christmas. That would be nice. I discovered my buddy, Woof Brandon, has passed me in size as well as strength now. Before I had him beat on strength. *sigh*

1 I ordered it over a month ago. They say 2-4 weeks. My ass. Try almost 2 frakin months!

2 Don’t laugh, I can check my email, surf the web, make calls, listen to music, manage my workouts, watch video, even record video on the damn thing. Hell, if I wanted to I could even use it as a garage remote.

Back At It

I’m back in SF. It was good to be away but it’s also good to be home. The flight back could not have gone better. It was a direct flight and just under half full. I have the whole row to myself. I spent the time watching DVD’s and playing Blackhawk Striker.

Today, I’m sitting in front of the computer waiting for the 15 billion emails to download1. Speaking of computers, the new spam filter I installed on the blog is working quite well. Large Tony recommended it, Spam Karma 2, and I’ve been very pleased with it overall.

I have a ton of errands to do today. None of which will actually get done. The maids are also coming so I at least have to run out and get some cash for them2.

So I’m asking myself, “was the trip worth it?” My answer. Most definitely yes. I had a great time and it was very relaxing. I needed the time away and the trip served its purpose. I didn’t think of work more than once. I did go over budget but not by much. This means I get to eat more than raman noodles for the next two weeks. heheee.

Sadly, this is the last trip of the year. It’s back to reality and putting my nose to the grindstone. However, I made mention before the trip I was cutting back on some stuff. I’m looking forward to having a little more free time on my hands.

1 I almost never use the computer at home these days. The laptop is newer and faster. However, I have to run it every so often to clean off the email servers.

2 I ran out of checks two weeks ago. I’ll add ordering new ones to the list of things that won’t get done today.

Gotta know..

The BCC chair emailed me yesterday. They want to make me an “honorary” Bare Chest man because of “all my hard work“. Whatever, too little too late. I declined as 1) I’m on vacation during the time suggested and 2) I am not really a vain person so recognizing me after the fact is not on my list of priorities.


In carnal news, I had a very nice playdate last night. I’m not a “clingy” person however, I had so much fun, I actually invited him to sleep over1. He was THAT good. A perfect fit if you catch my drift. And speaking of playtime, I rejoined AO-hell. Now that they are free, I can’t bitch about shitty service because I ain’t paying for it. 😛


I finally picked a cleaner for the apartment. Out of the 3, not only were they the most personable, they also showed up on time, didn’t try to blanket charge me, and the husband is a hottie! My roomie is swooning. Kind of a waste of energy being he is straight. Anyway, they start today and I’m anxious to see how well they do. They were really eager and polite which is a biggy w/me.


I had to cancel my ride along so I could go to the doc today.2 Apparently, I’m going to live. I’m friends w/my doc and always enjoy visiting him. The whole office is very friendly and interactive w/patients. They are also happy about my EMT gigs and work relating to.


I’ve realized more and more lately, I am stretching myself too thin. I developed an ugly chest cold last week which I knocked out w/some good antibiotics. I got it, partly, because I am routinely exhausted when I get home. I am doing too much. Even my blogging is suffering.3 So, I’ve resigned from two charities and the other is pretty much done for the year. After I’m back from the vacation, I’m also asking the chapter president4 to take over 1 of the 4 committees I report too.

1 In case you missed it, I get around. Not as much as the hoe-bag roomie but still. My motto? ‘The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. So stay on this side and keep your knees clean!’

2 Nothing major. Just needed to switch meds. (I have a problem w/my hypothalmus gland and TRH levels)

3 The latter isn’t a big deal as I am a firm believer life comes first. Of course, not having a social life, it becomes a moot point.

4 The very same person who accused me of being a traitor at work.


I must admit, I was really suprised by the number of responses to my post about character flaws. I didn’t reallly think anyone would comment. As mentioned, a big one for me is procrastination.

Being a typical Aquarian, I tend to be free spirited. I detest having my daily life tied to a strict schedule. It’s no surprise, I have a hard time getting menial tasks done. Oh I’m good about scheduling to do it. I just never seem to get around to it at the time alotted. Throw in my crazy schedule and I’m amazed anything ever gets done. For example, take the entertainment center I bought back in July. It’s still sitting in boxes on the living floor. Why you ask? Because, I keep putting off the painting bids for the living room. It doesn’t make any sense to put it together until the walls are painted. So there it sits. Arrrrgggggghhh!

The good news is I finally started working on bids for the paint job. I emailed out two just today (Oddly enough, right before this post). And since the roomie and I differ on our cleaning styles, I’m also getting quotes on maid service. I could blame it on being lazy but I’m too busy to be lazy. You’d think being this way, I’d be late a lot. The irony is I’m rarely late. I don’t like it when my time is wasted so I make a conscious effort to not do the same to others. But I’m digressing. While I finally got on the paint bids, it serves as a good example for my shortcoming. One that I recognize and am working on. I guess that’s all anyone could ever ask.


Happy Friday all.

My week is winding down. I still have to work tomorrow but no meetings, no overtime, just my normal shift. Work has pretty much consumed my life for the last two weeks. It’s all w/reason so I’m not bitching. I’m just looking forward to my weekend.

Thanks to all who added their RSS feeds in the previous post. I’m still deciding on which feed reader to use for my PDA.

On a side note, I was having a conversation w/a buddy who was going on and on about his ex boyfriends character flaws. Funny, as my friend is a mess himself. I asked him what he thought his character flaws were and he couldn’t tell me.

What do you think your worst character flaw is? I think a big one for me is procrastination.

Back At It

I’m back! Did you miss me? I did.

This past week was busy as hell. My ride along was good. The funny thing was every time we staged somewhere we got a call right there. I am gaining more and more experience. I’m actually starting to feel like an EMT in skill as well as title. I also got a good lead on getting some ER time in. I need time in an ER to be a serious consideration for a position w/the city. Well, if there ever start hiring that is. I’m a scratch this week as my crew is on vacation. Maybe I can get some gym time in.

Things are very interesting at work. We have a new director and she has made some really good impressions so far. She definitely seems labor friendly and has already shaken things up a bit. Dare I hope things might actually improve? Only time will tell I guess. I had meetings from hell this past week. Labor-management, Union, IDT, training, yadda yadda yadda. I’m glad it’s over. A few more this week but nowhere near as long.

I’m drawing a blank on some of the things I wanted to talk about. I had a ton of things I wanted to blog about and now they are MIA. I’m sure they’ll come to me, I always have something to say.