
Is anyone else tired of hearing about the iphone?  Whoopee, so what you are buying a 2nd generation phone that should have been a 1st generation phone.  I’ll grant you it’s ‘purdy.  It still only does half the shit my Wing does. [1]Shhhh, don’t tell Adam, they went out and got one each today.  I was absolutely shocked (read tickled pink) when I read today Apple deliberately limited sales thru shitty Cingular  ‘the new AT&T’ stores.  For a company that totes their iphone as "the best new invention of the millennium", they sure are going to a lot of effort.  One would think a product that good would sell itself.  I’m just sayin’.


The 4-day weekend is coming to a close.  I didn’t do a thing.  Probably a good thing as I wasn’t overly chipper at wasting a long weekend.  Surprisingly, all of my other friends were busy. (Doesn’t it always work out that way? lol)

Friday was a blur.  I did get a few chores done.  Beyond that, most of the day was spent catching up on Tivo and playing Darkness on the 360. 

Saturday, I drug myself out of the house to go see Hellboy II.  Overall, I enjoyed it.  The CGI and cinematography was excellent.  I ended up running into roblog, Chuck and their friend Jeff.  They, like fools, sat with me.  The movie started late so we amused ourselves by geeking out and torturing Chuck in the process.  Anyway, if you liked the first one you’ll like this one.  The only part I didn’t like was the comedic banter.  They added a tad too much in my opinion.  It took away from the plot development. 

Today, I expected to wait around most of the day waiting on Comcast again. [2]They had to come back out to fix the problem they were supposed to fix last time. Imagine my surprise when they showed up on time.  I made it to the gym and got a good arm workout in.  The only other noteworthy occurrence was a hottie who normally ignores me said hello.  It was kinda odd.  The guy almost always seems to avoid me.  Of course, afterwards I wondered what exactly had changed.  Drove me nuts. 

Tomorrow, I’m supposed to meet w/the tattoo guy to talk about my new tattoo.  I’m almost finished with the design.  I need some ideas from him for filler hence, the meeting.  This guy is probably fed up with me by now but he hides it well. lol 

How was your weekend?


1 Shhhh, don’t tell Adam, they went out and got one each today.
2 They had to come back out to fix the problem they were supposed to fix last time.


Today has been a blur up till now.  I got up late so of course I was running. [1]I’m absolutely beginning to hate my current schedule.  I made it to the gym thankfully.  While there, I noticed they put in the replacement steam room door.  It has to set overnight so I’m sure tomorrow the steam room will be standing room only. heehee 

Speaking of the gym, one of my two new future ex-husbands totally shot me down.  I was chatting him up and finally asked if he wanted to grab a bite sometime.  He said no.  *sniffle*  I guess the honeymoon is over.  I was chatting up another gym bud and he told me the guy is only into slim young smooth Asian boys.  I don’t fit any of that description.  Oh well, next!  The other future ex is a bust too.  I know that w/o even trying.  He is friendly but I’ve watched and he only flirts w/the big muscle boys.  I’m surprised he doesn’t work out more at the Brannan Gold’s where they all congregate. 




I finally got my hooves clipped and polished.  I’ve been blowing it off lately because of my schedule.  The girl I like is off the same days I am so makes it difficult.  She was so excited to see me. lol  She made me smile by noticing my muscles have increased a bit.  I totally could have kissed her.


Pride is almost upon us.  As I was driving home from work tonight the Castro was overflowing.  I expect this year will be especially festive what with the recent gay rights ruling here in Cali.  And it should be.  It is high time we get some equality.  I’m looking forward to pride this year more than usual. 


Oh, are you logged in?  You should be. 


1 I’m absolutely beginning to hate my current schedule.

Random Thoughts…

Stuff popping into my head lately.  I dunno either. 

It is hard being in love w/someone who can’t love you back.


Facebook "is the devil!"


I think I prefer someone ugly on the outside vs ugly on the inside.


No, it is not ok to let your offspring run uncontrollably all over a restaurant and then get upset when someone else tells your brats to behave.


No, it is not ok to throw your nasty filthy disgusting cigarette butts on the ground because you are too lazy to walk 2 feet to deposit it in a trash receptacle.


If you break a medic gurney because of your weight, it might be time to go on a diet.  Just a thought oinker.


Honesty is the new black.


I’m really sorry my "lifestyle choice" is a threat to your marriage.  Sucks to be you though.


Ooh, that feels good, do it again!


A missed opportunity is like being shit on by a bird. 


Yes, I know I’m going to hell for being gay but I thought all sins were equal in God’s eyes you big cocksucking hypocrite?

Back At It

Feeling better?

Originally uploaded by ibod8x5

I’m back in the saddle, so to speak. Today was my first day back at the gym. I’m still sniffling a little but all of the chest congestion is gone. I took it easy today and only got about half my normal work out in. My energy isn’t 100% yet so easing myself back into it. Nothing worse than getting better and then inadvertently sabotaging it w/too much physical exertion.

Speaking of the gym, I have not one but two new future ex-husbands. heehee One guy either just switched gyms or just moved here because I’ve never seen him before. He must have a similar schedule because I see him almost daily now. He doesn’t really give me any eye contact but that never stops me from drooling.

OH! I totally forgot. Adam/Brad saw “the hammer!” You can ask them how big it is.


In other news, it is hot as hell here. A whopping 80 degrees! It is a veritable heat wave. Actually, it is in the low 70’s today which is much more bearable. I was chatting with my buddy Frank from Urswine Addiction and he mentioned it was 111 in Phoenix yesterday. Holy hell! I would literally dry up and blow away. AND, he works outside. He is a braver man than me. Course, all that physical labor has him looking all buff. There are worse fates.


Even better, it is Friday and I’m back on my regular schedule for it. Speaking of, it is almost that time. Crap, time to go. TGIF boys (and girl). Have a whore-ific weekend.


The weekend hasn’t been bad so far.  Uneventful overall.  Saturday, I stat around all day being lazy as usual.  I did make it out to sushi w/Adam & Brad.  They caught me up on all the days sight-seeing activities.  Apparently, they were none too impressed w/some of the snootier neighborhoods here.  Not that I can blame’em really.

Afterwards, we sat around at my place and geeked out online.  Poor things have been w/o internet since they got here so I was happy to share mine.  It was funny.  Brad’s flipping channels while Adam and I are both sitting w/our laptops out surfing and catching up online.  A veritable geek bonanza. lol

I sat around updating flickr and surfing online. [1]I didn’t realize how many pics I had.  I’ve only uploading about half of my total inventory so far.  The desire for food finally drove me outdoors.  I stopped by Firewood and was shamelessly flirting with a scruffy fucker till his lover walked in.  He could tell I was less than amused at being mislead.  Of course, I didn’t have to respond but still.  It felt duplicitous. 

Later, I had a get together and then a nice dinner w/one of my regulars.  He always wears me out.  *whew*

Oh btw, skip the Happening.  What a total waste of time.  It was awful enough I almost got up and walked out. 


1 I didn’t realize how many pics I had.  I’ve only uploading about half of my total inventory so far.


I been on a downloading frenzy from Amazon lately. Now that they’ve gone DRM-free, I’m all about my old habits. lol  Anyway,  I’m sure this is old hat to most however, I love no longer being forced to buy a whole album just to get one or two songs of choice. 

Donna Summer’s new album after like forever is pretty damn good.  I love the "Stamp your feet" track.  I can’t wait to see what the underground dj clan does with it.  Madonna’s, on the other hand, total waste of her efforts.  I couldn’t bring myself to buy even one of Madge’s new songs.  *le sigh*  Speaking of music, I’ve been using last.fm to try and broaden my musical tastes.  No luck so far.  The site is clunky and not the least bit user friendly in my opinion. 

Is it wrong that I like Hilary Duff?


Geek rant again.  You’ve been warned!

I finally discovered the trick to making my Motorola S9 headset work with Vista.  My one and only bitch about the headset is it only randomly connects to stream music w/my Dell laptop.  I love the headset.  It works fantastically with my Wing.  It also has a very sporty feel and it fits beautifully.  Gone is the worry about them falling off my head during my workouts.  I wish they would come out with some different colors but it is a tiny price to pay for convenience. 

I digress.  The damn thing will not function consistently w/my laptop.  The headset pairs and connects no problem.  System sounds come thru just fine.  However, anytime I try to stream music, no sound.  From what I’ve been able to discover, it is a driver problem.  More specifically, the current driver set doesn’t hand off between Bluetooth and your default audio source correctly.  The fix?  Wait for your bluetooth to connect and then set it as the default audio connection.  It only takes a few clicks from the system tray to switch back and forth.  And while, it isn’t ideal, [1]God forbid they just fraking update the damn drivers to work w/Vista. it will do.  /rant


1 God forbid they just fraking update the damn drivers to work w/Vista.


So, I’m probably one of about 10 fags not going to IML this weekend.  I had originally planned to go but decided against it.  I’ve been plenty of times and frankly, I can have sex here every weekend for free. [1]Usually that is, if you are logged in here,  you’ll understand what I mean by the previous post.

I have a 4-day weekend and very little planned.  My own fault really but I can’t be bothered to care.  I seem to care less and less about gay high holy days as I get older.  I don’t know if that is maturity or bitterness.  hehehe  I did make an effort to fill the void though.  Saturday, I’m meeting roblog for lunch.  I haven’t chatted w/him in ages and there is much to discuss. 

I’m also supposed to meet a very handsome guy I met on bigmuscle on Sunday.  Physically, he is everything I like and then some.  Mentally, so far so good.  However, I have learned not to build up expectations.  The worst thing one human can do to another is not live up to their expectations.  I’m just excited to meet someone new.  If he turns into a friend, great.  If he turns into more, even better! [2]The fucker is hot!  If not, well scratch another one.

The weather has been great so I’m also planning a bike ride on Sunday or Monday.  I’m sure I’ll also take in the Indiana Jones flick at some point.   

I’m off to work.  I have a short week so it is my Friday.  I’m excited but over this day already. 


1 Usually that is, if you are logged in here,  you’ll understand what I mean by the previous post.
2 The fucker is hot!

Weekend In Review IV

What did I do this weekend? [1]besides being a pig.   I ended up playing Uno w/Brettcajun on the Xbox.  I can advise Brett is just as competitive at playing Uno as is at tennis. lol  He was determined to play till he got a couple wins under his belt.  He did finally.  I introduced him to a couple of my XBL [2]Xbox Live buddies.  One, from the UK and one from Boston.  It was fun.  I love Uno and playing with friends is even better.  Most of all, I loved watching Brett squirm.  I also knocked off a few games w/my buddy kristaki.  He got served on Call of Duty 4.  heehee

I also caught up on a lot of Tivo. [3]Oh yes, I was very productive  New stuff, I had 5 Battlestar Galactica, 3 Dr Who, and 5 South Park episodes.  Reruns, I had 5 ST: Voyager and 4 Stargate: Atlantis episodes.  BG is good but a bit extreme if you ask me.  They are really trying to go out with a bang.  Dr Who is constantly evolving.  I don’t like the new sidekick as much but she is growing on me.  I hope they bring Rose back.  South Park was, well South Park. lol

I was a dirty pig more than a few times to say the least.  Details forthcoming.

TFA isn’t feeling so well this week.  He had a crown replaced and had some severe pain afterwards.  Of course, the dentist office was closed over the weekend.  I felt so bad for him having to fly all over creation with a sore tooth.  Seems he is a bit better today if not a little worn out.  He always teases me because I always say my weekends are "uneventful".  lol 

Oh, I also moved all my pics over from picasa to flickrflickr has become just so damn handy, I couldn’t resist.  I inadvertently left some safety settings open though and got an stern scolding email.  Ooops.  All the tweaking, sorting, and labeling was a bit tedious but would been regardless of what I was using.  I didn’t realize how many damn pics I had to sort thru.  I’ve only uploaded a fraction so far.  Overall, I’m happy w/flickr but I still don’t like the idea of someone else controlling my data.  I can always delete’em if I don’t like it. 

Tomorrow, I have to be up at daylight thirty as I’m teaching again this week.  Thankfully, I had a hard ass workout today and feeling a bit sleepy.  I’m still gonna be dead on my feet come 1700 hours.  Oy!


1 besides being a pig.
2 Xbox Live
3 Oh yes, I was very productive

Random Smandom VI

Nothing to see here, move along. *g*

Analytics: My blog traffic has slowed to a measly 5 thousand hits a month now.  Guess my absence as of late is showing.  I’m still solidly a "referral blog".  Meaning?  Most folks who find me do so thru another blog vs just random search engine queries.  Large Tony is still the leader in referrals.  Twice the number as anyone else.  brettcajun is holding a respectable second place like a trooper.  And a surprise, Durban bud is bringing up the rear. [1]as he tends to do.  *EG*


Did you know if you put 4 lesbians together in one sitting they will share their most intimate medical history out loud?  My ears are still burning.


It was HOT here yesterday.  Today is a bearable 63 degrees out.  Hot weather makes me frisky.  Oy! 


I finished Call of Duty 4.  I was reluctant to play at first however, it is a decent game.  I still have an issue w/playing games where humans are killing each other.  However, I am an adult and I KNOW the difference.  The online matches are great if you like XBL. [2]Xbox live


I’ve been good about hitting the gym.  I decided to work on bulk the first 3 months and leaning out the last 3 months.  I a little proud of how often I’ve been going.  I tend to be a slacker on weekends but not lately.  People are noticing so I must be doing something right. 


I’ve been hiding the daily journal entries as I figured they were boring everyone.  I got several inquires as to why I wasn’t doing them anymore.  Ok, ok, I’ll leave them open.  I will be kind enough to turn off the subscribe notification thingy so you don’t get bombarded. 


I think I corrupted my blog database.  My posts are acting erratic.  One from last night just showed up and another is MIA completely. 


1 as he tends to do.  *EG*
2 Xbox live

Catching Up

I got to work today and they attempted to saddle me with yet another trainee.  After I lost my ever-loving mind, they corrected the error.  

I apologized for my temper however, not for the incompetence.  I have enough seniority and clout I can usually get my way.  I don’t abuse it though.  I’m almost always agreeable.  I ask a lot so I give a lot. 


I was joking on twitter last night about my future ex husband and I never getting together if he kept ignoring me.  This Greek god of a man just makes my mouth water.  Well, until I overheard his conversation with another meathead.  Arrogance is so 90’s.  Nothing makes my dick go limp faster than attitude.  The honeymoon is definitely over.  Blech.