The great gobble gobble has come and gone. I worked and it was pretty uneventful. In my line of work holidays can be a mixed bag. More people leads to more problems. Also the depression that some experience over the holiday seasons can sometimes lead to unfortunate results. We had a nice big feed and I ate more Turkey than I probably should. heehee I had some sweets but not too much.
The weekend is a bit of a blur. Since the roomie is out of town and I had no prior obligations, I used the opportunity to be a bad boy. [1]Are you logged in? You should be! I also ran into my old friend Tim W. I hadn’t seem him in ages and we hung out and had dinner all the while catching up on the latest geekiness and gossip.
Friday is a blur of sleep, xbox, and a few random errands.
Saturday, I went to see Transporter 3. OY! Some very tasty flesh scenes with Jason Statham. The movie is very typical of the series. If you liked either of the first two, you’ll love this one. There were only a couple of really “over-the-top” scenes but the martial arts fights are top notch, as usual.
In other news, I am once again signing up for my schedule for the next 6 months. The bad news, I’m not going to get a full weekend slot on my current 5-8 shift. Even worse, I’ll end up being bumped off my current shift all together. The upside (depending on how you look at it) is I’ll still end up with a weekend slot, just on a 4-10 shift. I’ll either get Friday/Saturday/Sunday or Saturday/Sunday/Monday off. There are certainly worse options however, if you’ve been reading for awhile, you know I’m not the least bit thrilled about going back to a 4-10 shift. In a nutshell, it plays havoc with my gym schedule. All things considered, I’m not really complaining as it could be a lot worse.
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