Post Holiday “Something”

The great gobble gobble has come and gone.  I worked and it was pretty uneventful.  In my line of work holidays can be a mixed bag.  More people leads to more problems.  Also the depression that some experience over the holiday seasons can sometimes lead to unfortunate results.  We had a nice big feed and I ate more Turkey than I probably should.  heehee  I had some sweets but not too much.

The weekend is a bit of a blur.  Since the roomie is out of town and I had no prior obligations, I used the opportunity to be a bad boy. [1]Are you logged in? You should be!  I also ran into my old friend Tim W.  I hadn’t seem him in ages and we hung out and had dinner all the while catching up on the latest geekiness and gossip. 

Friday is a blur of sleep, xbox, and a few random errands. 

Saturday, I went to see Transporter 3. OY! Some very tasty flesh scenes with Jason Statham.  The movie is very typical of the series.  If you liked either of the first two, you’ll love this one.  There were only a couple of really “over-the-top” scenes but the martial arts fights are top notch, as usual. 


In other news, I am once again signing up for my schedule for the next 6 months.  The bad news, I’m not going to get a full weekend slot on my current 5-8 shift. Even worse, I’ll end up being bumped off my current shift all together.  The upside (depending on how you look at it) is I’ll still end up with a weekend slot, just on a 4-10 shift.  I’ll either get Friday/Saturday/Sunday or Saturday/Sunday/Monday off.  There are certainly worse options however, if you’ve been reading for awhile, you know I’m not the least bit thrilled about going back to a 4-10 shift.  In a nutshell, it plays havoc with my gym schedule.  All things considered, I’m not really complaining as it could be a lot worse.


1 Are you logged in? You should be!

Ok, I Admit It…

…I haven’t been reading my blogroll.  I’m sorry, really I am.  I finally just cleared “clear all” in my RSS reader.  I know, I know, shame on me for letting my life get in the way of blogging.  In my defense, I have been rather busy.  I mean with the new bike, new xbox games, gym, sex, and work, who has time to blog? 

Anyway, the roomie is out of town for the holiday(s) till the first of the month.  I’d never admit it to him but I miss him already.  He is a good roomie and for all his drama, a good friend.  He is stopping off in Louisiana to see his ex-bf so I’m sure he’ll have all new tales of drama upon his return.

Speaking of the holidays, I gave most of my holiday fund to the NoOn8 and NoOnH8 campaigns.  However, I finally got the refund check for my old bike.  And in even better news, it was $500 more than I expected!  One might say it was karma…I’m just sayin’. [1]Does anyone else hate that phrase?  I know I should put it toward my credit cards but why pay now when I can pay later?  lol  Ok, I am putting some of it toward the cards.

Having already given away a lot, I’m not spending much on the holidays this year.  The last couple of years I’ve spent quite a bit.  I’ve already purchased most of the gifts for friends/family.  Other than Christmas cards, I’m about 70% done.  Oh, and if you want a card from me and I don’t have your addy, email me your info. 

My present to myself this year is a new tattoo(s).  I’m starting a half sleeve on my upper right arm.  I’ll also eventually be getting one on my inner left forearm.  Anyhoo, I’m finally going this weekend to start’em.  I’m so excited I’m giddy! lol  With the bike refund finally coming in, I’m all caught up from the accident.  I am still undecided between 2 different designs.  I’m gonna basically throw both of’em out there and see which one the artist improves on.  Both have a missing component I need help with.  If anyone has any tips or ideas on the actual process, feel free to chime in. 


1 Does anyone else hate that phrase?

Weekend “Stuff”

This past weekend was rather fun.  I went for a 150 mile ride two days in a row.  The first day I went solo and the 2nd day I rode with a friend from the sports bike group.  The 2nd day was the most fun as we drove down to Big Basin park.  The views were awesome and the windy roads even better!  There was a moment when we were taking a break where this very friendly guy came over to chat with us.  I first pegged him as gay…well until his wife sauntered over.  He was very friendly.  One might say too friendly for your average straight guy.  My friend and I both thought there might have been a ‘story’ there. lol  Anyway, the rides were awesome.  I’m loving the new bike more and more every day. I am kicking myself for waiting so long to upgrade.  As for the shoulder, it is healed up nicely.  I still have some numbness around the wound from nerve damage but it is better every week. 

Friday night I also had dinner with Adam & Brad.  I hadn’t seen them in ages and it was nice to catch up.  They seem very acclimated to life in the big city now. heehee  Brad is looking rather hot as he has been hitting the gym pretty hard.


I finished Gears of War on the first 2 difficulty settings. The hardcore mode is proving rather difficult.  I can only imagine what “insane” mode is going to be like. lol  The online mode for this one is way ahead of the previous version.  I have to admit the game has consumed a lot of my free time as of late. 


TFA was in town this past week as well.  We had an awesome time, as usual.  He gave me the nicest compliment w/o even realizing it.  While I was undressing (get your mind out of my gutter), he casually mentioned, “someone’s been working out“.  It was so unrehearsed and off-the-cuff I knew he meant it vs just trying to flatter me. hehehe  So…he got it extra hard just for that, twice! 


I haven’t really been inspired to blog much lately.  Even my twittering has waned.  After getting yet another round of emails asking “are you ok?”  I figured I should at least post an update.

Nothing is really wrong, [1]well other than being a 2nd class citizen in the eyes of the law again. I’ve just been busy.  Work has been crazy.  My union duties are extremely busy right now.  The other day I had so much union related stuff going on, I only sat on channel for about 45mins the whole day.  I’m not complaining as I usually get results.  Plus, I am actively working to make my place of employment better. 

I’ve also been heavily involved in playing Gears of War 2.  I freaking love that game.  I beat the campaign level once already and am really enjoying the online play.  If you have an 360, you should try it even if you don’t normally go for FPS (first person shooter) games. 


The Prop 8 scandal still smarts.  I will admit to being rather sad lately over the whole ordeal.  I’ve attended several rallies and sit-ins.  And while it feels good, I just feel like rallies don’t accomplish much after the fact.  Where were all these people when our rights got taken away?  I’ve also donated all I can at this point.  I’ve pushed my finances as far as I’m willing.  I’ve already forgone riding gear, my holiday overtime pay and money for personal holiday gifts this year.  I can’t afford to give anymore right now.  I know I sound pissy but I’ve done my part.  I’m certainly not giving up but we all have limits. 

I’m curious about the whole “amendment process”.  I’d love to start an amendment to ban divorce in California.  Or maybe we could ban marriage all-together.  Or how about we ban Mormons?  How very “christian” of you to force your beliefs on others. Don’t like the idea of marrying a gay person?  Well then don’t do it you ignorant hate-mongering fuckers!  That’s ok, you’ll get yours in the end.  I have no doubts in that. 


I’ve been hitting the gym consistently.  I’m back up to a full routine.  Still haven’t hit my original limits but slow and steady.  I’ve been good at incorporating cardio into my routines and I’m getting used to it now. 


I had a date last week.  It was a medic who was doing his Medic cert back when I was doing my EMT cert.  We used to run into each other at the hospitals and chatted often.  Anyway, long boring story short, it did not go well.  One, he was clearly husband shopping.  Two, he had some internalized homophobia.  Neither of which I am inclined to put up with.  The final straw was when he indicated the whole Prop 8 scandal had very little to do with him.

I think he was more disappointed than I was. heehee  His face fell several times in the course of our conversations.  It was clear he expected me to be of a similar mind-set since we worked in related fields.  I almost felt sorry for him.  Almost. 


I’ve taken my daily journals private again as they aren’t very nice right now. 


1 well other than being a 2nd class citizen in the eyes of the law again.

Still Kicking

Had a bit of a busy weekend. My friend Trev was in town from Houston. We don’t get to see each other as much as we used to so it was good to see him. He is going on a cruise tomorrow and promptly dragged me all over the city shopping for last minute “items”. [1]And ya know I was just kicking and screaming. lol Unfortunately, this led to some muscle spasms in my back and neck. Fast forward to my Chiro visit and I discovered I have whiplash from the accident. Not severe but still enough to cause problems when I stand or walk a lot. It is truly amazing how good you can feel from a good chiro adjustment. OY!

We also went to see “Burn After Reading”. It’s a dark comedy with Brad Pitt & George Clooney. There were some definite funny scenes and Brad Pitt’s character was hysterical. However, overall this is more of a DVD movie, IMHO. The build up was great and the acting was decent however, the ending was too quick and too convenient. It sort of spoils the mood the plot spends a lot of time building.


TFA is in town for a layover tonight so I get to see him too! I haven’t seen him since the accident so naturally I’m very “excited” about that. hehehe

The gym has been good. Ironically, the whiplash hasn’t affected me there at all. I think mostly because I haven’t incorporated any heavy back workouts into my routine yet. Today was supposed to be my back however, I switched to arms. I have no desire to re-injure myself in any capacity. That said, I am so happy to be working out again. The arm workout was great and the endorphins were even better. I also ran into “pubis boy” while I was there. It was all I could do not to pounce on him. lol

Overall, it seems I am, in fact, my old self again. The violent mood swings and paranoia have definitely subsided. I’m still scheduled to see my doc tomorrow. I had my blood work done last week so he should have some answers for me one way or another.


1 And ya know I was just kicking and screaming. lol


Sorry for not updating much recently. I’m on vacation and have been extremely busy loafing on the sofa.

Because of the serious outlay of cash lately [1]And work screwing up my last paycheck, I’ve had to drastically scale back my vacation plans. Oh yes, yours truly has been forking over a butt-load of cash as of late. The most obvious reason is the accident. Unexpected expenses have definitely added up. Then there is the new bike and with that comes new gear. The latter was a necessity as my helmet and jacket were toast from the accident. The not so obvious, I finished paying off the lien my brothers had against our land. THAT little payout cut into my savings significantly. We still have to come up with money to get the land surveyed. This is the final hurdle before it gets separated into our individual names. So feeling the pinch right now, taking a frivolous vacation seems a bit selfish. Everyone keeps telling me to just put it on credit because I will be getting paid eventually. I don’t believe in doing that. I try to live within my means and don’t believe in using soft money [2]money that is not actually mine yet unless I have to. One has to only look at the current state of our stock market to discover the folly of that. I digress, if something were to happen or go wrong, I’d end up with even more debt. And, considering my shoulder isn’t 100% yet, it is probably better I’m not treking across the country.

Instead, TFA dropped in to see me which was a very welcome distraction. He knew I was a bit down and swung a last minute trip here. He only had a 24 hour layover but we made the best of it. Oh yes we did!

There will be other opportunities for vacation. I am hoping I’ll get some of the payment(s) within the next week. If I do, I’ll still try to make a long weekend in Fort Lauderdale before my vacation is over. If not, I’ll survive. Besides, I’ve had enough down time as of late. Of course, Gay High Holy Day #3 [3]Folsom St Fair is coming up this weekend. My buddy Frank is gonna be in town for the festivities. I’m sure I’ll run into Adam and Brad as well at some point. It promises to be a good weekend.

So now, I’m off to the gym to do dreaded cardio.


1 And work screwing up my last paycheck
2 money that is not actually mine yet
3 Folsom St Fair


It took some effort to write this out.

I will be offline for a bit. I was either sideswiped or cut off by a car [1]I don’t really remember for sure today and crashed my bike. I have a fractured collar bone, multiple contusions, abrasions, etc.

I’m banged up but home from the hospital and enjoying the bliss of modern pharmacology. I expect to make a full recovery with time.

I managed to upload a quick photo via twitter today and the support has been overwhelming.

Adam was kind enough to come over and nurse-maid me tonight.

I’ll try to write more when I can.


1 I don’t really remember for sure