Life – What Life?

As stated in one of my many previous rants, my social life is gonna take a dive for the next few months. I need to start working extra overtime to catch up on my finances as well as put away a small nest egg to help w/tuition. Even though I had to put it off due to the 2-faced, back stabbing, piece of shit that works downstairs, I still plan on starting my paramedic training this year (yeah, I’m still bitter). I’m hoping to upgrade my beat up scooter to a full fledged motorcycle in the latter half of the year as well. Can you say “mucho dinero”?

So with work, overtime, the charity, and gym, not much room for anything else I’m afraid. Thats ok though. I realize its only temporary. Besides, I have you, my loyal readers. (all 12 of you) The good news is my blog just be bursting w/info, annoyances and my simplest of rants on a daily basis.

? Hold Music ?

I absolutely detest automated phone systems. I recently bought a backpack for my new laptop from Dell. The laptop is beautiful and working flawlessly. The backpack itself is fine its just not the right size. Ok, more correctly, it is the right size however, they neglect to tell you the inside fitting for the laptop is much much smaller. I’m a frequent online shopper so this speed bump is not completely unexpected.

The packaging slip says I have to call to get a return shipping # before I can actually return the package. It specifically states I must call not go online.

Issue #1:
I spent 25 minutes on hold. Not a good first impression as far as I’m concerned. So while I’m painfully being submitted to monotonous hold music I discover I can, in fact, go online for the same information. I go online searching for return info. Again, navigation issues from hell.

Issue #2:
Every possible question but ‘returns’ seems to be answered in the online F.A.Q. (frequently asked questions). Finding none of the required information, I end up on a blank ‘contact us’ form. Only at this point, does it give me a place to go for the needed info. Once there, getting the number was simplicity itself.

I’m only annoyed because Dell sings constantly about their fabulous customer support. Well, I can tell you from personal experience, it ain’t that fabulous. If I had to rate it, I’d give it a flat “average”. The simplicity of ordering and receiving goods is darkly shadowed by such a poor follow up nightmare. Don’t get me wrong, in the age of automation and mega corporations I realize there cannot be a live body to answer my every whim of a question. However, as a rule to avoid confusion, you should never have a phone/online tree going more than 3 options deep. Anything beyond that is just pointless and a waste of time.

So to all you big wigs you read my blog (yeah, and pigs might fly out of my butt!), take note….NO FREAKING ENDLESS PHONE TREES!!!!!

*sighs* I feel better now.

Still Blech

I feel better today. No sore throat or cough but I still feel icky. I also had NOOOO patience for the clerk today at Firewood in the Castro. Its the lunch time rush and there is a line of about 5 people. Naturally, only one guy was working the register. So, he finally gets to me then stops right after asking me what I wanted and took 2 to go orders. I snapped a curt response when he finally got back to me.

On a good note, I got paid today! My paycheck was more than I anticipated so I’m a step closer to digging myself out of the whole I’m in. Maybe there is hope for my mood after all.

Torn Muscle

I tore my right tricep at the gym today. It is my own fault as I tried too hard after my first day back. The good news is the tear wasn’t too bad but I’m done w/triceps for at least 2 weeks. That pisses me off cause I ‘loves’ my triceps. *g*

I get tickled sometimes when I’m looking in the mirror while working out. Slowly, my inner view of myself is changing to match the outside. A lot of times, I still see myself as the same skinny scrawny guy from back in my 20’s. While doing shoulders today, I got such a kick out of watching my muscles flare while working out. I thought to myself, “I’d fuck me”.

*giggling uncontrollably now*

I just now Freud would have a field day w/that one!

Feeling Better

Well, It’s around 8:45 and I’m feeling better. My sore throat has almost disappeared completely. Just a touch of a cough so I’m hopeful this is the worst of it. *crosses fingers*

I tried to just take it easy and goof off. Went for lunch at Before & After, it was tasty as usual. I did end up going to the movies. I don’t recommend Darkness. Totally sucked! The few scary scenes were ruined by a very unconnected plot. Nothing makes sense till the very end and by that point you are over it. It definitely wasn’t worth the $8.00. And for me to say that, it really sucks!

So, I finally managed to venture out a bit. I made it down to Castro. Of course, as soon as I got here it started raining again. Not as bad as previous days but still yucky. Not to mention, these 3 rather large queens have parked themselves directly behind me while having a non stop tirade of criticisms of the sex ads on Craigs List. Being far from a prude myself, I’m not casting stones. However, 2 hours nonstop of “oh nice cock” and “great ass” and in the same breath, “oh he is a stuck up fag” or “he thinks he is too good for us” gets annoying to say the least. I wanted to say something incredibly tacky/caddy all in one breath but then thought again of my karma and how well its been treating me. I kept my mouth shut! That said, God! I hope I was never that desperate.

*dramatic pause while thinking back thru the years of my life*



I’m not feeling well today. I came home last night w/sore throat. Today, the sore throat is just a dull throb but, I’m feeling irritable and cranky so decided to stay home. No gym today either. I find that if I cut back on my exertions up front, I tend to recover a lot quicker. I hope it doesn’t get any worse. I’m fortunate in that I rarely get sick. But when I do, OY vey! And to top it off, I’m a miserable sick person. I turn into a cranky toddler who wants everything now now NOW!

Of course, going out w/a friend drinking last night didn’t help any. However, he seems to have developed a stalker of sorts and needed some advice so how could I say no? *g*

So anyway, there is this little Thai place down the block from me, Before & After. They have the best seafood noodle soup. YUMMY! Maybe afterwards I’ll take in a movie. I still haven’t seen Darkness, White Noise, or National Treasure. None of which have made box office news but that’s never the point of going to a movie. It’s times like these I’m thankful I live in such a densely populated area of the city. Everything is within blocks.

On a side note, my ex finally got a job. (Tell it on the mountains, call down the saints!) He actually starts today.

Blog Roll Update

(I’m on a roll today so bear w/me)

I finally updated my blog lists. I’ve expanded my reading quite a bit lately so felt it time to add a few folks to the list. I’ll be adding a blog link section soon. For those poor souls who found it in their heart to link to me I can only ask “What were you thinking?” *big grin* Seriously, thank you to everyone who felt like my ramblings were worth linking too, I’m grateful.

I’m also looking at folding my blog into my own domain. I listed here originally out of convenience but I have no control over the blogger code and more and more I see blogs that have been hacked. Fear not, I will update w/links and a “forward” command to reroute everyone.

Cold & Broke

Ok, its cold right now in SF. Its been a rather nasty rainy & cold all week. brrrr. While it tends to get chilly here often it rarely gets below 50. This week the temps have fluxed back and forth just above/below.

I’m also seeing the repercussions from my ‘gifts’ to the relief fund. I sent a couple hundred bucks along w/some ‘stuff’ and I may have been a bit hasty. I forgot that I’m already in a money crunch from the split and moving twice. So after doing the finances today, I get to decide who doesn’t get paid on time. I don’t regret the money as I still have a home over my head and those poor souls need it way more than I do right now. I just think I should have waited until my next paycheck. Once again, my heart runs off before my head. . .


Here it is folks…2005! And my birthday is coming up fast too. I’ll be 34 years old. Wahooo! As I sit here banging away on the keyboard, I feel like a change is in the air. Maybe it’s just the smog blowing back in from the bay. I have the strongest sensation that this is gonna be a good year for me. I can’t quiet put my finger on it at the moment. Lets hope my “gut” is right cause this past year has been a rough one. OY!

Seriously though, where ever you are, take a moment to count the blessings in your life and be grateful. Not everyone is having such a great time of it right now and it should serve as a powerful reminder that your life aint that bad afterall.

Best Wishes to all my faithful bloggers. (all ten) From me to you, Have a Very Happy New Year!


On a Happier Note

So I’m sitting at Daddybucks (Starbucks) in the Castro doing my best to enjoy the new laptop. I’ve spent the last few days tweaking it and getting “stuff” transferred from the PC. I must admit I’m more than happy w/it. I just need to find a backpack big enough for it now. I bought one but it doesn’t quite do the job so I’m probably gonna send it back.

Its a muggy chilly day here in SF. Its been raining alot and a new storm is headed this way. We got some severe weather alerts at work so have been preparing for some major flooding. The ground is so saturated now if any new heavy rains hit its gonna get messy.

Hey! a a hot fucker just walked by. . .