Mr. Bush, Your Reality Check Bounced!

Already, our leader-in-bullshit is spinning the “positive” message that things are “ok”. Not to mention, Mommie Dearest going on TV speaking out her ass w/things like “…this might be a good thing for the people of NO”. What a stupid C*NT!

If you want to know the real hard truth of whats going on in NO, check out Bent Collective’s Blog. He is an emergency worker, like myself, who is down in the thick of it. Our leader may not know the meaning of honor and compassion but it’s nice to know there are still plenty of us left that do.

Oh – I See Now.

Wired News: They Knew What to Expect

I’m not going to say “I told you so” because I didn’t. However, reading this article, working for an emergency agency, and training to be a medic, makes me feel ashamed of my country. There are not many places I’d rather live but there are times, like now, where I almost wish I did. I find small tidbits of news from friends, family, blogs, etc on a daily basis now that brings me to tears. I’m doing what I can from here but it does nothing to quell the shame. It is not my fault however, I can’t help it. After the crisis is over, there needs to be some accountability. This is not an issue of race, sex, or religion. It’s about politics and neglect of responsibility. And once again, it is the poor and indigent that suffer.

Mark my words, there will be lots of grandstanding, finger-pointing, and shoulda/coulda/woulda’s. After everything is said in done, our government will put a “patch job” on this problem until the “next one”.

If you haven’t contributed cash or can’t afford too, there are plenty of other ways to contribute. Please contact any of the agencies listed here to offer anything you can spare. Cash, clothes, furniture, vehicles, toys, bedding/linen, etc. Thousands have lost everything. You’d be surprised that a lot of your “junk” could really help someone else. I’m not asking you, I’m begging. If you were in the same situation, wouldn’t you want some help?

Red Cross
Montrose Clinic – supports Gays/Lesbians victims.
The Rainbow Fund
Louisiana Homeland Security

If I wasn’t such a hoe, I’d run for office. . .

Honey, where’s the trailer

As most are aware, New Orleans is facing a huge tragedy in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. I don’t think I need to go into the horrid details as plenty of other more worthy news outlets are doing an excellent job of that. Being originally from Lousiana, I’m angered and frustrated that part of this tragedy, including an increase in loss of life, could have been avoided.

What a lot of folks don’t know is the money New Orleans raised to reinforce and upgrade their levy system was diverted to the war effort. (Louisiana is most definitely a red state in relation to politics.) Not to mention, our National Guard is deployed for extended service w/the war effort so there are very few resources locally to draw from. Our so called leaders are too busy being on vacation to be bothered and we have the gall to refuse international assistance. Yet, we are left with a situation quickly deteriorating. On top of all that, we have a group of “holier-than-thou” fanatics claiming god did this as punishment for Southern Decandence. Stupid is as stupid does I guess.

We, as a society, consider ourselves so advanced and so civilized. Yet at the first opportunity we revert to our base animalistic selves. I’m doing what little I can to contribute to the relief effort but I’m just flat disgusted. Why do we always wait for something to bite us in the ass before we do the right thing?


I’m doing laundry last night and some jerk off apparently decided to use one of the washers to die his clothes. I open a washer full of whites to discover they are a lovely pink. Thinking maybe it was my own fault I sort thru every item looking for the culprit. No luck. On a whim, I look in the trash and see an empty box of die. OH FUCK was I mad. I washed my whites again w/extra bleach and got’em down to a off white pink tink however, I’m still fuming. Two of my favorite shirts and all of my underwear ruined. I swear if I ever catch that fucker I’m gonna chew him up one side and down the other.

I did leave a nasty note on the laundry door thanking him for ruining my laundry. The sheer stupidity of it astounds me.

*I’m pulling 12 hour shift at work today which does nothing for my mood*

the SHOWER room

I was reading this rant from the SHOWER room and was greatly disturbed. As long as people like this keep getting away with it, they’ll keep doing it.

The gist of the story is one guy gave another guy water laced w/ghb. (a date rape drug of choice for the gay community among other things). The victim proceeds to pass out and the guy “has his way w/him” then has the audacity to act like it’s no big thing. The vicitm isn’t even sure if he wants to press charges.

Read the whole story for the details. Mind you it’s 2nd hand but very disturbing nonetheless.


I hate SBC! Or the artist formerly known as Pacific Bell. I much prefer cable internet over DSL as the speeds are often much faster for what you pay. However, when I moved into this building, Comcrack had not yet wired it for high speed internet. I was left w/SBC or nothing.

Apparently, because SBC contracts out for DSL, even though the bill has their name on it, I have different billing cycles for my phone and DSL servcie. This creates a problem in that one month I get billed for just my phone line and the next I get billed for my phone line and 2 months worth of DSL. It’s not breaking me but it is annoying. I call today to try and resolve the issue and I’m given lip service by both sides (after being on hold for a whopping 16 minutes) about how they can’t change my contract, blah blah blah.

Were it not for my investment in books, tuition, etc for school, I’d pay the termination fee and switch today. However, reason has overriden my anger to strangle the life out of my phone.

OY! I feel better now.

Painful Reminder

I’m gonna go off on a rant here. (The trip info is still in works.)

Why are men such dicks?

I’ve been chatting w/a friend from back home in Houston via email for a few days now. Due to my schedule on such a short trip, we did not get time to visit in person. Anyway, I discovered he recently split w/his bf. There seem to be some striking parallels between his and my breakup. I got very teary eyed after reading his latest email. The pain he is going thru is all too familiar. Saying ‘it will get better’ is so cliche. We all know it will but, it does nothing to lesson the pain now.

I think I’m gonna start a sex site called “Sex with Strings”. Meaning…yeah you can hook up for sex but the focus is also on finding someone compatible out of bed as much as in bed. Wouldn’t that be a gas!? I wonder if it would go over well. I’m obviously trying to make light of things here. However, I do believe that our culture has these polarity in regards to sex and relationships. It’s always “looking for long term LTR not hookups” or “looking for hookups only“. Why can’t you look for both? I know it ties into our irrational need to conform to the hetero morality. Lets face it folks, men are wired differently than women. So when you take women out of the equation, it doesn’t make sense to try and apply rules that were never meant for same sex relationships. DUH! I’m not saying monogamy doesn’t have a place in same sex LTR’s, (which so many often intepret I do), just that we need to be honest w/ourselves and our partners about our needs/desires. It’s that simple.

Ok, I’m totally off focus here but that’s it for now. I need to get ready for work.

Can You Hear Me Now? NO!

My phone still hasn’t surfaced. If I don’t find it today, I’m resigned to having to replace it. I’m beyond annoyed at this point.

The odd part is I have GPS program on the phone that uses the cellular gps to tell me where it is. However, the program only works while the phone is on. No luck so far. *sigh* I’m so incredibly bummed right now.

Bitter!? Party of Two, One!

…..your table is ready. So my lunch date was a no show. Note even a phone call. I’m not sure why I even get upset anymore. Here it is almost 4:00pm pacific time and he hasn’t bothered to call or email. However, I did see him online earlier.

I make an effort in my life to be the type of person I’d want to date. I guess it is just too much these days to ask for the same in return.

** Update – got a very brief curt email around 4:30pm w/a lame excuse. Hmmm? lunch was at Noon, got a response at 4:30pm. **