
As I mentioned earlier, Al from Bent Collective wrote an insightful post about HIV and the failed attempts to combat it in this country. A particularly snotty reader w/no balls of his own, wrote a short but insulting post about blame and then attempted to justify his excuse w/an overt assumption that amounts to a lie.

Of course it’s up to the positive guy! If the negative guy doesn’t know, he is innocent- he doesn’t want HIV. It’s a fact there is a large number of gay guys that like to infect. They have parties for it.

You’re standing up for this!

If you read far enough, you’ll see I lost my temper a bit as well. I make no apologies except to the blog owner. Using fear to spread distrust only serves to divide us further. And if you cater such mentality you are definitely reading the wrong blog.

For the record, HIV is relatively hard to catch. Unless you are sharing drug needles or taking it up the butt w/o a condom, your chances are getting it are pretty slim. And for the record again, I do not condone lying. While it may sound reasonable, to say that it is the sole responsibility of the positive person to inform you of their status is folly at best. One, said person may not even know their status. Two, we don’t live in a perfect world. Three, and the most important reason, no one is responsible for your health but you. If you make blind assumptions you move from ignorance into stupidity. If your health is that important to you, are you really going to rely on the honesty of a perfect stranger? It’s all his fault because you were either too afraid or too timid to ask? Sounds like a Ricky Lake episode to me.

Folks I don’t know how much plainer I can say it. If you are negative and want to stay that way use a condom. It really is that simple! After reading this, you no longer have the benefit of claiming ignorance. And if you are still stupid enough to trust your health to a perfect stranger, you can’t claim “innocence” either.

Dirty Bastard

Some dirty bastard stole my towel at the gym today! Oh, talk about get my blood up. The shitty part is they had to lift up my travel bag to get it. So it wasn’t a “honest mistake”. Even worse, I’d forgotten mine so I bought a new one from the gym. Not being the shy type I yelled out, “whoever had the fucking nerve to steal my towel needs their ass whooped!” Several guys stopped me to share similar stories.

How pathetic are you if you have to steal a fraking gym towell? I only paid $4.00 for it but that is not the point. UGGH! I was already annoyed as I had to cut my gym time short. I forgot I was signed up for overtime today.

Continue reading Dirty Bastard

I’ll Have A Venti Bomb Latte

Holy Cow! I’ve heard of grumbling about Starbucks but this is ri-god-damn-diculous!

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) (full story) – Police defused an explosive device found in the bathroom of a Starbucks on Monday. No one was injured.

Authorities were called around 1:15 p.m., after an employee reported finding something suspicious in the store’s bathroom. About 100 people were evacuated from the store and apartments above it, and the street was closed to traffic, said Sgt. Neville Gittens.

“This was a good device. If it had exploded, it would have caused injuries or damage,” said Gittens, who would not describe its size.

Once the device was disabled at about 2:10 p.m., police allowed people back into the apartment building and reopened the street. The store, located at a busy city intersection, remained closed Monday evening while authorities investigated.

That’s just ignunt. Don’t they know for everyone you close, 6 more pop up!

Burned – Almost

Ever do something colossally stupid by not paying attention? Without going into the details of it, I made an error in judgement this week. Something that could have burned me and I’m a bit ashamed of myself. I can such an absent-minded Cletus at times and this time it could have really bitten me in the ass.

I know, your going “what the fuck are you talking about Moby”. Well, it’s something very private to me but rest assured I won’t make the same mistake twice. And amazingly, it turned out alright.

Better than alright actually.

Target Responds…

**This is a long one today folks. If you don’t care to hear it, skip on down. **

So I finally got a response from Target today. (I ranted about Target allowing pharmacist’s to refuse filling prescriptions if it conflicted w/their “religious beliefs”.) While I still don’t quite agree w/their approach, I am heartened to know there are some limitations to this so called allowance. Here is the email I got to today in it’s entirety.

Dear Target Guest

In our ongoing effort to provide great service to our guests, Target consistently ensures that prescriptions for the emergency contraceptive Plan B are filled. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also requires us to accommodate our team members’ sincerely held religious beliefs.

In the rare event that a pharmacist’s beliefs conflict with filling a guest’s prescription for the emergency contraceptive Plan B, our policy requires our pharmacists to take responsibility for ensuring that the guest’s prescription is filled in a timely and respectful manner, either by another Target pharmacist or a different pharmacy.

The emergency contraceptive Plan B is the only medication for which this policy applies.
Under no circumstances can the pharmacist prevent the prescription from being filled, make discourteous or judgmental remarks, or discuss his or her religious beliefs with the guest.

Target abides by all state and local laws and, in the event that other laws conflict with our policy, we follow the law.

We’re surprised and disappointed by Planned Parenthood’s negative campaign. We’ve been talking with Planned Parenthood to clarify our policy and reinforce our commitment to ensuring that our guests’ prescriptions for the emergency contraceptive Plan B are filled. Our policy is similar to that of many other retailers and follows the recommendations of the American Pharmacists Association. That’s why it’s unclear why Target is being singled out.

We’re committed to meeting the needs of our female guests and will continue to deliver upon that commitment.


Jennifer Hanson
Target Executive Offices

I always like to get both sides to a story before I go off on a rampage. It is disappointing to see they do in fact allow it to happen. They try to make nicey nicey w/the part about making sure the prescription gets filled by someone. Well, it just ain’t right in my book. Supposedly, it only applies to contraceptives of a certain type but I have a sneaky suspicion in rural areas this rule takes on a whole new meaning.

I rarely get to Target (tar-zshay) anymore as we don’t have one here in SF. However, I often buy things from their website. I can’t say if that will continue knowing that they allow such despicable behavior. Even if it is only having to due w/contraceptives.


So crazy lady that threw her kids into the ocean plead not guilty today. It is times like this I just hate our justice system. Her lawyer will probably try to get her off w/an insanity plea. I just don’t have compassion for someone who murders innocent little children, crazy or not. I think they should throw her ass off in the water and say “sink or swim bitch!”

Course, that’s just me.

Oh What Fresh Hell…

This entry marks the end of a very loooong drawn out day. Not only did I pull 12 hours but everyone was cranky. Add to that lots of goin’s-on in the city. A carjacking (211cj), a stabbing (219), a shooting (217), a lady backed over a homeless guy (519 ped), and to top it all off, I got a lovely caller who felt the need to remind me her taxes pay my salary (800). Well it ain’t enough! (How’s that for good grammar?) And her gripe was over kids playing in the park…playing in the park! I’m like be frelling glad they aren’t tagging your house lady! Anyway, I’m glad this day is over. I had originally planned to go out but I guess I’m getting old. I’m too pooped to party.

In other news, my ex called while I’m at work. He was in an accident on the freeway. He was ok but needed help on what to do. I was a bit short but offered up the needed assistance. Afterwards, I felt a bit guilty so I called him back and made sure he was really ok and that he got the necessary help. Freeways are CHP jurisdiction but I’m a control freak at work, I admit it. I only mention it as it segways me into my last bit of drama for the day.

**Oh, and you might wanna skip this part. I so hate when people drag out their dramatic break-ups so I won’t resent you if you skip it. However, this is more about what I’ve learned from it than the break-up itself.**

I made a comment to a co-worker in passing about the ex calling and he said something that reduced me to tears. He doesn’t read my blog and he’ll probably never know the effect he had on me today. That said, I am truly grateful for his thoughtfulness. It really helped solidy my belief in myself and my actions. So after our very brief conversation he took the time to write to me thru the terminals and say,

“…w/o really knowing what happened, I know you and I know whatever he did he probably deserved it. You are a compassionate and gentle creature.”

This from a straight guy who used to be a cop. Not exceptionally known for his overt kind nature. You wouldn’t believe such a small statement could reduce me to tears. I was so bloody blubbery I had to take a break! (This conversation occured via computer terminals) If you are one of my few regular readers you know I tried really hard thru the whole dramatic break-up to be the better man. And here is a person who doesn’t know any of the details of my life and he totally gets it. He totally get’s what I’ve been going thru w/o even knowing it. The blind understanding of his comment just pushed me over the edge. I got all blurry-eyed and had to take a moment to collect myself. It was so “Elizabeth Taylor” I’m giggling now. However, at the time it was a very defining moment.

And w/that blog fans, stick a fork in me cause I’m done! It’s been an emotional day. No phones, no friends. Just me w/my feet up in front of the Tivo.
