Ignunce, Texas Style

No jail time for drunk driver who killed 18 year-old

A mother is outraged after hearing the man found guilty of killing her son in a drunken driving accident won’t serve any jail time for the crime. “The drunk driver could have stopped 300 feet away from my son; instead he plowed into my son. He had over twice the legal limit of alcohol in his system.”

read more | digg story

1) This story is obviously missing some details.
2) A clear reason why I don’t live in Texas anymore. CC is one of the most repressive back asswards there is in Texas so I’m not sure why I’m surprised.

Say “Cheese”

I often repeat myself so if this is such a case, my apologies in advance. My rant today is in reference to a message I got from an anonymous person on gaydar.co.uk. I say anonymous because his profile was devoid of pictures and had the barest of details filled out. Forgetting for a moment my profile states if you contact me, please have pics of yourself or don’t expect a response.

Said person, sends me a message. “Hey, you’re Hot” or something to that affect. Being overly tired of people not actually reading the profile before responding, I hit the generic “no thanks” button. His reply, “Go fuck yourself you stupid rude cunt.“. Hmmmm . . . I’m rude? I think someone is suffering from a delusion I give a shit. I kindly hit the block button and that was the end of that.

I bring it up because, in the age of the internet, people have the illusion that 1) you can log on and remain completely anonymous and 2) by being anonymous, absolve yourself of any responsibility for your behavior. Frankly, I do not concur.

Sites like gaydar.co.uk, manhunt, tribe, myspace, etc serve a purpose. Whether sexual or not, they exist to promote human interaction. It kind of defeats that purpose when you are acting John Doe. And no, it does not make you more alluring. If anything, it has just the opposite affect unless you are desperate. In an age of technology, one is left to ponder why (oh why) does some one need to be so invisible? In the gay world, it usually stems from one (or more) sources.

1) You are a narcissist but afraid to admit it.
2) You are too lazy to get off your ass and make an effort. Whether it be thru a filled out profile or having pictures of yourself.
3) You are ashamed of yourself be it behavior or appearance.
4) You are being deceitful w/someone else (Usually a lover or partner)

Regardless of the reason, I could care less. I have no time for such dramatics. Being from the South and an Aquarian, I am an incredibly social person. That said, I do not care for faceless interaction. Take my blog for example. Every person on my favorites list, I’ve either met in person or had enough interaction with to feel a connection to, be it bouncing between blogs, emails, chats, gaming, phone calls, etc. I also have a rather clear idea what they look like. I could see them on the street and recognize them.

The other part of my little tirade today is this. If you log onto a sex site looking for nookie and someone ignores you, don’t freak out. You shouldn’t be gleaning your self-respect from your sexual conquests first of all (so been there done that, still have the tshirt). All it means, is said person does not wish to have sex w/you. There is nothing that says they have too. And if you id is that fragile, you shouldn’t be online in the first place. If you take the time to send me a message beyond “sup” or “what are you into?“, I usually take the time to reply back. However, if I’m busy, distracted, or annoyed, I may just hit the delete button. It doesn’t mean I hate you, I’m just not interested in swapping bodily fluids with you. Rejection is part of life. You will never be everything to everyone. And expecting to is a recipe for misery.

So to recap my little BF today. If you choose to be “discreet” or “anonymous” on the net that is certainly your choice. It is my choice not to interact w/you. If you refuse to relent then don’t be bitter at others who also refuse to relent. And if you are bitter and lash out it only makes you look a) desperate or b) like an ass.

Dirty Rat

I forgot to mention someone broke into my building last week. I live in a 4 unit apartment building. Someone picked the bottom lock on the front door downstairs and basically rumaged thru the garage. Other than my motorcycle, which was with me at work, I don’t keep anything in the garage. My neighbor upstairs wasn’t so fortunate1. Whoever it was stole a variety of misc. items and his bicycle.

He stopped me in the hallway to ask if I’d seen or heard anything2. I hadn’t but I did notice when the bike went missing and shared the details with him. He then mentioned it has happened before3. Not surprising, it is a very opportunistic style crime. I’d bet money some homeless person, picked the lock, walked in and basically grabbed whatever he thought he could sell for booze/drug money. On a side note, it became abundantly clear why the landlord asks us to lock the deadbolt on the entry door.

Truth be told, crimes of this nature are very common here. Again, not surprising as we have a high rate of homeless folks. That said, I’d choose crimes like this over more violent and heinous crimes any day. For all it’s problems, there are few places in SF, I don’t feel safe to venture. I can’t say that of most cities I’ve lived in. I’d rather worry about shit like this than waking up w/someone sticking a gun in my face. And while SF does have some hardcore crime, it is not the norm.

The moral of the story? Lock the damn doors when you come and go Moby. *g*

1 He is a bit of a pack rat. He has quite a bit of stuff stored in various places in the garage. I’m not complaining, just an observation.

2 My apartment sits right over the garage. I sleep w/ear plugs in so as not to be awakened by an old but loud garage door opening in the mornings.

3 He has lived in the building 10 plus years.

Extra Flakey

Does it piss you off when people flake on you? Especially, at the last minute.

I was scheduled to hang out w/a group of buddies from my EMT class tonight. Three to be precise. And all three flaked out. Now Brandon had a good excuse, he worked a full 10 hour day and was worn out. After he heard the other two flaked, I offered to just cancel and do it another time. He accepted. I don’t blame him however, the other two don’t have such a good excuse. Even worse, the girl who put all this together text’d me her cancellation. She couldn’t even CALL. People just don’t value their word anymore these days. It’s like “yeah, I’ll hang out with you until I’m distracted by something else.” I’m not angry per say, just annoyed. I was looking forward to seeing them all day and booked my plans around the get together.

Now, I’m all dressed up and no one to blow nowhere to go. *sigh*

Ignunce Rears It’s Ugly Head II

Why is it in this country we always have to over exaggerate things? Take for example this clip from Towleroad regarding a hate crime.

The home of two gay men living in Aldie, Virginia, just west of Washington, DC was the target of homophobic vandals over the weekend. The vandals spray-painted “FAG” and other homophobic remarks on the lawn, driveway, mailbox, and street in front of their property. They also uprooted over 170 trees and shrubs and poured gasoline on the lawn before fleeing the area. (photos)

Said Equality Loudoun (Aldie is in Loudon County) President David Weintraub: “I am disgusted and saddened. The good news is that the homeowners do feel that this crime is being taken seriously and being investigated by law enforcement as what it is: a hate crime and act of terrorism.”

Webster’s defines terrorism as “..threat of force or violence by an organized group..against person(s) or property w/the intent to intimidate or coerce a soceity or government for ideological or political reasons”.

Someone please explain to me how a hate crime involving graffiti and vandalism of trees reaches the level of “government intimidation”? I’m not trying to belittle the event as it is a serious offense. The perps. caused significant property damage and who knows how much emotional turmoil. But come on folks, let’s keep things in perspective. This is NOT terrorism.

I’m probably overly sensitive to this issue. In my line of work, I hear people throw around the word terrorism all the time. I’m just sick and tired of the “ignunce”.

Ugh! II

Sometimes, I let my mouth run away w/me. Tonight, was case and point. I was catching up on my blogrolling and, as usual, Dunner always seems to come up w/engaging topics. One particular post was about the dangers of meth use vs the staggering deaths from legal tobacco and alcohol consumption. It is no secret I am anti-drug all the way. I’m usually of the mindset “all things in moderation” but, that does not apply when dealing w/deadly addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol AND meth. I lost it after this particular response . . .

You’re so neo-prohibitionist it’s disgusting. How can you honestly take the stance that you’re pro-sexual freedom and then rant and rave about fucking tobacco and alcohol use? How is your desire to restrain others right to put what they want into their body different from fundamentalists trying to legislate away your right to put a cock in your ass or mouth? Tobacco and alcohol don’t lead to increases in HIV and meth use does. Long-term use of meth carries far more fatal side effects than a beer or a ciggie every now and then, yet you focus on an increasingly more absurd “war” against tobacco. What’s next, a ban on outdoor smoking? Or better yet lets follow the wonderful example of the 30 year “war on drugs” and ban it entirely. That’s just what this country needs more of, banned substances.

Excuse me? I was so stunned I had to read it twice to make sure I read it correctly. Rather than tie up Dunner’s blog (as I tend to do), I thought I’d bring it home and blather to my hearts content.

How is your desire to restrain others right to put what they want into their body different from fundamentalists trying to legislate away your right to put a cock in your ass or mouth?

Well let’s see, putting my cock in someone else’s ass, does not in itself, cause any lasting harm to either party. With the arrival of AIDS and super resistant ghonorrhea, etc, it certainly is riskier. However, if we plan on outlawing consensual sex, it should apply to both hetero- and homo- sexuals equally. And the “fundies” don’t care so much about harm as much as they do enforcing their own twisted propaganda.

Tobacco and alcohol don’t lead to increases in HIV and meth use does. Long-term use of meth carries far more fatal side effects than a beer or a ciggie every now and then, yet you focus on an increasingly more absurd “war” against tobacco.

While tobacco may not lead to increases in HIV, unless you are “dipping” there is no way you can indulge your habit outside your own home w/o polluting the airspace around you. Air space, I’m most often forced to endure. Are you so far removed from mainstream society that you have forgotten that alcohol has been repeatedly linked to an increase in risky behavior due to lowered inhibitions. And what about all the deaths caused from drunk drivers? I guess those don’t count because they aren’t related to HIV transmission and meth is.

Long-term use of meth carries far more fatal side effects than a beer or a ciggie every now and then

True, meth is a very insidious and destructive drug. It was recently discovered your body actually produces antibodies to meth. These means you must continually increase the dosage to get the same affects. No arguement there. But numbers don’t lie. Alcohol and tobacco related deaths far outnumber deaths caused by meth. Just because it is “legal’ does not mean it’s good for us. Nor should we as a society stand idly by why thousands die every year from ‘legal’ drugs.

But some reverse thinking might be in good order here. After all, if we remove all the “frivilous bans” on tobacco, alcohol, and meth, let’s go all the way. Let’s make everyone personally responsible for their actions. By that, I mean if you willfully choose to self-destruct, then I am not obligated to contribute or pay for your illness, treatment, and/or eventual death. That means no more insurance coverage for smoking or alcohol related illnesses. Think of all the money we’ll save. Why, we could divert those funds to so many other needy folks!

Such comments are foolish and hypocritical. Hopefully, my sarcasm has shown that to be the case. If not, I promise not to say ‘I told you so’ at your funeral.

Burn Baby Burn!

*donning my best gay voice* Oooooh sister gurl be done let her have it! lol

This really did make my day.

All I can say is “Amen Sista!” Looks like Fox finally grew a pair. I’m all for letting wacko’s like this speak out. They drive more people into my corner than I ever could.

Drama 102

*Today’s little rant involves high school shinanigans so if you are above such things, feel free to skip it.*

I figured it was time to put my two cents in since everyone has been pounding my inbox for my views on it. I’m flattered so many of you value my thoughts. However, I encourage you to make up your own minds.

Some drama has been occuring in the blogworld as of late. And you know my feelings on drama. I stayed out of it as I felt it wasn’t really my fight. However, the fallout over it has involved me in a very real world way and I’m compelled to speak up. In a nutshell this little drama started over God of Biscuits feeling slighted by comments on Bent Collective’s blog. So, in return, he felt the need to strike back w/allegations of his own. Allegations that BC is a complete farse, it’s writers are one person and the blog itself is all lies. A tale w/all the makings of a high school bitch fight wouldn’t you say?
Continue reading Drama 102

Ignunce II

I mentioned I recently joined my space. Well, so far not bad. However, as is prone to happen, ignunce rears it’s ugly head. I got this lovely email from a rather unattractive out-of-shape female today. In her defense, her intelligence is matched only by her beauty…

I am sorry that you are gay. You are good looking and woman would probably be all over you!!!I dont understand it my self cause I LOVE MEN. What a waste!!!!

My first response was to slice her to bits but what would that solve? Anyone stupid enough to send such a comment isn’t firing all 4 cylinders anyway. Instead, I politely advised her not to start conversations w/total strangers w/insults. I doubt she understood what I meant though.