McCain Still a Hypocrit

McCain Never Returned Cash from former Manhunt Chairman

While I’m still on my high horse…

So not only did they not return the money but Crutchley is still working for MH even if he is no longer on the board. He still owns a significant share of the company and not being “on the board” was window dressing to appease us so we would blithely turn away and keep looking for our next hookup.


For My Next Trick…

I finally caught up on all my emails. [1]I guess politics rates right under porn for hot topics.  Most of the public comments are those in agreement with me.  Well except for that crazy Cajun, Brett. [2]Cajuns, by nature, are never afraid to speak up.  We also aren’t afraid to speak back. However, I got a slew of private emails representing the contrary opinion.  Folks, you are welcome to disagree with me anytime.  My only request is and has always been that you be respectful.  Most of you do that consistently.  I never nix contrary opinions just because you disagree.  You don’t have to worry about attacks here either.  I don’t tolerate that at all.  We can all talk w/o resorting to name calling.  Well, here on my blog we can.  Anyway, I think I replied to everyone’s private email.  If I didn’t, so sowwie but the fingers are tired.


I guess in my last post I wasn’t very clear.  I don’t expect to put ManHunt out of business.  Please.  They are a global company.  My little drop in the bucket won’t mean much in the grand scale of things. That said, I can’t knowingly support someone who doesn’t support me.  I don’t care if it is a "trashy hookup site", as Brett calls it. 

And frankly, it isn’t about the money.  The guy is making a very profitable living off of gay men.  To donate to the McCain campaign is a slap in the face and hypocritical.   I also don’t expect him to be some moral compass, whatever the fuck that is.  I do expect as someone who makes his living primarily off gay men he won’t support political candidates who consistently vote to keep us 2nd class citizens.

I am proud to say quite a few of my readers have nixed their accounts.  I can count at least 30 folks I know first hand who have done so.  The scandal hasn’t even hit mainstream media yet.  If enough of us make a statement Manhunt will have to deal with it. 


1 I guess politics rates right under porn for hot topics.
2 Cajuns, by nature, are never afraid to speak up.  We also aren’t afraid to speak back.

Just Wrong

I’m pretty free spirited and lord knows I have an open mind when it comes to sex.  Tonight, I stumbled over a profile on Manhunt I felt crossed the line, even for me.  There are a lot of strange fetishes in the gay community and even more so online.  But there are certain things I can’t and won’t tolerate.

The guy basically started out ranting with claims about being a real man, masculine, blah blah blah.  Nothing new there, pretty much the same boring fodder as usual.  Then he launches into a speech about mind trips, power, and domination.  *yawn* 

Now comes the part that pissed me off.  He is only looking for negative guys he can dominate and attempt to infect.  He goes on to imply it is the only true form of power and control.  Call it a sick neurosis, a inferiority complex, whatever, it’s fucking wrong.

There are a lot of things I will tolerate but I draw the line at deliberately trying to infect people with HIV.  HIV may not be the death sentence in Western culture it used to be but people are still fucking dying.  More disturbing, the rate of infections in younger gays is on the rise again.  To see some sick fuck with a twisted need to satisfy his limp-dick inferiority complex trying to convince people HIV is glamorous is beyond reprehensible. 

I reported his ass to the admins. [1]It takes about 24 hours usually for complaints to be reviewed.  I also added a note if they allow such a profile to exist, they will lose me as a customer.  I didn’t make it as threat but to make a point.  In the event his profile doesn’t get nixed (I think it will), I’ll go one step further and break one of my cardinal rules about privacy.  I’ll post his profile info here and encourage every single reader to email Manhunt to complain. 

*Update* – The profile was removed when I woke up today.


1 It takes about 24 hours usually for complaints to be reviewed.

Hated It

I got hate mail!  It’s been ages since I got any hate mail.  Frankly, I’m long over due for the random ass-hole giving me a holier-than-thou speech.  hehehe.  I was beginning to feel neglected. 

I know I said last time I was gonna start posting’em here however, it doesn’t even warrant that.  It was basically some idiot ranting about how I’m gonna go to hell for being a pole smoker, as he put it. [1]Sounds kinda hot  I queried his IP and he is local.  I wonder if he is fishing for a date?  He obviously don’t read enough cause I’m easy but I’m not quick! DUH. 

I’ve often given serious thought to what it would be like if all of us went to hell.  As the hilarious Coco Peru once said, "it would quite a party is what it would be."   Think about it.  Every fag that has ever lived in once place!  We would of course, have to redo it, put in central air, a pool, a playroom, etc.  Cause you know we always fix up the run down shit our straight counter-parts have ruined or discarded.  Of course, they routinely want it back afterwards. 

Hey I know!  We could rent out hell as a tourist destination?  Then we would have a never ending supply of cash for our agenda of world domination and the conversion of every last man, woman, and child into our brood. [2]It is truly sad in this day and age people still believe such things. 


1 Sounds kinda hot
2 It is truly sad in this day and age people still believe such things.

Scandal VS Stupid

I’m fond of saying, "you can’t cure stupid". I know, kind of mean but a fact of life nonetheless.

A whole slew of guys got busted for inappropriate behavior in the steam room at the gym today. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not passing judgment. [1]That would make me a total hypocrite mind you. But that is not about to stop me from pointing out the hilarity of the situation. Lord knows, I’ve been known to tinker around in there a time or two (or three). That said, how stupid do you have to be to do it while two of the gym employees are directly in front of the steam room working on the showers? It is called subtlety bitches! Seriously though, you have to walk thru the showers to even get to the steam room. And, it has a glass door.

Anyway, I head in after my workout (Cardio day, ugh!)) and it is packed. Literally, standing room only. At this point I’m wondering if I missed a holiday as it is almost never this busy in the late mornings. There is this rather odd couple [2]Don’t ask because God don’t like ugly. in the corner going at it. "Mmmmm-kay", I think to myself. I’m in the process of saying to myself, "surely no one else is stupid enough to do anything while the employees are right there…" when this older rather unattractive fellow moves so he can stand over the couple. You can guess what he was doing. Before you know it, 3 other guys are all crowded around going at it.

Now, daddy might have raised ugly but he sure as hell didn’t raise stupid. I just politely moved out of the way, tucked my head down, and counted. I made it to 30 before the manager and several members of the staff burst in and kicked 5 of the guys out. The other 4 or 5 bailed like a hooker in church. I just sat there giggling. Of course, knowing several of the employees, I found out the 5 also had their memberships suspended for 30 days. The couple apparently made a big stink about it.

I know I’m going to Hell for laughing but I was stunned by the stupidity displayed. I have no objections to the behavior as they were all adults and 99% of the guys in there are after the same thing. [3]And please save any self-righteous comments. I’m a grown man and take responsibility for my actions. However, a word to the wise boys. When you go into a public place looking for sex and you get busted, don’t feign surprise and anger over it. Just tuck your tail between your legs, accept your licks, and move on.

‘nuf said.


1 That would make me a total hypocrite mind you.
2 Don’t ask because God don’t like ugly.
3 And please save any self-righteous comments. I’m a grown man and take responsibility for my actions.

Climbing On My Horse.

Once again ignunce rears its ugly head. I’m catching up my on my blogroll from work when I stumble across this post from

The owners of a new website basically attacked Andy/Bill of the family of websites with the image below.


When called to task for the behavior the site owner further had this to say.

You just cannot fathom how incorrect you are. For every one of you fluffy fags that defend those two child endangering losers, we get 200 to join our REAL Bear site. Why? Because outside of GayLoserTown USA, (aka San Francisco), the rest of the gay world regrets you flaming queens even exist. Your bring the curve down for the rest of the community, and are the root cause of why we don’t have equal rights.

Forgetting for a moment the outright nastiness of the owner, most of the rights we have today are thanks to ’those flaming queens’ he so detests. In the words of Donna Sachet, "Get a clue, Mary".

I happen to know Andy and Bill from various charities here in SF. It might be worth mentioning they don’t live in SF but far be it from me to offer up petty details. They are two of the friendliest, nicest guys you could ever meet. To me, they are the poster children for the bear community. To try and defame them is childish and irresponsible. Oh, and the pics used above were all taken from charity fundraisers. Andy and Bill own,, and websites. They give thousands of dollars (and I do mean thousands) every year to local and national charities. It boggles the mind to someone from our own community is now attacking them in an attempt to make a buck.

Whether you identify as a bear or not, I encourage you to spread the word NOT to do business w/this guy. People like this only understand one thing, money. So I say we hit’em where it hurts.

I’m off to celebrate w/all "those flaming queens".

Pissy Missy

Pissy queens really piss me off!

I’m online today and this rather attractive fellow emails me for playtime. Of course, as often seems to be the case here (sadly), he is into PNP. My profile clearly says that is a deal breaker.1 So, I just didn’t respond. I figure if you can’t read, I’m not gonna waste my time. Missy then decides to send me this rather pissy message.

Good thing sucking is a skill of yours because you seem to be rather lacking in social ones.

Oh really? I guess he thought because he was hot, that excuses poor behavior. Now, I feel compelled to respond.

My social skills are fine. However, I get tired of folks who don’t actually read before they send messages and then get pissy when I don’t respond. Your profile says you PNP and mine clearly says WE ARE NOT A MATCH. Now who needs to brush up on their social skills?

The moral of the story? Don’t be pissy. If your ego is so fragile you can’t take a little online rejection, especially when you are too ignorant to read a profile, you should probably turn off the computer all together.

Whew, I feel better. Do you?

1 Hello? Where do I work again?

Real Man

It always takes a real man to leave a shitty comment on someone’s blog w/no email or website reference. Yeah, real man.

So, I get this cheesy email from a guy insulting me in one breath and complimenting me in another. Of course, the compliment was meant to be sarcastic. The sp@m filter caught it and promptly shuffled it into the correct folder. (The joys of WordPress)

I have no problem w/folks who disagree with me however, don’t be a pussy. Have the fuckin’ balls to put your name and email address. Otherwise, don’t expect your comments to see the light of day.

Bear Crawl & Saggy Panties

No, not together thankfully. hehehe. This past Saturday my blogger buddy Shawn drug me out for the Bear Crawl. I didn’t even know what it was. It happens a few times a year. Basically, a huge group of guys (like almost 100) get together and go bar to bar every 30 minutes. I didn’t join in till much later in the evening however, I had a good time. And it’s official, I’m a bear. I didn’t realize it was so easy to join. All I had to do was have facial hair along w/my happy trail and light patch of chest fuzz. As seen from my pic here. Who knew?


In more shallow news, why is it old men always were really baggy or tight underwear? Always one extreme or the other? I saw this older guy today, probably in his mid 60’s, lean and tall. He had on a pair of skin tight bikini cut bright aqua blue undies that looked ridiculous. Even the older guy next to me had a smirk on his face. People, I know fashion sense is shallow in the grand scheme of things. That said, take a moment to look at yourself before you walk out your door in the morning. Please, I beg you, stop torturing the rest of us and dress your damn age. /rant


While out on the bear crawl1 this weekend, a conversation heard about blogging.

This is sorta where I tuned into to the conversation.

Guy 1: ….yeah, he said he was a blogger. I’ve never read him though

Guy 2: Blogger? I thought only losers did that?

Guy 1: Why do you say that? I’m not even sure what a blog is. I just know he does it.

Guy 2: Its a bunch of queers who don’t have a life complaining about it online. Don’t waste your time.

It was at this point, I felt compelled to intervene. I leaned over and stuck my nose right in their conversation. hehehe

Continue reading Conversations