Did you make any resolutions for 2011 (twenty-eleven) yet? No? Well get busy damn it! lol Truth be told, I’m a little behind myself. Actually, I think I’m way behind at this point. Oh well, better late than never.
I’m wondering the average success rate of NY resolutions. My success rate is about 70% over the last 10 years. That’s not bad at all. To be fair some of them weren’t overly ambitious. Partly as I’m a big believer in making gradual changes vs abrupt ones. Most of the gradual changes I make stick with me while the abrupt ones often fall by the wayside.
This year I only have a couple new ones. [1]I still have my annual ones that I sort of reaffirm every year. Working out, eating better, staying fit, blah blah blah. One, I wanna get back into blogging more. I’ve gotten away from it in the last 6 or so months and I miss it. My schedule plays a big part of it but I should be able to find a little time here and there to blog. I also miss reading personal blogs. While I still follow a dedicated few, I haven’t added any new ones in ages and the bulk of my blog reading is usually news oriented.
Two, I plan to focus on developing the friendships that matter to me in my life. With the passing my buddy Gene recently, it really made me think about things. I offer friendship readily to anyone who shows interest but to build a real lasting friendship takes effort. I need to focus on those who return said energy in kind. Its easy being someone’s friend when it costs or demands nothing.
These are my goals for the year. What are yours?
↑1 | I still have my annual ones that I sort of reaffirm every year. Working out, eating better, staying fit, blah blah blah. |