
Did you make any resolutions for 2011 (twenty-eleven) yet? No? Well get busy damn it! lol  Truth be told, I’m a little behind myself.  Actually, I think I’m way behind at this point. Oh well, better late than never.

I’m wondering the average success rate of NY resolutions. My success rate is about 70% over the last 10 years. That’s not bad at all. To be fair some of them weren’t overly ambitious. Partly as I’m a big believer in making gradual changes vs abrupt ones. Most of the gradual changes I make stick with me while the abrupt ones often fall by the wayside.

This year I only have a couple new ones. [1]I still have my annual ones that I sort of reaffirm every year. Working out, eating better, staying fit, blah blah blah.  One, I wanna get back into blogging more. I’ve gotten away from it in the last 6 or so months and I miss it. My schedule plays a big part of it but I should be able to find a little time here and there to blog. I also miss reading personal blogs. While I still follow a dedicated few, I haven’t added any new ones in ages and the bulk of my blog reading is usually news oriented.

Two, I plan to focus on developing the friendships that matter to me in my life. With the passing my buddy Gene recently, it really made me think about things. I offer friendship readily to anyone who shows interest but to build a real lasting friendship takes effort. I need to focus on those who return said energy in kind. Its easy being someone’s friend when it costs or demands nothing.

These are my goals for the year. What are yours?


1 I still have my annual ones that I sort of reaffirm every year. Working out, eating better, staying fit, blah blah blah.


Thank you to everyone for the kind words of support from my last post. My birthday is actually in January. I was just tinkering with stuff in my head and out it came. I had no clue when I sat down that all of that would come out. I didn’t even proof read it. (As you can tell by the numerous typos and errors.)

Yeah, it was rough but everyone has their cross to bear, so to speak. I don’t think less of others just because their life has been easier or different. These things happened to me for a reason. My beliefs tell me this was something I needed to learn in this life. Had I not had these problems, there are many many things I would have missed out on. I do wish things had been easier but then I have to ask myself. Would I be the man I am today?

I will say bringing all this up has given me a renewed perspective on my path in life. It reminded me of some things I’d  sort of forgotten, as it were. Good things mind you.

So anyway, thanks again to everyone. I wasn’t fishing for sympathy but all the comments (and emails) were very sweet. It also reminded me of why I continue to blog.

Happy Hanna-Kwana-Xmas everyone!



Well, the holiday season is upon us. The pic is a shot of me being silly at the work holiday party. I was a little apprehensive as I didn’t really know what to expect. Actually, it was loads of fun watching my co-workers get shit-faced. It was at a bar up in North beach, which is total straights-ville. (Now you see my apprehension. lol)  And true to form, there was only 1 other gay co-worker in attendance. He was smart enough to bring a mini-group of his own friends. I should have dragged (read ‘tortured’) several of my own brood into the mix. Now that would have been a show!

I don’t socialize with my co-workers a lot so it was an interesting experience. Some, I had pegged dead on and others really surprised me. Its amazing how some people change personalities after you pour a little liquor in’em. Me, I’m pretty much the same rambunctious flirty homo as I am sober. The only difference is I tend to be a little more rambunctious and a little more flirty. No surprise there. I’ve never booze (or anything else) to loosen up.  Anyway, I ended up having a good time. The place was full of off-duty cops and I took turns with several co-workers taking bets on who would hook-up with whom. heehee

Beyond that, I don’t really seem to be in the holiday mood this year. I didn’t even put up a tree. I’m not sad or depressed or anything like that. The mood just hasn’t really hit me this year. Normally, i get excited when I start decorating and doing cards. Speaking of, I got the cards out at a decent time this year, btw. No disasters other than getting glared at by the post office clerk for purchasing 50+ one-cent stamps. I glared right back at her. lol

The new roomie has been gone for weeks with his new romantic interest and apple guy is still 2000 miles away so it was just me [1]He is coming up for xmas weekend though.. I guess I didn’t really see the point of doing all the decorations just so I can sit and stare at’em for 2 weeks and the take’em down. Ba-humbug right? lol

Oh well, I may not be all gaga for the holiday but I am still grateful. I’ve made a lot of friends over the years and they of course reach out to me on xmas via cards, calls, and texts. That to me is the best part of the holiday.


1 He is coming up for xmas weekend though.


Summer is over and the cool weather is definitely setting in here in SF. While it rarely gets cold cold here, I did have to turn on the heater for the first time this past weekend. brrr! This coming weekend looks to be chilly as well.

Sadly, that also means less moto rides. I did get a ride in this past weekend even though it was chilly. I don’t like riding in the cold, but since I haven’t had much time lately I wanted to get a ride in. It was fun, as always. I’m sure we will get a few warm weekends sprinkled throughout the winter season. That said, I’m already missing the weekly rides.

In less depressing news, Apple guy got his bike this week. He made out like a bandit and scored a really nice bike off ebay for a steal! As luck would have it, its a GSXR like mine (but a 600 mind you :p). Its a sweet looking bike and he is already planning a slew of tweaks and customizations for it. I thought I was bad, he has me beat hands down. Lol. Of course, I have picked up some nice ideas from him. I think his creative streak is much larger than mine. [1]That or I’m just lazy. Anyway, he picks it up this week. I think I’m more excited than he is.  lol


1 That or I’m just lazy.

Overheard III

At the gym today, two guys talking in the showers.


Guy #1: So how was your night?

Guy #2: I didn’t get much sleep

Guy #1: Oh? Is that good or bad

Guy #2: Well, it was my birthday. I got a pair of socks and a piece of ass.  Both were too big.

Photo Op

Thank you to everyone for the kind words on the pic. I do clean up nicely, if I don’t say so myself. *g*

On a side note, the suit pictured in the last post was so tight if I had thrown my arms up in the air I’d have ripped out the armpits. I’m not joking, that bad boy was tight! Apparently, yours truly has developed some girth in his upper body since moving SF. [1]Ironically, the pants fit just fine.

Don’t even get me started on taking the jacket on and off either. I kept it on thru most of the ceremony as I was afraid of looking like a dork trying to get it back on. Of course, there was a meal along with the reception. I finally had to break down and take it off as I was afraid I’d be popping buttons in my plate.

Seriously though, I’m a little irritated as I’ll have to replace the damn thing at some point. Which sucks because I kept the newest suit out of the bunch when I gave all my other ones away. [2]I used to have to wear suits in my old job back home in TX. I’m tempted not to even bother. It might just be cheaper and easier to rent one for the next snazzy event.

What about you? Buy or rent?


1 Ironically, the pants fit just fine.
2 I used to have to wear suits in my old job back home in TX.


Well I arrived safely in Chicago. Actually, I’ve been here for some time. The boy is fast asleep (he is an early riser), but I couldn’t wait until the weekend was over to share this.

I typed this at 30,000 feet on my way to Chicago. The flights were very smooth with one interesting occurrence. Flying on a friend’s buddy pass, I had to hop from SF down to SD and then a connecting flight from SD to Chicago. No biggie as I’ve flown standby plenty of times and more than familiar with the process. Anyway, the first flight was short and sweet and I slept right thru it. The second flight looked to be iffy at best and I’d already assumed I wouldn’t make it. Luck seemed to be on my side though. I made the 2nd flight w/o any hiccups. It was a very full flight but I managed to keep my seat. Even better, since it was physically the same plane I’d just flown in on, I didn’t have to reboard and got to nab a much nicer seat in the exit row. [1]Exit rows always have more leg room. duh! A very sweet young girl from the OC ended up taking the lone seat next to me. She was friendly and we chatted awhile before settling into our own little realms of preoccupation, her on her mobile device playing Sudoku (spelling?) and me on my laptop.

Now here is where it gets a little interesting. Half way thru the flight, I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. One of the flight attendants (a very Barbie-esque woman) was telling me a “gentleman wants to buy you a drink”. I must have given here a dirty look as she repeated herself but softer. Being pulled from my distraction, I was a little perplexed but agreed not wanting to be rude. [2]Hey, I grew up in a trailer, you don’t refuse free shit, especially liquor! lol After my drink arrives I try to discover who it is that bought it for me. The stewardess said he wanted to remain anonymous. Of course, this drove me nuts. I kept turning my head around to see if I could catch someone staring or eyeballing me. There were definitely some hotties on the flight I would have been happy to make into new friends. A random woofy guy here and there, several army boys in their fatigues, and one very striking fembot. [3]a very feminine guy

Sadly, I never figured it out. None of the afore mentioned guys gave me a second glance thru the entire flight. I’m still scratching my head as to why someone would send me a drink but not want to at least be recognized. I tried to convince the flight attendant to tell me but she held fast and clearly I couldn’t get her alone on the plane to try and charm it out of her.

Oh well, I was very flattered. She did say right up front it was a guy so I can only assume he was gay. Mysterious man, if you are out there and on the off-chance read my blog, thanks for the drink bud. Nothing goes down quite as nice as free liquor!


I was about to add more here at the end but the boy just rolled over and something “came up”.


1 Exit rows always have more leg room. duh!
2 Hey, I grew up in a trailer, you don’t refuse free shit, especially liquor! lol
3 a very feminine guy

scarf, scarf!

I’ve been picking up my lunches from this new health food to go place in the hood called Lilah Belle’s.  They are kind enough to give me a 30% discount thru work so I am saving money and eating much better.  I always seemed to end up ordering out from work.  The latter, while tasty, is not the healthiest and that shit adds up! 

Anyway, lately I can’t seem to stop eating.  Besides craving candy, my eating has increased quite a bit.  I usually eat about 4 meals a day. [1]Eating smaller meals more often is much healthier for you.  Recently, I’ve been going thru 5-6 meals a day.  To be fair, I consider large snacks a meal too.  My weight isn’t really fluctuating much so I’m assuming I’m just burning thru the calories. 

My ‘preggars’ post was in total jest but now I’m really wondering.  I assumed originally the drastic increase was from doing more cardio.  Overall, I don’t mind so much as long as my pant size doesn’t go up, even if it is a bit perplexing.


1 Eating smaller meals more often is much healthier for you.

WWMD (What Would Moby Do?)

I figured out what was going on with the pics.  It was a plugin.  I didn’t tinker with it but I did upgrade it yesterday.  It is the same plugin that allows me to restrict certain posts to regsitered users.  After pulling my hair (yeah, my hair) out for a couple hours this morning, I found the offending code and snipped it.   Anyway, on to today’s post.  

Over the years, I seem to have developed a rather consistent following of lurkers. [1]people who read often but never comment publicly  I routinely get requests for advice, how-to, what-ifs, etc from this same group.  Being very open about my sexuality its often adult stuff but not always.  I figured why not start sharing?  heehee  Anonymous of course, don’t want to embarrass anyone.  I’ll try to do one every month but don’t get your knickers in a twist if I miss one.  Welcome to the very first WWMD!

Today’s question actually came in from several different readers so I figured it would be a good start. 

Q: How do you tell a guy you are not interested in him sexually? Or, how do you tell a guy you’ve been with once you aren’t interested in a repeat session.

A: I’m a big believer in honesty.  I find honesty to be the best policy in so many ways.  And while not always well-received at first, anyone worth their salt will respect you for it.  Plus, it does away with extended drama, uncomfortable exchanges later, and/or awkward public meetings.  You don’t have to be rude or ugly but you also don’t have to let the awkwardness or fear of alienation trick you into taking a less-honorable route. 

It may take a few attempts until you get the wording/phrasing down right as to not come off as rude.  You can even start out with telling the person you wanna be honest.  Don’t mislead the other person especially if they are “fishing”. [2]Using phrases meant to imply they want more, be it physical or emotional.

This allows you to avoid being “the bad guy” or having to put up with someone else’s issues.  Being respectfully honest puts any issues squarely back in the other persons lap.  I know that sounds a bit callous but very relevant unfortunately.  And let me be frank, anyone who gets angry or irritated at you for being honest probably isn’t worth your time anyway. 

The other side of the coin is you might make a friend.  I’ve actually made several friends thru “encounters” that either didn’t go as planned or didn’t happen at all.  One particular friend comes to mind, I truly would have regretted not getting to know him.  


So there you have it.  The first official WWMD!  How’d I do?


1 people who read often but never comment publicly
2 Using phrases meant to imply they want more, be it physical or emotional.