Apparently, I’m always pissing people off.
I’m either pissing the straights off because I’m not acting gay enough. Or, I’m pissing the gays off because I’m not acting straight enough.
What up w/that? (Someone call Oprah, we’ll have a special!)
Apparently, I’m always pissing people off.
I’m either pissing the straights off because I’m not acting gay enough. Or, I’m pissing the gays off because I’m not acting straight enough.
What up w/that? (Someone call Oprah, we’ll have a special!)
Remind me not to use dirty terms on the blog. The sp@m engines have been having a field day. Too bad, I’m well protected by WordPress. hehehe.
I got an email from some chick in Bulgaria claiming to have stumbled over my blog while looking for big weenies. Then I see brettcajun and n2d33p had similar occurrences. I wonder what Freud would say?
Do you sleep
1) on your back
2) on your side
3) on your belly
Inquiring minds wanna know.
This is a new topic for me. I rarely discuss art as 1) I don’t own any 2) what most people call art, I call trash. I’m always amazed at what folks will throw together and call art. Even more of a highbrow for me is what they charge for it. As if slapping an expensive tag on it and calling it art miracuously gives it higher meaning. In a word, bullshit. But what do I know? I’m just a hick who made it out of the sticks. True, growing up as poor as I did, it is hard for me to place value on artistic expression. And when one is wondering where your next meal is coming from, art is a low priority on the list of things to ponder. I do occasionally find work that appeals to my aesthetics (proper syntax?) as well as my wallet. So it is possible. Probable? well thats to be seen.
My rant stems from my desire to have artwork in my home. I’ve often avoided the issue by saying until I buy a home, it’s really not a “home” per say. Why buy art for it? Smelling some more BS yet? Yeah, me too. My lack of art presents an annoying detail I am hoping to change. See my afore mentioned comment on pricetags and you begin to see my dilema. Oddly enough, I have no desire to sit down, create something, and call it art. A contradiction? Possibly.
If one types ‘gay art’ into a google search your first page is littered w/mostly porn. Mind you, I’ve always had a fascination for erotic anime, Tom of Finland, explicit cartoons, etc. However, said interest is not something I wish to plaster all over my walls. Nor do I want the stereotypical black and whites you see on so many…uh hum…walls d’jour.
So my quest this year is to find artistic works that appeal to both my eyes and wallet. I’ll even take pics to show’em off. You can be the judge of my success.
I think I’ve figured out why they are so damn addicting. Those evil little bitches are injecting heroin into’em. That has to be it.
There is no other reason why I would polish off a whole box in one sitting!
Tomorrow the city will be all abuzz w/the tale of the big thunderstorm we are having tonight. It’s a doozy too. I just saw my first flash of lightning. I got up and opened the blinds in my bedroom.
People often look it me funny when I tell’em I love thunderstorms. And I do. It’s one of the few things about Texas I miss. The only type of rain you get in Texas is usually courtesy of a nice fat thunderhead. It sorta just boils across the sky like an angry mass of mindless energy. (And if you think about it, that’s kinda what it is.)
Thunderstorms bring back memories of my early childhood before my foster mom got sick. Before I had to watch her waste away for 2 years battling lung cancer. Before life got ugly. You couldn’t keep me out of the rain. I lost count of the the number of ‘whoopin’s’ I used to get. My mom finally gave up. And I was never once afraid of getting struck by lightning. I’d watch those great bolts flash down across the sky and stare up in amazed wonder. Even not knowing what lightning was, I was just amazed by the sheer power of it. The flash, the smell of ozone, the loud crash, and the soft, wet ever refreshing rain. Afterwards, everything felt so clean. The air was free of pollens and dust. (In Texas, everything is dusty!) It was like someone hung a big sign out saying “wash me” and god finally obliged.
I didn’t realize how much I missed thunderstorms until tonight. SF rarely gets rain in thunderstorms. Usually, our moisture comes from fog, drizzle, and the occasional light rain. I’m amazed at what they consider “coming down hard” here. To me, it’s a sprinkle.
So here I sit in my boxers, with the blinds up, a glass of red wine, and rain pouring down my windows. I can’t wait till tomorrow when everything has that “new planet smell”.
1) Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise
2) Crunchy or Creamy Peanut Butter.
Ever hear someone’s voice for the first time and think it’s the sexiest most amazing voice you’ve ever heard? A voice you could listen to endlessly w/o distraction?
*I know it sounds corny but I can’t help myself*
I’m often amazed at the power of my emotions. Tonight was no exception. I know I’m being cryptic but good things come to those who wait.
And, I’m going to bed w/the biggest shit-eating grin I’ve ever had!
People keep asking “how I’m doing?”
I guess w/the holidays upon us friends are worried I’m depressed over being single this year. (In case you wondering WTF? I split w/my ex of 4 years last December). My answer is simple, I’m fine. I’ve realized I don’t necessarily need someone else in my life to feel complete. I’m also not of the mindset that the holiday has to always be this picture of sappy happiness.
I am greatful, however, for my good fortunes this season. My life is more on track that it’s been in a very long time. I have goals that I’m actively pursuing. The feeling of accomplishment makes me giddy at times. So, I should wallow in self-pity because I don’t have a boyfriend?
I’ll pass, thanks.
There are many people who have no reason to be happy this year. Many more are struggling just to get food on the table. Looking at it that way really gives one a sense of perspective. If your life is in the shitter this season, it could be worse. You could have a house on your back and someone could be trying to steal your shoes.
I’m taking a break from studies. My hematomas’ are blending w/my hemothoraxes and we just can’t have that. I’d thought I’d share some funny tidbits encountered today.
Only in SF will you see:
… a gurl and girl exchanging makeup tips and discussing the cheapest places to buy MAC.
… a leather daddy, decked out in full leather, getting his nails done side by side w/Katy Sue, Surban Mom Extraordinaire AND they are having a conversation. (I couldn’t help but laugh.)
… a straight man giving a gay man tips on where to buy the best boots.
… a hardware store that sells lube.
… a guy wearing leather pants to the gym.
Not sure if that makes us a ‘gay mecca’ but it’s nice to know it exists.
I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help myself. I’ve noticed “Zig Zag” the new coffee/tea shop they put in place of Le BonGateaux isn’t doing so well. (Superstar, the video store next door bought it.) It’s been open almost 3 full weeks now and I’ve yet to see more than a few people inside at any given time. I know I shouldn’t make fun but I can’t help it. They took a wonderfully comfortable coffee shop and turned it into this empty (think “less is more”) cold space w/tacky colors and straight lines everywhere. What were they thinking? This isn’t Sunset Blvd, it’s the Castro. The only thing w/straight lines are the Dykes at Cliff’s Hardware!
Ok, enough venting. Back to my studies. I’m only up to H so far.