British Airways Sucks Ass!

I’m destined to just stay on my horse this week.

You’d think an airline that’s 1 step away from being bankrupt would be a little more gracious to its paying customers regardless of who their sleeping with. However, British Airlines has decided to harass to of its paying passengers by asking them to “not kiss” on their flights. Now I ask you, how ignunt is that?

Thanks to Dunner

So I’m scrolling thru some of my favorite blogs and I stumble across dunners blog about a pharmacist in Nowhereville who decides because of his religion – he is NOT going to refill a woman’s birth control prescription. THIS is what the future will be like for everyone if GW BUSH gets re-elected to another term. The Bushwacked Administration, as I like to call’em, are steadfastly eroding all the protections and rights that we’ve worked hard for over the last 20 years. Take a gander at his blog and read for yourself.

On a separate rant…For all the closed minded individuals out there, here is some disappointing news I’m afraid. Another study that shows that being “gay” is not a choice. Hide behind fear and ignunce while you can, your days of propagating hatred are coming to an end!

Folsom St Fair 2004

OY! I’m just home from the fair and I’m exhausted. It has been a LONG weekend. That said its been fun. I typically enjoy Up Your Alley fair more because its much smaller and people seem to interact alot more. However, this year I met quite a few people from all over and a good time was had by all. The bf is still there as he had to work a booth. (sucker!) So I’m off to nap and replenish some of my lost energies. Pictures forthcoming this week.

Vacation time!

Morning all… Its the first day of my 9 day vacation and I must say I’m thrilled to be off. Work has become a real drag lately. I just don’t seem to have the tolerance lately that I normally have. So I think this 9 days will go a long way to helping me purge all the negative energy from my system. Not too much planned. Folsom St Fair is this weekend and next weekend is the Castro St Fair so I have plenty to keep me busy. It also gives me more time to focus on my workouts. I’ve realy made some strides this year and I’m hoping to reach my goals by year end.

No, I haven’t won the lotto yet but, I keep trying. (G) A few people emailed me instead of posting on my last blog. Who knew winning the lotto was such a sensative subject. Oh well.

I seem to be rambling this morning….*looking for my focus in the background.* Oh well, can’t seem to find it so I guess you’ll just have to settle for my ramblings today. OH! and speaking of rambling, have you seen Dubbya’s latest speech? Talk about a moron, sheeez! He can’t ge thru a single speech w/o miss speaking or giving people the image as America the Ignunt! As bugs bunny always says…What a maroon!

Ok ok, I’m off my horse…thats all for now.