Gym & Tramps

Let see, how should I start this one. Nothing comes to mind so I guess I’ll dive right in. For those of you who know me, you know I’m a total horndog so this is no surprise to you. For those who don’t, well brace yourself, this is a bit of an adult rant today. *smile*

So I’m cruising this guy at the gym. He is just scrumptious from my point of view. . . 5’6″ italian mix of some sort. Tight lean frame and yeah THAT was nice too. *G* He always acts like he’s interested so I thought today was the day. I’m done w/my workout, (triceps – day from hell) and I’m showering up when he walks by gives me an up/down look as if to say “hello – drop to your knees”. I’m like wahooo! So then he slips into the steam room to hang out. I follow of course. And it goes like this for about 30mins. From shower to steam room and back again. Getting a bit annoyed, I corner him and ask him if he wants to come over since I’m only a block away. His response “is it safe over there?” …uh, well I’m a block away, how bad can it get? I didn’t really know what to say so I said, “yes, I’m just a block away”. So now he is all skiddish and stand offish giving off totally mixed signals. Of course, this ruins the spontaneity of it for me.

I just don’t get fags sometimes. Why go thru all the effort of showing someone you are into them and then back out? And the fucker was obviously interested cause he got a stiffy several times. Oh well, its not like I’m starving for it. Christ, this is SF after all. You can get laid checking the mail.

Well, thats my rant for now. I’m home “in the mood” after being disappointed by Mr. Hottie. I wonder if I can order in…

Prouder than Ever

For my tens of readers, awhile back you probably remember a post from a Ms. Peaslee who had some rather nasty things to say about gays. Apparently, Ms. Peaslee has pissed off a few of the locals as well. I’m proud to report quite a few replies to Ms. Peaslee’s ‘mo-bashing nonsense have surfaced just in time for the holidays.

Rather Depressing Note

I was scrolling thru my random reads as usual and came across this one. The fact that he felt compelled to go this far shows just how warped our sense of right/wrong is in this country.

(Raleigh, North Carolina) A U.S. National Guardsman who pleaded guilty to killing a 17-year-old Iraqi said he shot the young man 11 times after they had sex in a guard tower, a North Carolina newspaper reports, citing court-martial records….

At about 10:30 p.m. local time, Merida shot the teen 11 times with his carbine…

…Merida first told investigators the teen demanded money at gunpoint. Later, he said he killed the boy because he forced him to have sex. In a third interview, Merida said he was angry after the two had consensual sex.

A young man lost his life over a disgruntled homophobe after a mutual sexual encounter. What are we teaching our children that they harbor so much guilt they could resort to homicide? Of course, the christians will be all up in arms about how “we lured him into it”. It is these types of stories that make me doubt my faith in humanity’s ability to rise above its base animal instincts.

Shoved In Your Face

Ok, so today I’m just rolling thru blogs like crazy. I always get a tickle out of how there seems to be “rolling topics”. Basically, one person starts a topic and soon enough there are 10 blogs about the same blog or rants. *G*

So I’m stumbling thru links and I find several ongoing issues w/”christian america” being upset over being “forced” to see gays/lesbians in everyday occurrences. My previous rants about Ms. Peaslee and Foot Locker included. We also see Republic of T’s rants regarding a woman in Maryland who was so offended by a simple picture of two men sharing a small kiss on the subway she wrote in a lovely letter condemning us for basically “shoving it down her throat”. Ironic, that anywhere you look you see straights doing the same thing constantly. *getting out a pen/paper to write a strongly worded letter*

Then we discover a college academy in TX outs an 18yo male to his family against his wishes! He is 18 years old and that makes him a legal adult. I’m just dying to see a lawsuit come of this one!

Oh but here is the best part! (I almost pee’d my pants on this one) Several black church leaders are banning together and organized marches in support AGAINST gays! Forgetting for a moment, that blacks are one of the most persecuted minorities in our country and still suffer injustices on a variety of levels. Oh and the real kicker, MLK’s widow has publicly come out against these marches. The reasoning behind this odd turn of events is even more astounding! Somehow the struggle for equality is no longer a civil rights issue. Go figure.

And lets not forget our fashion mavens are out in force too! Apparently, we are being blamed for Target finally putting its foot down and booting the salvation army from their store fronts. Good for us. Any organization that discriminates deserves the boot. And just where is the homosexual agenda? I’m a card carrying ‘mo and I’ve yet to see this “agenda”. Can someone please forward me a copy. (I knew I wasn’t getting all my memos!)

Lest I forget, we are left w/the christian’s newest lapdog of ignorance, Judith Reisman. What a riot this woman is. Talk about diluted ideals of reality. Ms. Reisman tends to cloak her ignorance behind undocumented facts/figures. Facts that quickly fall by the wayside under closer examination. Nonetheless, she is rising in the ranks of the “christian not-so-right” and becoming one of their favorite lap dogs.

Enough for now. Blessed be the ignunt!

Foot Locker = Foot in Mouth

I mention this story only because I’ve followed it from beginning to end. The older I get the more I seem to be less and less tolerant of companies, that should know better, treating their gay employees like dirt. The resolution of this particular story is heartwarming even if the amount awarded is not published yet. In a nutshell…

Kevin Dunbar, a 26yo male, working at Foot Locker was subjected to cruel taunts and tortures on a daily basis. After begging to be transfered to a new store ….where his new store manager refused to shake his hand and said, “I heard about your shit, I don’t want your faggot ass in my store.” But wait! theres more! “Foot Locker could have addressed this problem, as it clearly promises employees in its policies, but instead chose to ignore it and make it worse. Our client followed the rules to address the discrimination, and all it got him was a pink slip,” said Nevins. In the lawsuit, Lambda Legal argues that Foot Locker, Inc., breached its contract with Dunbar by violating the company’s own anti-harassment, anti-discrimination and open-door policies that are promised in the employee handbook. Three customers who witnessed three separate incidents of antigay harassment have sworn affidavits on Dunbar’s behalf.

This is my favorite part! Even a “christian” felt so badly for him she made a complaint! One customer approached Dunbar and gave him her name and phone number “because as a Christian woman I felt this was wrong, and the Lord told me to help and heal because the hurt, pain and embarrassment I saw on Mr. Dunbar’s face was intense.” On another occasion, a customer was shopping with her four children and heard Dunbar’s coworkers calling him “punk ass” and “faggot.” After one particularly harsh round of name-calling, a customer was concerned for Dunbar’s safety when she heard a coworker threaten, “I will beat his punk ass!” A spokesperson for the company refused comment on the suit.

And the most galling part, is that FL gave Kevin, the innocent victim, a PINK SLIP! He had to sue in order to get any sort of justice. Regardless of the outcome, I will never shop at FL again. I have a choice where I spend my money and it sure as hell isn’t where someone is allowed to be humiliated just because he was born gay!

Ignunce Rears It’s Ugly Head

This is an old subject for me. However, it has just dawned on me, I’ve never really mentioned it on any of my rants here. I take the issue of religion and being gay to heart. I spent a large chunk of my adolescent life searching for a balance between what I thought were the teachings of the Almighty and my own conscience.

Today’s nonsense is courtesy of an interesting blog from Dunner. Dunner often offers some great insights into every day occurrences which is probably why I read his blog daily. But I digress, the topic stems from an old article posted at the LaCrosse Tribune in Wisconsin. Specifically, regarding a Ms. Peaslee’s ongoing rants about the do’s and don’ts of living a godly christian life. Or more specifically, Ms. Peaslees complete fascination with “homosexuals”. (At this point, I’d like to refer Ms. Peaslee to my good friend Betty Bowers, whom I’m told has a much more intimate connection to Jesus.)

I digress, the topic stems from an article posted by Ms. Peaslee condemning homosexuals. Now take into account, the articles are a bit old and apparently Ms. Peaslee doesn’t post many opinions these days. Anyway, after reading thru Ms. Peaslee’s ongoing rants a picture started to unfold. A picture of a lonely bitter shell of a woman, trapped by her empty and futile life, trying desperately to regain some modicum of control by lashing out at anything she fears or doesn’t understand. Ms. Peaslee’s undying conviction and righteousness is reminiscent of my own childhood. Not because I had any such convictions mind you. No, I was constantly surrounded by those claiming to be the mighty servants of the Almighty. Servants who, in reality, were tiny frail human beings desperately trying to shake their own feelings of inadequacy by attacking anyone who threatened to upset their delicate convictions. Of course, that includes gays/lesbians as well. Ya know, I’m amazed I survived childhood w/any sort of sanity left about me. I digress again, apologies. It’s really quite easy to turn the tables against such simpletons. My favorite, and most annoying choice is by using the very item that they hold most dear, the bible. When Jesus came, he told his followers, “the old law is dead to you [meaning the old testament], your new covenant is with me”. (For those of you not up on the bible. The Old Testament is where most of the supposed “condemnations” against gays are found.) Last time I checked scripture, Jesus taught love, acceptance, and tolerance of all. It always amazes me the power such a simple statement can have over the religious not-so-right. The other option tends to be a little more complex. You have to purchase or at least find an original translation of the bible. Keep in mind the bible was originally written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek. Once you start reviewing these so called “gay scriptures”, you find that very few actually refer to gays/lesbians and fewer still offer any sort of condemnation or “eternal fire” for the “abominations”. To this day, it still mystifies me how such a simple truth is so well hidden from the masses. And what annoys me, is that many of the religious “powers that be” have to know what they are teaching is a fallacy.

Ok, I’ve beat this holy horse to death. I’ve off my rocker now.

5 Yrs Ago This Would Not Have Happened

Growing up in Texas, I have a perspective on this story. The police, troopers, etc there have long had a history of animosity toward gays. I could tell you several stories about gay domestic violence gone horribly wrong after police stood by and did nothing. This story tickled my funny bone. If Texas can wake up and smell the coffee, there is hope for the rest of America.

A Texas State Trooper, California’s verion of CHP, decided to tell 2 gay guys kissing at the Capitol that what they were doing was illegal. The results were surprising but heartwarming.

Lies & Deception from ABC

In a vain attempt to distance itself from other news stations and re-position itself as a “family” station, ABC news has stooped to fabricating stories for headlines.

As you’ve probably heard, 20/20 recently aired an “in depth” examination of the facts involving the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard in 1998. Their new version of the truth leaves out all of the plentiful evidence, including confessions from the murderers, showing the killing was motivated primarily as a ‘hate crime’. A hate crime is defined as . . . “any criminal act or attempted criminal act motivated by hate based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or mental/physical disability. The perpetrator views victims as lacking full human worth bearing any of those characteristics”.

Numerous parties interviewed by ABC have publicly come out against them for twisting their words thru editing to make it look like some sort of conspiracy. This includes the lead investigator in the case who cited numerous examples during the investigation of how Matthew’s murder was hate motivated and not a simple “robbery gone wrong”.

I normally don’t get on the bandwagon for boycotts etc as I think even closed minded individuals have a right to speak their mind. That said, I draw the line at lies. ABC is trying to change the truth for the sake of ratings. Enough already. How many more of my brothers/sisters do I have to watch die before America wakes up. WE are not a minority any longer and we will no longer be treated like one.

I will strike at ABC the only way I can, by not watching their programs or any affiliated networks. I’ve also emailed ABC expressing my outrage and unconditional opposition to their lies, demanding a public apology. I urge you to do the same. If you can, please donate to the Matthew Shepard Foundation. A small donation of $20.00 can help a lot of people. Think of it as a tax deductible write-off!