
Muscle Moby
Here is moi after a nice hard workout today at the gym. This is the cheesy shot from the webcam.

Now here is the one from the digital camera. Whadda ya think? Which is better?
Muscle Moby

After a hard chest/tricep workout and a steamy session in the sauna, my endorphins were flowing and I felt much better. “Steam” can be very relaxing. hehehe

So still feeling a bit down, decided to to go for a manicure and a pedicure. I’ve never had a pedicure. They were offering a two for one sort of deal so I said “what the hell”. I haven’t been “purdy” in months. Ok, thats not true but I normally don’t do the whole manicure thing. On what I make it’s a bit extravagant and not something I could really justify doing every couple of weeks. However, there is a new salon in the Castro (80% of their biz is gay boys, go figure.) that runs specials during the week. I could get my hands done for only $15.00 or the combo for $28.00 which is their normal price for a nail job. Prices well within my range.

I have to admit, I liked it. Hehehe. Does this mean I have to turn in my butch card now? There was a chic gettingg her feet done too. They must have been horrible as I heard the lady doing her gasp. I almost burst out laughing. Luan, the girl working on me, gave me a sideways smile as she looked over to her co-worker.

So now, I’m all done up and no one to blow..oh er…I mean nowhere to go.

News You Can Use

WOW! Who knew my news commentary would spark a rush of email. I got home to a slew of emails querying why the sudden interest in current events. (and I never understand how some people just don’t like posting to blogs) Gosh folks, I didn’t really mean to sound so self-absorbed. I swear (in my best Paris Hilton voice) I’m not! lol Seriously though, I usually avoid blogging about most mainstream topics as so many bloggers do a way better job of beating the news to death.

My friend Tim always says I downplay my intelligence to avoid sounding arrogant. Well thats probably true but not really the reason behind not being a topical blogger. Truth be told, I consume a variety of news sites on a daily basis. I have a variety of interests and tend to go where my curiosity gets sated the most. I lean more toward science, technology, and advancements in medicine. I try really hard to stay informed of the changes in the world around me. However, the blog is and has always been for me to journal and rant about things in my own life. I’ll probably continue to throw in news that interests me but you won’t see my blog turn into a media outlet. (Lately, I don’t even have enough time to get laid much less be a news hound)

As you can tell from the news I did include, not exactly front page material! Well, I’m home from work. Not a bad day. I spent half on the fire side and the rest on pd side. We had a 217 (shooting) right before I left. Thankfully, it was time for me to go. And w/that in mind, it is time to catch on the Tivo shows!

Night all.

News Flash

In an attempt to be more of a “topical blogger”, I’m adding some random news stories that struck my interest. They may or may not be top stories (usually on the “may not” side).

In local news, our very own MUNI is apparently planning to offer free wifi to the masses. However, the mayor expects a lawsuit from SBC and Comcast. Wouldn’t surprise me if they did. Selfish stingy bastards that they are. People are always going to want to pay for dependable service. So the big fear of municipalities taking away revenue is nothing more than a shameless attempt at a monopoly. Let’s hope Muni wins.

In not so local news, The Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy has rejected a proposed rule that would have allowed pharmacists to not fill prescriptions based on their personal beliefs. Had the motion passed, it would have allowed a pharmacist to refuse to fill or refill any prescription based on personal beliefs. So in other words, “…I don’t like you because you are gay or lesbian. I decide I’m not going to fill your life saving prescription.” This was a no brainer folks. I can’t believe some yahoo had the balls to submit it for consideration.

Dipshit Alert! Dipshit Alert! Courtesy of Good As You, Mr. Dipshit (aka I’m a former gay) has his nickers in a knot over all those damn gays on the tele.

America better wake up; that’s all I say. I don’t mean to sound harsh or angry, but it’s gotten to the point right now where homosexuality is just so accepted now, it’s being promoted on every television show.


For you pez fanatics out there, Pez has come out w/their new Pez MP3 player. How cool is that! It is MAC compatible but doesn’t mention itunes. Thought to ponder. It plays mp3’s wma/wmv files which is nice as you can play your existing collection as well as any “downloaded” music files as well. And the price is right at a low $99.00

Scientists have discovered that black holes aren’t quite the super over-eaters as previoulsy expected. The discovery shows that stars can actually form near blackholes. Who knew?!

Boyfriend Material

**This is sort of an adult rant today**

A friend ask me today “so when are you going to start dating again?” I never know how to answer such a question. I don’t really look or not look for a boyfriend. I’m of the belief that if you are looking then you are putting to much emphasis on the act and it becomes fatally flawed. I like to look at it as “being available” should a potential boyfriend strike my fancy. Simply put, I’m open to dating I just don’t put an emphasis on it and I don’t feel the need to date just to be in a relationship. On the same token, I also don’t feel the need to cloak my playtime as dating. If I’m out for some nookie well that’s what is nookie. Why lie?

I always find it funny when one of my friends says,

oh I met this great guy and we really clicked but I met him in a __________, I could never have a relationship w/him.

You can fill in the blank. Another notion I don’t understand. If you’re meeting someone in a place you both chose to go, then obviously you have it in common. Does that somehow preclude you from being anything but fuck buddies? You can’t use morality here w/o sounding like a hypocrite. And I think that’s what it really boils down too. It’s ok if I do it but it’s not ok if he does it. Flawed reasoning at it’s best in my opinion.

Well, gee Moby, that’s something to think about, let’s ponder it. But wait! There’s MORE! What I really don’t understand is guys who go to sexclubs or online hookup sites looking specifically for a boyfriend and then they get upset when people contact them for sex. Ex-squeeze me?

As I’ve said before, I try to be the type of person I’d want to date. Does that work for everyone? Of course not. Does it work for me? Most definitely.


This weekend is Castro St Fair. I normally like to go but am stuck at work. (Remember, no more weekends off for me for awhile.) It’s a nice sunny day today w/temps in the 70’s. Perfect day if you ask me. Warm w/o being hot.

I’m feeling a bit better today. It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep will do for ya.

Folsom Weekend 2005 II

**Warning – this post isn’t exactly work friendly

Sunday was the fair and I spent most of the day managing the BCC booth. Once again, I kept forgetting to take pics. I got to meet Jack Hampster too! He stopped by the booth and introduced himself. I was hoping he’d stop by.

Mr. January 2006 hard at work signing calendars.

The very handsome and sweet Joey.

David & Marty stopped by to say hi. (A testament to my poor picture skills w/crappy lighting)

Didier and I got a kick out of this pic. Here is little Alan diligently signing calendars. Poor thing he can barely see over the table!

Two more of the calendar boys George and Barry shakin’ their groove thang. (they should stick to being pretty I think)

Gratuitous butt shot!

Mostovic came by too. I got such a giggle realizing the sign behind the pic afterwards.

I love seeing guys holding hands so I couldn’t resist this pic.

Sexy Ivan stopped by and said hi. His energy is very infectious along w/his laugh.

Another calendar guy Chris (left) and a hottie who made me swoon. (keep scrolling and you’ll see why!)

The hottie’s butt! Da-YUM!

Hottie #2. I enticed him over for a quick shot. Oy Vey!

All the guys did a great job promoting calendars and helping out. I was very proud to be apart of the charity. The day went off w/o a hitch.

Afterwards, Bobby showed up in his new army pants and we went off to dinner. Then home for a power nap and a goog soak in the jacuzzi.

Today, I had to teach computer training to the new dispatcher class then off to study group. I had a great weekend but I wore myself out. I’m a bit lethargic today. Whew!

Folsom Weekend 2005 I

Folsom weekend started out w/the Bigmuscle party at the Mezzanine on Saturday. Talk about yummy beefy men. It was like the festival of lights but w/flesh instead! The bigger space this year made for a much more enjoyable experience overall. The ex and I went together. Our first event besides dinner since the break up. We got along fine actually.

I kept forgetting to take pictures but I did get a few.

Here is the ex and I.
Moby & D

We ran into our buddy Thor and snapped off a quick shot.

I got a nice surprise running in B & D from Denver. I knew D from my days living in Boulder. His new boyfriend (on the left) was very sweet.

Two of my favorite calendar boys Valtar & Allen. They make a great couple. Nice and handsome.

I had a great time at the party. I did get one small disappointment though. They did some sort of porn star premier for up and coming film. There was one guy who I knew did photos but never knew he was into porn. Anyway, I’ve always thought this guy was incredibly hot. However, seeing at the party tweaked out of his gourd ruined any delusions of naughtiness. The only downer for the whole evening.

Photoshop Bliss

I’m up late so I thought I’d rant. I had an ‘occurance’ today and figured I would share it. I’m on a break from work and I run over to Taco Bell for some food. (That nutrious and healthy place that it is.) This guy stops me and says hello like he knows me. Sorta breaks into conversation. I assume he knows me thru the blog and wants to introduce himself. I could tell after I started talking we weren’t on the same page so I finally just asked him how he knew me? It took me a moment to realize who he was. When it hit me, I was secretly shocked. This guy looked nothing like his pics and I do mean nothing! Ok, I know I’m sounding crazy, let me explain. He has a profile online and has chatted me up before. We’ve exchanged pleasantries, blah blah blah. What I didn’t know until today, his pics are so photoshopped I would never have recognized him. Never! I finally told him too. I said, “you know, I should tell you I think you need new pics as I would never have recognized you.” He was like, “Really? you think they are that far off?” Without really thinking what I was saying, I then proceeded to blurt out, “yes cause the ones you have are so photoshopped, I don’t think anyone would recognize you.” I didn’t really mean it to be rude but I think he took it that way. He got real un-friendly and didn’t offer much conversation after that.

So basically, he lied about who he is and then got “huffed” when someone called him on it. I guess I ruined his ego for the day. I’m such a bastard sometimes w/o even knowing it I guess. Sorry.

**Note, I looked for his profile when I got home and it is “no longer available”. Maybe he took the hint. Ya think?