Life: Normal

A big thank you to all the kind words of encouragement and support regarding my dealings w/Continental AND with their handsome attendant. I didn’t even mind the walk of shame from the hotel the following morning.1

Gay High Holy day #1 has come and gone. The city has pretty much returned to normal.2 I am also home from my vacation and my week of antics. It was a busy damn week and I am glad to be back. From hosting the incorrigible brettcajun and my buds from Tuscon to flying home to see the clan, this blogger is tired. I’m slowly catching up on my blogroll as well.

Work today is almost a relief. (Almost) I didn’t really wanna come in today though. It is so nice and sunny out, I just wanted to go layout at the park. My friend Matthew dragged me out to the beach yesterday so I guess I can’t complain too much.

I posted more of the pics from the blogger summit. I still have twice as many to edit and load. I’ll get to it eventually. I’m feeling sooo unmotivated right now. Oh, and I’ll be posting a private post later this week as well. No, it is not about Steve but it is juicy. hehehe

Duty calls…

1 He had to fly out early not me. I stayed in bed after he left.
2 As normal as SF ever gets. hehehe


Remind me to NEVER fly with Continental airlines ever again. Both flights coming/going have been late. I’m sitting in IAH waiting, waiting, and waiting for my plane to arrive. I just heard the plane finally landed an hour and half late! So much for trying to get here on TIME. It could be worse I guess. I could have missed the damn flight all together.

The wait did give me some precious down time to work on some of the pics from the weekend. I had a really good time at the GBS (gay blogger summit II) this past weekend. The pic below should give you an indication of how it went.


Click here or on my pics link in the tidbits on the left for more. I’m only about halfway thru so you’ll have to come back for the rest.

The plane has apparently been douched and is fit for human travel again. I must be going…

Climbing On My Horse.

Once again ignunce rears its ugly head. I’m catching up my on my blogroll from work when I stumble across this post from

The owners of a new website basically attacked Andy/Bill of the family of websites with the image below.


When called to task for the behavior the site owner further had this to say.

You just cannot fathom how incorrect you are. For every one of you fluffy fags that defend those two child endangering losers, we get 200 to join our REAL Bear site. Why? Because outside of GayLoserTown USA, (aka San Francisco), the rest of the gay world regrets you flaming queens even exist. Your bring the curve down for the rest of the community, and are the root cause of why we don’t have equal rights.

Forgetting for a moment the outright nastiness of the owner, most of the rights we have today are thanks to ’those flaming queens’ he so detests. In the words of Donna Sachet, "Get a clue, Mary".

I happen to know Andy and Bill from various charities here in SF. It might be worth mentioning they don’t live in SF but far be it from me to offer up petty details. They are two of the friendliest, nicest guys you could ever meet. To me, they are the poster children for the bear community. To try and defame them is childish and irresponsible. Oh, and the pics used above were all taken from charity fundraisers. Andy and Bill own,, and websites. They give thousands of dollars (and I do mean thousands) every year to local and national charities. It boggles the mind to someone from our own community is now attacking them in an attempt to make a buck.

Whether you identify as a bear or not, I encourage you to spread the word NOT to do business w/this guy. People like this only understand one thing, money. So I say we hit’em where it hurts.

I’m off to celebrate w/all "those flaming queens".

Pride Cometh

The motherland is gearing up for the first gay high holy day of the season. The gym gets busier by the day, the bars have already put out flashy banners, and the city is slowly filling up w/visitors. Yes, gay pride is coming again to SF. I’ve weighed in more than a few times on pride here but feel compelled to do so again.

I’ve already seen and heard that many folks once again don’t celebrate pride anymore. They feel it represents aspects of the community as undesirable. Aspects many would rather middle America knew nothing about. Why? Because it forces them to challenge their beliefs. Oh, I’ll be the first to admit pride is no longer just about celebration however, that doesn’t mean we should stop. We are more visible than ever. We have more rights than ever. However, one only need to look as far as the local news to see that gays/lesbians are still tormented, tortured, and even murdered by the ignorant.

Gays/lesbians come from all walks of life. We cross the divide of race, sex, and nationality. It is foolish to think we will ever speak w/one voice; we are simply too diverse. Does that mean we should abandon those who came before us? Or how about those coming after us? Will they see a community as large and diverse as humanity itself or will they see nothing?

I came out very young. Even though I decided to live openly for myself, I was still very naive and scared. Seeing my first pride parade gave me hope. I realized I was not alone. I realized I didn’t need to settle for second class citizenship. I realized that there were people just like me out there in the world. It was such a relief and it was then I knew I’d be alright. I have not forgotten those fearful years. I find it an act of cowardice to even suggest we abandon a celebration of who we are. We would be turning our backs not only on the very liberties we’ve fought so hard for but also those coming up behind us. There may come a day when we no longer need to celebrate in unity. That day is not yet upon us. While many of us have come to terms w/being gay, many more have not. We may not identify or even agree w/parts of the gay “community”. We don’t have to. We only need remember that everyone has the right to live openly and free of persecution simply because we are different.

It is with an open heart I welcome you into the fold. Fag, dyke, queer, lesbo, tranny, daddy, twink, bear, bunny, lesbian, gay, or whatever you call yourself. Welcome. And realize you are not alone.

Bless His Heart

I got this rather edu-mucated response on my about page this morning. It is always nice to be insulted by a complete moron. *giggle*

New comment on your post #643 “About:Me”
Author : Whatever (IP: ,
E-mail :
Whois :
Your blog sucks and so does your attitude. Go suck a fuck you loser.

Of course, in this instance I know where it came from. I left a comment over at Towleroad about the lesbian suing eharmony because they don’t cater to lesbian/gays.

I think I might do a weekly section dedicated to these folks. This particularly bitter individual must be miserable in life. He/she also managed to equate the murder of Matthew Shepard w/eharmony refusing to cater to us. Oh yeah, that is truly great logic in motion.

Pissy Missy II

Continuing in my week of sermons and “told ya so’s”. I guess I pissed more than a few people1 off yesterday with my rant about the late (not so great) Jerry Falwell. Not only did I rant here but, I also chimed in all over the blogosphere regarding his welcome demise. I also got about 20 emails from my comments on’s blog2.

Let me attempt to set the record straight for all the would-be Moby converts. (yeah right)

  • 1. I am not a christian so I’m not a hypocrite.
  • 2. Nor do I believe in your made up superstitious tourist attraction aka hell so save your well wishes on my not-so-safe journey there.
  • 3. I never said I hated him, I’m just glad he is dead. I celebrate his death just as I would Hitlers if I’d been alive at the time.
  • 4. If karms exists, he’ll come back as a poverty stricken black woman struggling to just get ahead in life or even better, a muslim woman in the middle east. Then he’ll get a taste first hand what it means to be a minority or considered property vs. human.
  • 5. I don’t know his family nor do they read my blog. But, did they worry about my feelings when JF blamed every natural disaster in the last 10 years on my people? Nope.
  • 6. Where were your cries of rage when Mathew Shepard was murdered? How bout Qwen? Or, how about the black guy who was dragged to his death behind a pick up truck until his head popped off? Where were you and your beloved JF then? You were standing in judgment. Well the shoe is on the other foot now. I ask you, who is really the hypocrite here?

No, you will find no sympathy here. My sympathy has been all used up on the thousands of gays/lesbians/minorities across the country JF condemned to 2nd class citizenship in his never-ending crusade of intolerance. The bible says “an eye for an eye” after all.3 No, you will only find relief here at the Moby Files. Another wicket and viscious tyrant is dead and the world heaves a collective sigh of joy.

1 Bless their hearts and God bless my spam karma plugin for catching every single one of their love messages. lol
2 His post regarding JF made it on a rather nasty “christian” website of which, I will not link too here.
3 See, I can misquote it too.

Holy War

Brothers and sisters, harken unto my voice. I am declaring a fatwa. Not on who but what, grease and fat! As the first of the three gay high holy days1 approaches, it is time. The Motherland, one again, is preparing to receive her lost children unto her bosom. She will have you clean and deserving or not at all.

I declare unto you, go forth and make war on the fatty and greasy foods. No more will you be slaves to their evil influence. You must resist the temptation to indulge in their sinfulness2. They are infidels and will only try to subvert you into their hideous ways. Instead, you will prostrate yourself in daily workout routines. You will not skip your cardio workouts. You will burn away the years of evil residue and build up. Make it so for I have spoken. I have declared they are the “axis of evil” and must be defeated at all costs! Make it so my children.

1 Gay Pride, Up Your Alley Fair, and Folsom St. Fair.
2 That means no Taco Bell brettcajun!

Blogapalooza 2007 II

**Update*** Several folks have already expressed an interest in an Saturday get together as some are arriving Friday and will miss the one on Friday. I’ll try to arrange something for Saturday for those who can’t make the Friday shindig.

Ok blog fans, the date is fast approaching. The big blogger weekend aka SF Pride is not far off. I’m creating a page w/links to blogs or emails for all those planning to attend. That way everyone can rub elbows, talk shop, discuss room & board options, etc.

I know DanNation is also working on a more specific date and time however, I’m just looking for numbers vs events. Once the weekend approaches and more folks have an idea of their schedules, I’ll try to arrange a get together. Again, nothing fancy or overly pretentious, just a space for the group to meet, maybe grab some food or drink, and chat. I took the weekend off so I’ll have time to play vs worry about work. The only kink would be getting called for the EMT gig however, I’m really not expecting to be called in the first group.1

Anway, last year’s gathering was very fun and I got to meet quite a few folks. I’m hoping to add more to the list this year.

1 No, not giving up just being realistic.

Pissy Missy

Pissy queens really piss me off!

I’m online today and this rather attractive fellow emails me for playtime. Of course, as often seems to be the case here (sadly), he is into PNP. My profile clearly says that is a deal breaker.1 So, I just didn’t respond. I figure if you can’t read, I’m not gonna waste my time. Missy then decides to send me this rather pissy message.

Good thing sucking is a skill of yours because you seem to be rather lacking in social ones.

Oh really? I guess he thought because he was hot, that excuses poor behavior. Now, I feel compelled to respond.

My social skills are fine. However, I get tired of folks who don’t actually read before they send messages and then get pissy when I don’t respond. Your profile says you PNP and mine clearly says WE ARE NOT A MATCH. Now who needs to brush up on their social skills?

The moral of the story? Don’t be pissy. If your ego is so fragile you can’t take a little online rejection, especially when you are too ignorant to read a profile, you should probably turn off the computer all together.

Whew, I feel better. Do you?

1 Hello? Where do I work again?


While out on the bear crawl1 this weekend, a conversation heard about blogging.

This is sorta where I tuned into to the conversation.

Guy 1: ….yeah, he said he was a blogger. I’ve never read him though

Guy 2: Blogger? I thought only losers did that?

Guy 1: Why do you say that? I’m not even sure what a blog is. I just know he does it.

Guy 2: Its a bunch of queers who don’t have a life complaining about it online. Don’t waste your time.

It was at this point, I felt compelled to intervene. I leaned over and stuck my nose right in their conversation. hehehe

Continue reading Conversations