McCain Still a Hypocrit

McCain Never Returned Cash from former Manhunt Chairman

While I’m still on my high horse…

So not only did they not return the money but Crutchley is still working for MH even if he is no longer on the board. He still owns a significant share of the company and not being “on the board” was window dressing to appease us so we would blithely turn away and keep looking for our next hookup.


For My Next Trick…

I finally caught up on all my emails. [1]I guess politics rates right under porn for hot topics.  Most of the public comments are those in agreement with me.  Well except for that crazy Cajun, Brett. [2]Cajuns, by nature, are never afraid to speak up.  We also aren’t afraid to speak back. However, I got a slew of private emails representing the contrary opinion.  Folks, you are welcome to disagree with me anytime.  My only request is and has always been that you be respectful.  Most of you do that consistently.  I never nix contrary opinions just because you disagree.  You don’t have to worry about attacks here either.  I don’t tolerate that at all.  We can all talk w/o resorting to name calling.  Well, here on my blog we can.  Anyway, I think I replied to everyone’s private email.  If I didn’t, so sowwie but the fingers are tired.


I guess in my last post I wasn’t very clear.  I don’t expect to put ManHunt out of business.  Please.  They are a global company.  My little drop in the bucket won’t mean much in the grand scale of things. That said, I can’t knowingly support someone who doesn’t support me.  I don’t care if it is a "trashy hookup site", as Brett calls it. 

And frankly, it isn’t about the money.  The guy is making a very profitable living off of gay men.  To donate to the McCain campaign is a slap in the face and hypocritical.   I also don’t expect him to be some moral compass, whatever the fuck that is.  I do expect as someone who makes his living primarily off gay men he won’t support political candidates who consistently vote to keep us 2nd class citizens.

I am proud to say quite a few of my readers have nixed their accounts.  I can count at least 30 folks I know first hand who have done so.  The scandal hasn’t even hit mainstream media yet.  If enough of us make a statement Manhunt will have to deal with it. 


1 I guess politics rates right under porn for hot topics.
2 Cajuns, by nature, are never afraid to speak up.  We also aren’t afraid to speak back.

ManHunt = Fail

I just found out from two of my favorite reads the founder of Manhunt has given the maximum allowed donation to McCain.  He has even admitted it.  Besides being incredibly hypocritical, it reeks of the typical Republican mentality, "do as I say not as I do". 

He has the right to donate to the candidate of his choice.  I support that.  I also have the right NOT to support his business.  I can’t in good conscience do so anymore. 

You can read the full stories here and here.

Sadly, I doubt it will have much effect.  Many will just shrug and keep looking for their next trick.  I know that seems a bit cynical but most gay men think with the little head first.  I’m hoping my brothers will prove me wrong. 

If you are on Manhunt, I urge you to cancel your account AND let them know why.  Someone will pop up to take their place soon enough anyway. 

Just Wrong

I’m pretty free spirited and lord knows I have an open mind when it comes to sex.  Tonight, I stumbled over a profile on Manhunt I felt crossed the line, even for me.  There are a lot of strange fetishes in the gay community and even more so online.  But there are certain things I can’t and won’t tolerate.

The guy basically started out ranting with claims about being a real man, masculine, blah blah blah.  Nothing new there, pretty much the same boring fodder as usual.  Then he launches into a speech about mind trips, power, and domination.  *yawn* 

Now comes the part that pissed me off.  He is only looking for negative guys he can dominate and attempt to infect.  He goes on to imply it is the only true form of power and control.  Call it a sick neurosis, a inferiority complex, whatever, it’s fucking wrong.

There are a lot of things I will tolerate but I draw the line at deliberately trying to infect people with HIV.  HIV may not be the death sentence in Western culture it used to be but people are still fucking dying.  More disturbing, the rate of infections in younger gays is on the rise again.  To see some sick fuck with a twisted need to satisfy his limp-dick inferiority complex trying to convince people HIV is glamorous is beyond reprehensible. 

I reported his ass to the admins. [1]It takes about 24 hours usually for complaints to be reviewed.  I also added a note if they allow such a profile to exist, they will lose me as a customer.  I didn’t make it as threat but to make a point.  In the event his profile doesn’t get nixed (I think it will), I’ll go one step further and break one of my cardinal rules about privacy.  I’ll post his profile info here and encourage every single reader to email Manhunt to complain. 

*Update* – The profile was removed when I woke up today.


1 It takes about 24 hours usually for complaints to be reviewed.

Weekend Roundup

Well, Gay High Holy Day #1 2008 has come and gone.  It was a busy weekend but very enjoyable.

I had an off day Friday so hung out, got errands done, etc.  I was still feeling a little blech but managed to make it to the gym.

Saturday day was pretty laid back.  My buddy Frank made it in from Phoenix.  I wasn’t too sure he’d make it but glad he did.  He is a good egg and more than a little handsome.


“Ray”, Frank, and myself all headed for lunch at Firewood.  It was the most crowded I’d ever seen it.  Every single table was full minus two.  By the time we left there was a line forming out the door.

Ray & Frank

Saturday night we went over to Adam & Brad’s new place for an intimate get together.  The boys got the new pad all decked out and looking great.  I think everyone involved had a great time.  I also got a chance to play on their Wii.  I was really impressed w/the design and layout of the console. [1]Mine is now on back order  I also got to design my own avatar which everyone said bore a real resemblance. heehee   Anyway, the evening was a success in my book.  Between playing Wii bowling and the straight Irish boys that appeared out of nowhere, I think everyone had a great time.

Brad & Frank Gaming

Someone told me not to bring food so we all ended up practically starving to death.  That is until Dominos delivered at 12:30 am.  Afterwards, we all sat around feeling fat and sassy play Smash Mario Bros.

Sunday was parade day.  I’m sad to say I made it a bit late to the festival.  Frank and I both slept late.  We got there about half way thru the parade.  Adam and Brad were starving and I got to watch them devour some hot dogs within seconds. [2]In true Southern fashion, they can put away some food when properly inspired. lol   We also ran into Victor, Tony, and little Bruno at the festival afterwards.  Bruno is so adorable and growing like a weed.

Tony & Vic

On our way out, we stopped by Faery Village and saw masturbator 1 & 2. lol  I’ll never understand the lure of standing in front of hundreds, if not thousands, of complete strangers having sex.   As brave as I am, I couldn’t just stand and beat off in front of thousands of unknown people.  There was the one guy who is there almost every year.  This year he was lying down.  I can report his ass wasn’t so attractive.  The other guy had a fantastic bod and cock but was wearing a very dorky distracting Skeletor head mask.  They were both just wanking away.  There were other naked guys [3]Side rant: Why is it always the fat fugly guys that parade around butt naked? but none worth mentioning.

Afterwards, we scarfed down a meal at the food court in the new Westfield mall before seeing Wall-E on the big screen.  Brad commented this “was his new favorite mall.”  Anyway, I highly recommend the movie.  If you like the Pixar franchise you will love Wall-E.  The plot was wonderfully engaging and thought-provoking while still maintaining a high level of entertainment.  Definitely worth the money to see it on the big screen.

Today, Frank and I were slugs.  We had lunch, a movie, dinner, and a nap all before he had to fly back home to Phoenix.  I definitely need to him the gym again tomorrow.  I could write more but I’m flat bone tired and sleep is about to take me.  A few more pics posted on the flickr account if you care to see.

And how was your weekend?


1 Mine is now on back order
2 In true Southern fashion, they can put away some food when properly inspired. lol
3 Side rant: Why is it always the fat fugly guys that parade around butt naked?


I thought I’d take a break from the random hate mail I get and post a nice one.  I’ve taken the author’s info out for privacy.

Periodically I peruse through BIGMUSCLE (I’m not on there anymore) to see if I can find out a little more about the guys here in SF. I’m from NY and here via Southern California. I still live and work between here and San Diego. Since moving to California I have always felt out of my element. I often question myself and wonder if I am becoming jaded or if I’m just completely out of touch.Deep down I know that although many of my thoughts about the gay "community" are not the popular consensus…I’m really right on the mark.

  This morning I read "Points to Ponder" on your profile page and your three statements put to words much of what I think in my head and cannot summarize so eloquently. I smiled and was validated. Thank you for that. Everything you say in your profile is a perfect example of what being a "man" is all about.Its quite contrary to what so many gay men think a man is-The muscles,the hair,the clothes…the "group" that they belong to.Its seems as though you have taken responsibility for yourself and have taken the steps to be aware.If more men here had your attitude I would probably be more tempted to stay.Just wanted to thank you for making my day a little more interesting. I wish you all the best….I suspect you deserve only that.

I’ve already replied to the author w/my thanks.  The irony was his email was exactly what I needed as well.  You see, I sometimes wonder if it is just easier to be dysfunctional.  That way I wouldn’t feel so isolated at times.  I often refer to my belief that a lot of gay men [1]or folks in general fall into destructive habits out of an acute need to belong.  We all have an innate need to feel connected or to belong.  Whether we consciously recognize the desire isn’t so important for the topic of this post.  I think it is stronger or more pronounced for gay men because of the stigma of growing up gay and 2nd class citizens.  I know in my own case it has been a crippling force in my life that I still battle with.  Anyway, I needed a little confirmation that I wasn’t alone in my desire to rise above.  Just a simple little email is all it took.   


1 or folks in general

Pride 08 Cometh

Pride 08 Cometh

Originally uploaded by ibod8x5

It is that time again. The time of year when San Francisco opens its bosom to the world at large and says “welcome”. The supposed mecca prepares for the onslaught of daddies, queens, dykes, fags, queers, and freaks. And that’s just the locals. LOL

I snapped this shot on the side of the bus stop in the ‘hood. This particular poster is not just in Castro, it’s all over the City. [1]Pride is the #2 money making event of the year for SF.

The City is already abuzz with excitement and anticipation of Gay Pride 08. I may not be fresh out of the closet or even questioning my sexuality but I still celebrate. Many see Pride as a spectacle because of the more flagrant folks. Not me. Sure, some do it for shock value, some do it for attention, and some. . . some actually do it because they are living openly and honestly for the first time ever. No matter where I’ve lived over the years, I’ve always run into someone during Pride celebrating their very first. The mixture of feelings can be overwhelming. Relief is often felt by many. Relief they are not alone. For others, it can be surprise, shock, confusion, and conflict. This little tidbit is for the latter group. You don’t have to fit. You don’t have to mold yourself into a stereotype or squeeze yourself into a sub-culture. You don’t have to have anything in common with all the revelers. But…you need to remember you do have one thing in common, oppression. It is still a crime in some states to be gay. It is also illegal in many more states for gays [2]when I say gay, I include everyone up/down the Kinsey scale. Where ever you fit, you too. to marry. Something as fundamental to society as marriage is still denied us in most places. Don’t even get me started on World events.

So, I’ll continue to celebrate with the freaks and fairies. I’ll continue until my rights are indistinguishable from those of my straight counterparts. When I can walk down the street in middle America hand in hand w/the man of choice w/o fear of reprisal, then and only then, will I give up the celebration. We all know that ain’t happening anytime soon so until then….the beat goes on bitches!


1 Pride is the #2 money making event of the year for SF.
2 when I say gay, I include everyone up/down the Kinsey scale. Where ever you fit, you too.


California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is getting lots of reaction to the recent gay marriage ruling. Take a moment to let his office know you support equal rights for gays/lesbians.

Please take 10 seconds right now to do it!

To vote in support of the California Supreme Court’s recent decision on gay marriage:

1. Call 1-916-445-2841
2. Press 1, 5, 1, 1

Random Pic

Da Omna Santis

Originally uploaded by ibod8x5

I’m fast becoming addicted to flickr. I swore off of it for quite some time however, the site is just so damn convenient it is too hard to say no. I regretted actually paying for a premium account but, being a control freak, the yearly $25.00 won’t kill me.

I decided I would randomly post pics from flickr just for shits and grins. I took this one a while back at the old Sutro baths here. I have no idea what the latin inscription means or even if it is real.

Dinner Out

The roomie’s boyfriend (Ty Lebouf) is in town for a video shoot.  What was supposed to be just a nice dinner with the 3 of us turned into a group of 5.  Two of the other porny boys joined us.  I was a little apprehensive at first [1]I don’t much care for the attitude that often accompanies them. but it turned out just fine.  Actually, they were a hoot!  I laughed good and hard throughout the whole dinner. lol  Of course, they are never what you expect.  Josh West was a lot quieter in person. I fully expected him to have a bigger than life ego to go with his bigger than life cock.  To discover him to be very sweet and respectful was a bit disarming.  I was actually a little taken with him.  lol  I doubt he much noticed me beyond the laughter but no matter.  I liked him.  I’m still swooning over his big muscle profile. 

The other guy I’ve seen around but never really heard his name used until tonight.  Ross Hurston (I had to Google the spelling).  He was a charmer for sure.  Having never seen any of his movies, I have no comparison however, I liked his sharp wit and sense of humor.  He is staying in SF for awhile so I’m sure to run into him again.  Trouble that one is, thru and thru.  His humor and mine would be a holy terror together.  I fully expect to test that at some point. 

They both seemed taken w/my bluntness.  I admit it, I get a kick when people are surprised by my lack of self-censorship.  I don’t feel compelled to sugar coat the truth over most things and it shows. heehee 

Needless to say, dinner was a well enjoyed event. 


1 I don’t much care for the attitude that often accompanies them.