Ever Evolving

I just ran into a friend who I haven’t seen in months.  I’d sort of written him off.  After he moved here from the South, he promptly fell into an LTR and then disappeared.  You know the story.  Boy meets guy, boy becomes consumed by guy and drops everything else in his life. . . 

Or at least I thought that was the case.  Turns out, I was dead wrong.  Boy has been really evolving and learning.  He has taken some time to look at his life here and fill in the missing pieces.  Sound familiar?  lol

Not only is the Guy not consuming all his waking time but insisting he have free time to himself.  I know scary huh?  I’m so proud of my friend I could cry. [1]I said almost, I’m not that big a sap. hehehe  The guy is several years older however, rather than using that as leverage on boy, he is taking the time to help him grow as a person.  My friend was almost beaming about everything he has and is learning about himself.  His rather backward and rigid ideals have shifted and now it seems he is taking the time to explore what works for him vs trying to fit himself into a mold.  I wish him all the best of course. 

Considering my own deep thoughts as of late, I can’t help but think I needed this today.  I’ve always considered myself very evolved in certain areas and completely bass ackwards in others.  I know that may come off as a little arrogant but it isn’t meant that way.  I know everyone seems to think something traumatic happened to me recently.  I can assure you it hasn’t.  I’m not mad, hurt, or disappointed in anyone particular.  I’m just learning to listen when life sends me little reminders of things I need to learn.  Life, it seems, has been very busy in the last couple of months giving me cues.  In the past, they would have flown right by my self replicating bubble.  Now, I’m more than a little proud to say, I’m getting it.

So what do all these seemingly random occurrences mean?  Good lawd! Cut me some slack, I’m still working on that one.  However, I can tell you some of my priorities are and will be shifting.  Some areas of my life have become almost compulsive and I’m not liking that.  And while some folks will totally miss this part, I’m a big believer in energies.  Meaning certain energies attract or repel other energies.  It is time to change some of the energies I’m giving off. 

I’m excited and a little scared at the same time.  The great thing about not feeling very moral is you don’t have to worry about a fucking thing you do.  I’m a little surprised to hear myself say this but I am beginning to see myself as a moral person.  And why my morals may not be the same as everyone else’s, they are becoming increasingly important to me.  Oh my god?!  Is this what adulthood is like?  It boggles the mind…


1 I said almost, I’m not that big a sap. hehehe


My little bro is doing ok.  Thanks to everyone who sent me well-wishes.  Very kind of you.  He is still having some residual pains however, seems to be on the mend.  Yes, it was a big wake-up call for him.  He was than a little scared by the whole ordeal. 

I’ll be seeing him later this month as I have a trip home coming up right before gay high holy day #1. [1]Pride  He is excited I’m coming.  Me too.  I can’t wait to see him and my little nephew and niece.  I’ll do my level best to take more pics this time. [2]Course, you know how that usually works out.  I did say I would try


In other family news, I’m wiping tears of laughter away after reading Large T’s latest post.  Hop over and check it out for yourself.  Very heartwarming. 


1 Pride
2 Course, you know how that usually works out.  I did say I would try

Warmth & Woe

Frank & Adam

The weekend was awesome right up till the end. [1]Well, the end of my weekend which is Monday. As I already mentioned, my buddy Frank from Phoenix gave me a surprise visit. It was great to see and catch up with him over the weekend. On top of that, Adam & Brad made the move to SF from Dallas. They are currently in the moving “deadspot”. [2]The time between when you arrive and your furniture gets delivered. I was happy to have them over and get’em out of the empty apt.

Adam & Brad

We all went to see Sex and the City on Sunday. If you liked the series, you will love the movie. It starts off very shallow and empty and ends w/some very strong messages about life. You’ll laugh, you’ll giggle, you’ll cry. **Spoiler Alert** There is one scene that was a bit of a surprise. Samantha (my role model) was battling a particular vulnerable moment of naughtiness during which they actually showed her nemesis cock. Granted it was very quick and a bit blurred however, I was shocked they actually showed it. Maybe this Country is moving away from their unnatural fear of male genitalia. [insert girlish giggle here]


As the day was rolling to an end, I got a bit of bad news. My younger brother had a mild MI [3]heart attack. Yes, I said my younger brother. He is only 27 however, he has had a horrible horrible diet for years. He had been suffering pain in his chest and left arm for several days before finally deciding to take his ass to the hospital. The night before his arm actually turned a little blue which is a bad sign.

Being more than a little hard-headed I panicked. My little bro tends to avoid problems when he is scared. Knowing his temperament, I was prepared to hop on a plane and fly home to make sure he stayed at the hospital for treatment. My older brother beat me to the punch by driving down from Kansas. I slept horrible last night and was up and on the phone at 6:00am this morning. [4]You can imagine my mood today.



As I write this my little brother is being released. They didn’t find a clot but believe it may have cleared on its own. They gave him some blood pressure meds and aspirin. I’m more than a little relieved.


1 Well, the end of my weekend which is Monday.
2 The time between when you arrive and your furniture gets delivered.
3 heart attack.
4 You can imagine my mood today.

Still Here IV

Moby & Frank

I’m still here. Busy week and day. I got a great surprise visit from my buddy Frank from Urswine addiction today. He was here giving his mom a tour of the city.

I had a long winded post written and it promptly disappeared when I hit “post”. Not sure why. I’m too tuckered out to retype it. In the meantime, enjoy the pics. More later.

Lazy 'mo

Weekend in Review V

Well the weekend is fast approaching the end and it wasn’t bad. 

Other than a quick trip to work for an employee conference, Friday was a blur of naps, xbox, tivo, and manual stimulation.  Day over.

Saturday, I had lunch with roblog, and Chuck.  We gabbed mostly about Rob’s most recent trip to Spain.  I’m a little envious. I wish I had the free time to travel a tad more.  Just not in the cards for now though.  Anyway, lunch was good.  I was gonna take pics but like a ‘tard I forgot.  Saturday night was a trip to bb’s.  Enough said.

Today, I met up with a guy I’ve been chatting w/on Bigmuscle.  I tried not to build any expectations and it paid off.  I had a great time hanging out with him.  He was a very nice guy.  We talked philosophy a lot.  I learned insight into some things I’d never considered before. [1]That rocked my world.  I also don’t think I’ve ever met another living person who matched my views on the distinctions being lost in our culture.  I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was attracted to him however, I’m not sure we are match there.  Too soon to know but I’m happy to know at the very least I’ve made a new friend.  That’s 2 new friends in the span of a month. [2]A separate post coming on this.

Tomorrow, I have several errands and chores to perform.  Cross your fingers, I’ll actually get to’em.  I still haven’t checked out the new Indiana Jones flick yet.  Maybe I can squeeze that in the time allotted for chores.  hehehe  I’m also supposed to hang out w/new friend #1 I met last week. 

Speaking of friends, thisboyelroy and Brad are almost here!  I can’t wait.  If you have a moment, pop over and wish them well on the pending move. 

Ok, time for sleep. 


1 That rocked my world.
2 A separate post coming on this.

Dinner Out

The roomie’s boyfriend (Ty Lebouf) is in town for a video shoot.  What was supposed to be just a nice dinner with the 3 of us turned into a group of 5.  Two of the other porny boys joined us.  I was a little apprehensive at first [1]I don’t much care for the attitude that often accompanies them. but it turned out just fine.  Actually, they were a hoot!  I laughed good and hard throughout the whole dinner. lol  Of course, they are never what you expect.  Josh West was a lot quieter in person. I fully expected him to have a bigger than life ego to go with his bigger than life cock.  To discover him to be very sweet and respectful was a bit disarming.  I was actually a little taken with him.  lol  I doubt he much noticed me beyond the laughter but no matter.  I liked him.  I’m still swooning over his big muscle profile. 

The other guy I’ve seen around but never really heard his name used until tonight.  Ross Hurston (I had to Google the spelling).  He was a charmer for sure.  Having never seen any of his movies, I have no comparison however, I liked his sharp wit and sense of humor.  He is staying in SF for awhile so I’m sure to run into him again.  Trouble that one is, thru and thru.  His humor and mine would be a holy terror together.  I fully expect to test that at some point. 

They both seemed taken w/my bluntness.  I admit it, I get a kick when people are surprised by my lack of self-censorship.  I don’t feel compelled to sugar coat the truth over most things and it shows. heehee 

Needless to say, dinner was a well enjoyed event. 


1 I don’t much care for the attitude that often accompanies them.

Weekend In Review IV

What did I do this weekend? [1]besides being a pig.   I ended up playing Uno w/Brettcajun on the Xbox.  I can advise Brett is just as competitive at playing Uno as is at tennis. lol  He was determined to play till he got a couple wins under his belt.  He did finally.  I introduced him to a couple of my XBL [2]Xbox Live buddies.  One, from the UK and one from Boston.  It was fun.  I love Uno and playing with friends is even better.  Most of all, I loved watching Brett squirm.  I also knocked off a few games w/my buddy kristaki.  He got served on Call of Duty 4.  heehee

I also caught up on a lot of Tivo. [3]Oh yes, I was very productive  New stuff, I had 5 Battlestar Galactica, 3 Dr Who, and 5 South Park episodes.  Reruns, I had 5 ST: Voyager and 4 Stargate: Atlantis episodes.  BG is good but a bit extreme if you ask me.  They are really trying to go out with a bang.  Dr Who is constantly evolving.  I don’t like the new sidekick as much but she is growing on me.  I hope they bring Rose back.  South Park was, well South Park. lol

I was a dirty pig more than a few times to say the least.  Details forthcoming.

TFA isn’t feeling so well this week.  He had a crown replaced and had some severe pain afterwards.  Of course, the dentist office was closed over the weekend.  I felt so bad for him having to fly all over creation with a sore tooth.  Seems he is a bit better today if not a little worn out.  He always teases me because I always say my weekends are "uneventful".  lol 

Oh, I also moved all my pics over from picasa to flickrflickr has become just so damn handy, I couldn’t resist.  I inadvertently left some safety settings open though and got an stern scolding email.  Ooops.  All the tweaking, sorting, and labeling was a bit tedious but would been regardless of what I was using.  I didn’t realize how many damn pics I had to sort thru.  I’ve only uploaded a fraction so far.  Overall, I’m happy w/flickr but I still don’t like the idea of someone else controlling my data.  I can always delete’em if I don’t like it. 

Tomorrow, I have to be up at daylight thirty as I’m teaching again this week.  Thankfully, I had a hard ass workout today and feeling a bit sleepy.  I’m still gonna be dead on my feet come 1700 hours.  Oy!


1 besides being a pig.
2 Xbox Live
3 Oh yes, I was very productive

Snip, Snip

If you are on my bloglist and you haven’t updated your blog in over a month, you got cut today.  You know how to reach me if you come back from the dark side. 


Did anyone else notice that the captcha’s for blogger were hella hard to read this past week?  They seemed to have fixed the issue but it has made commenting a challenge.  The goal is to prevent sp@mmers, not everyone.  Me thinks someone got canned.


Adam from thisboyelroy and Brad were here apt. hunting here in SF this weekend.  They found a place pretty quickly and it sounds lovely.  We got a chance to hang out..  I must admit, I really have missed them.  We went to see Ironman.  I enjoyed it immensely.  I wasn’t too keen on Robert Downey Jr in the lead role but he did a superb job.  Some of the meaningful undertones of the movie were a tad rushed in my opinion.  However, the movie had good acting, good plot, good special effects.  It accomplished what I like to call plausible believability.


I was mean to someone this weekend.  I regretted it immediately but I felt cornered.  I knew what he was doing with his passive aggressive comments.  I should have risen above it. [1]One of my best friends is a master at being passive aggressive so I should be immune by now.  I made an off-hand comment and he pounced on it trying to divine some hidden derogatory meaning.  I’m not a duplicitous person.  If I think something, I will tell you.  I don’t need to use sly tactics to get my point across.  However, I’m a big believer in two wrongs don’t make a right so I still feel bad for losing my temper.  


Why are all the models in the Valtrex commercials so hot?  One would assume the genital herpes is only spread by hot straight men. 


1 One of my best friends is a master at being passive aggressive so I should be immune by now.

Twitter Twatter

Pat & Moby

I got to meet my 3rd twitter contact today. He was also my first overseas guest. Patireland from Ireland was in town for business. We hung out over dinner and then coffee. Charming fellow and it was an enjoyable meeting. We had a great conversation about the use of twitter, Facebook and other online social sites.

Sadly, he had to see me act in my work capacity. [1]An 800 was harassing the employee at the Starbucks. A quickie phone call to work took care of that.

All in all, a great first meeting.


1 An 800 was harassing the employee at the Starbucks. A quickie phone call to work took care of that.

Catch Up Already

Oy! Yes, I know I’m behind with blogging.  I’m still adjusting to the new schedule.  Plus, I have a trainee at work so even less time to blog.  Arrrgh!  I finished Halo 3 last night on the xbox so one less distraction there.

My buddy Frank from Urswine Addiction was in town this past weekend.  We had a great time hanging out together.  I haven’t seem him in a while.  It was IBR (International Bear Rendezvous) weekend.  We went to Sweat on Sat night which was fun.  I think I’m getting old though.  I used to go all night dancing.  After just a few hours, I was dead on my feet and ready to go home.  lol  There were some yummy eye candy though.  Plenty of beefy hairy bears were in attendance and shaking their "groove thang". 

I wanted to go see Kathy Griffin while she was here but I waited too long to get tickets.  I was more than a little bummed but no one to blame but myself.  I heard she was her normal hoot and half.  *le sigh*

We went to see Jumper at the movies on Sunday.  The plot was a little lacking for my tastes however, good movie.  Worth seeing.  Good action, good acting, and a little bit of eye candy.  Never a bad combination.  heehee  I’m not sure if it was because of IBR or not but there were quite a few piece of eye candy in the theatre as well.  Frank and I were ogling boys left and right. [1]He is a bit flirt just like me 

Monday was pretty low key.  We hung out and went to the gym before he had to head home.  All in all a good weekend. 

What did you do?


1 He is a bit flirt just like me