I finally got around to booking my trip home. I’m headed home to ole Texas for one of my best friend’s birthday in mid July. The sassy one is turning 39 (I think). I missed last years as the ex had just started getting sick. This year, I planned ahead and got the time off so I can swing on down for quick ‘how do’ to the friends and family. The sassy one is headed up to Oklahoma the following weekend so I cut my trip short to accommodate his schedule. (Ok, the real reason is I can extend my Fort Lauderdale trip in November). shhhh!
Yes, I’ll be making a pilgrimage to see what is left of the clan. With the passing of my father, it’s just us siblings. Truthfully, I feel more connected to them than I have in a long time. That has to be way fu*ked up but nobody ever accused me of being normal. Anyway, after the birthday bash, I’m visiting the family to keep up my end of things. Oddly enough, I’m excited about going home. Not because it is Texas but mainly just to get away. I’ve been too cooped up in SF lately and it is time to get out of town. Even if it is just for a long weekend. I was hoping to swing by and visit the Texan, but he seems to have dropped off the face of blogging so that ain’t gonna happen. 🙁 So much for my blogger convention.
I’m on vacation starting Saturday. I was gonna fly home but instead I got a last minute deal on airfare so I’m off to Chicago to visit another friend.
Details as they come in….