Fly Away

I finally got around to booking my trip home. I’m headed home to ole Texas for one of my best friend’s birthday in mid July. The sassy one is turning 39 (I think). I missed last years as the ex had just started getting sick. This year, I planned ahead and got the time off so I can swing on down for quick ‘how do’ to the friends and family. The sassy one is headed up to Oklahoma the following weekend so I cut my trip short to accommodate his schedule. (Ok, the real reason is I can extend my Fort Lauderdale trip in November). shhhh!

Yes, I’ll be making a pilgrimage to see what is left of the clan. With the passing of my father, it’s just us siblings. Truthfully, I feel more connected to them than I have in a long time. That has to be way fu*ked up but nobody ever accused me of being normal. Anyway, after the birthday bash, I’m visiting the family to keep up my end of things. Oddly enough, I’m excited about going home. Not because it is Texas but mainly just to get away. I’ve been too cooped up in SF lately and it is time to get out of town. Even if it is just for a long weekend. I was hoping to swing by and visit the Texan, but he seems to have dropped off the face of blogging so that ain’t gonna happen. 🙁 So much for my blogger convention.

I’m on vacation starting Saturday. I was gonna fly home but instead I got a last minute deal on airfare so I’m off to Chicago to visit another friend.

Details as they come in….

Weekend Warrior

Other than my overtime on Saturday, the weekend was nice. Bobby came down from Vallejo to hang w/moi. He has been bugging me to go to the Watergarden in San Jose. I finally relented. I figured worst case scenario I could lay out and get some sun on the buns. Their only call to fame is the nice patio. Course, it ain’t that nice for the price. And as it turned out, Bobby didn’t have a good time and was sourly disappointed. I on the other hand had a decent time and managed to get some sun as well.

I was a bit bummed I didn’t catch the opening of Batman Begins. However, I’ll probably catch it this weekend. Anyone else in my crew that didn’t see it, drop me a line.

Work is a pain. Our numbers are so low people are getting mandatoried almost daily now. Pray nothing happens here as we are not staffed to handle it if it does. I work enough voluntary overtime to avoid mandatory usually but it continues to get worse.

I’m behind on my blogroll. I’m been rolling thru today trying to catch up. So much going on lately everywhere it seems. Is it because today is the first day of summer? dunno.

Ups & Downs

Two updates today. Got some bad news from a friend back home. He hates blogging so I’ll be skipping the details. It is serious enough I may fly home. I also found out an old friend is coming to visit from Chicago.

I’m sad and happy all at the same time. Kind of an odd sensation. I wonder if this is how woman feel during “the time”.

Weekend Wanderings III

My weekend is fast coming to an end. After getting in touch w/my inner slut last night, I spent most of the day today getting errands done and goofing off.

As you can tell, I did manage to get some work done on the blog. I think I got most of the bugs out of the template. Now, I just need to remold the old pages. The biggest challenge will be getting the blog folded into the template.

I did manage to snap off a couple of new pics. I manged to catch Mostovic focused on his work.

Ponder Me This...

He came down to the Castro to meet me. Our schedules have been going in opposite directions as of late. It was good to catch up w/him. Even if it was short lived.

And here is Bobby posing under the posies. (not really posies but it sounded good!)

Bobby In The Posies

Again, looking so angelic. I need to get one w/an infrared lens so I can catch his horns showing.

I snagged a new one for the photo log on the right as well. Looking completely nuts as usual.

Shameka Strikes Back!


Shameka aka Bobby at le bon Gateaux during one of our Sunday blog sessions. She dun gone crazy!

Meanwhile, back in the real world, my week is slowly coming to an end. Saturday I’m going to a union rally during the day at Mission High School here in the city. This is a big deal for us as it is an ‘open meeting’ which is just a fancy way of saying everyone from the union is asked to attend if they can. The city is sure to have their bean counters out in force to see how many folks turn out. They use this to judge how motivated the local membership is.

Sunday, I’m hoping to get down the the Eagle for the beer bust. Not for the liquor mind you as I detest the taste of beer. I just like to socialize and its been months since I’ve had a chance to go.

Cheap Self Plug

Ok, because I know you just love photos, I’m posting these for all of you. It has nothing w/me wanting to show off. Really, I swear. lolol

TH and I had a sleepover and this is our morning after photo.

The Morning After

The photographers for the BCC have gone hog wild taking pics of TH and myself at the prelims. So, of course, I just have to post them.

This one is my favorite. We both came out looking good.

Aren't we cute?

This is my second favorite. This was after the contest was over.


Sick to your stomach yet? lol I have more but I’ll spare you.

I did manage to snag a shot of some friends we ran into at Squat & Gobble. I haven’t seen Tim & Dennis since the breakup so it was good to catch up and chat.

Tim & Dennis

Joyful Noise

Yesterdays rant was a bit draining on me but I’m glad I posted it. It was the last tragedy of my childhood and it gives you a great insight into why I am the way I am now.

I enjoyed this past weekend! I spent a huge chunk of it doing the thing I love most…relaxing and hanging out w/friends. TH and I spent the day Saturday over at San Benita’s Light House on the mainland. The day was sunny and windy and as it turns out the wind got to high and we couldn’t actually cross the small bridge over to the lighthouse. However, we did take some good pics and enjoyed the scenic views. We spent the later part of the afternoon down on black sands beach having a light lunch and good conversation. I so wish we hadn’t lost the great pics we’d taken. Oh well, we’ll just have to get together again and take more.

TH and I had a talk about our budding relationship and where we both stood. Not surprisingly, we were both in agreement that we liked spending time w/each other but, anything serious wouldn’t be wise at this point. It only served to make the day better. Spending time w/TH has made me feel things I wasn’t sure I could feel again. For that I am sincerely grateful to him.

The bad news is we were so wrapped up in good conversation, we somehow managed to lose TH’s new camera. I had forgotten to bring mine as usual. So all the good pics we took were lost along w/his very nice camera. I felt horrible about that and proceeded to do my very best to keep him “preoccupied”. I think I did a pretty good job. *g*

Skipping around a bit, I ran into Tim this past Friday on the subway. He is always whining that I don’t pay him enough attention here so I snapped off a shot of him for all of you. Here he is in all his glory fresh off the subway.

Tim Fresh Off Muni

Tim is from big ole Kentucky and we met “per chance” at the gym when I was still at Gold’s. Being from the South, he is a total character just like me. He is currently going to school to be an attorney. (I know, but we won’t hold that against him)

Sunday, I spent most of the day lounging about. (Thats code for being lazy) Sunday, evening I had dinner w/a couple of guys from work. Rich & Dave. Both are cops and have been together for I believe 12 years now.

Freeze Dirtbag!

They make for really good friends and I am lucky to have them in my life. They got to meet TH and thought very highly of him. I haven’t seen them as of late w/my schedule being so wack. It was good to catch up.

All in all, it was a good weekend. The weather was nice up until last night and the company was even better. Now, if I can just survive another week at work.

Pictures Worth A Thousand Words

I’m just home from the BCC contest. We had a whopping 6 contestants tonight. That is the most yet. Four of which made it to the finals. I got there late tonight as my schedule has gone back to normal since getting my fire training out of the way.

TH went w/me, which was very nice. I find I enjoy spending time w/him as we always seem to laugh a lot. I miss that. I took the camera w/me and snapped this pic of him and Thom who is a finalist for the contest.

Thom & The Hottie

Hopefully, I won’t fuck it up and scare him off. *crossed fingers* We did have a good laugh before hand. I wasn’t going to post this originally but you guys already know I’m screwy in the head so here goes. The other night I was feeling a bit lonely. TH had left an under shirt from his sleepover (yes, he slept over one night) and I put it over my pillow so I could sleep w/it. How pathetic is that I ask you? He seemed flattered so I guess all is not lost. I can say I didn’t wake up once that night. *g*

Anyway, back to the present. We had a nice time. All the photographers were snapping pics of us tonight so I’ll have several more pics to post later. I also ran into another friend Mark and his new crush. I snapped off a shot of them as well.

Ivan & Mark

They make a cute couple. Mark (on the right) is a great guy and he deserves someone special in his life. His last LTR ended a bit rough so I was tickled to see he has a new flame as well.

And with that, I’m off to bed.

Riddle Me This…

I discovered last week one of my blog links is dead. However, I’ve left it up in the hope that the author is just in some sort of switch over and will be back up and running soon. If you are like me and blog bounce, yes I know the link isn’t working.

I had a surprise date w/TH last night. His family weekend went over ok but apparently there was some friction which was very disappointing for him. I felt awful because I knew how much he wanted this weekend to go perfect. He sounded so distraught on the first message he left me on Saturday that I actually teared up a bit. Family problems are a sensitive spot for me I guess. Mine was so horrible I get overly emotional when I hear people going thru such unnecessary stupidity over being gay. I don’t think he’d appreciate me going into the specifics so that’s enough about that.

I did my best to distract him from it. We had a movie night and watched Auntie Mame. I just knew that would cheer him up. Plus, I told him he couldn’t carry his gay card anymore until he’d seen it. I mean NO gay man should grow up w/o watching The Grand Mamie! He loved it of course. We laughed our butts off. I felt like mission accomplished.

Before the date, I spent a chunk of the evening hanging out in the Castro w/buddy Tim and Norm Norm is one of the photographers for The Powerhouse and he also does a lot of the shots for the BCC as well. We ran into each other and started talking shop about laptops, pics, etc and then Tim came along and joined us. Tim proceeded to regale us w/tales of being cornered by a troll at the bar and wanted to know if the way he handled it was respectful/appropriate. Let’s just say he was WAY nicer than I would have been. I use the term “troll” to refer to people, regardless of their age, who force themselves on you and use your own good manners against you to further insinuate themselves into your personal space. There are other more derogatory uses but I don’t think I need to elaborate. I wonder if Webster has the updated definition of the word. *mental note – email Webster crew w/details and proper usage*

Not much else to ramble about I’m afraid. Give it time, I’m sure something will inspire me.