
I write this today w/a great sadness in my heart.

I just found out one of my classmates from work committed suicide earlier this month. She recently moved away, to Texas of all places. Beyond being a classmate, she was my friend and a sister in arms (meaning she was a lesbian). kristaki (another classmate) called me to give me the sad news. I am so shocked I just can’t put it into words. This comes as a complete surprise to everyone. Life seemed to be really going her way as of late.

I guess I should try to put things in perspective here. I’ve been at my current job w/emergency communications for almost 5 years now. My class carries some distinction in that not only do we have the highest retention rate in the last 10 years, we were and still are very close as a group. We spent a lot of time supporting each other and working together to get thru the training program. We became incredibly close. We got to know a lot about each other and felt stronger for it. And we were as diverse a class as they come. Old, young, men, women, gay, straight, black, white, asian, latin, you name it we had it. Out of 18, 11 of us made it thru and 9 of us were still together up until very recently. We often brag about how good we were to all the newer classes. It has sort of been a badge of honor I guess.

How would I describe F? She was what you would call a strong-willed lesbian. Very opinionated and vocal (how could I not love her!). She liked to put on this butch bad lesbian appearance but underneath the thick skin, she was a kind considerate woman just trying to make her way in the world. She’d give you the shirt off her back if you really needed it. She often championed the underdogs of society and pleaded their case w/a fierce single-mindedness that would not be ignored. We sometimes butted heads as strong wills tend to do but we were always friends beyond it.

F recently bought a new house in Texas and up and moved w/her girlfriend. We were all sorry to see her go but she seemed happy and life was looking up. Obviously, there was some trouble in her life that none of us knew about. A trouble so deep that even her closest friends didn’t know it. I can’t even guess what it could have been. All I know is the shining light that was my friend F is no more.

F, wherever you are, your friends miss and love you still. Whatever tragedy befell you in this life we hope you’ve escaped in the next. You may be gone but you are not forgotten.


I forgot to mention I had lunch w/roblog. As always, I enjoyed it. I was glad to hear things are slowly improving in his world.

..did I mention the new DVD recorder is working flawlessly?! I bought a no-name brand that didn’t work out of the box. I spent a few extra bucks to upgrade to a Magnavox. I’ve moved all the saved movies off the Tivo finally.

I discovered today SBC didn’t turn off my service as requested. I’m not surprised. Just means I have to call and give them a ‘cussin’ tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll get a thousand excuses.

What else?….Oh, I had a decent workout this morning. Got my lazy carcass out of bed on time and got the gym before work. It ‘felted good!’


So it’s Friday. Tomorrow is my last day having a weekend day off for 5 months. I know I gave up weekends for school but, I am not looking forward to the change. Sunday is my first day on the new shift. Blech! Because of the way our shifts change, I get Saturday and then Tuesday/Wednesday off this coming week. The following week of the 22nd I’ll have straight Mon/Tue/Wed’s off thru December.

On a good note, I discovered that I only have to catch one muni bus from my house to the campus. It goes right by my apartment. It couldn’t have worked out better! (see my afore mentioned comments about karma)

No more Eagle on Sunday’s. No more midnight mass. (yeah right, me in church?!) The only time I’m on my knee is during… uh well, “prayer”. And speaking of prayer, Mostovic, who never blogs anymore, finally got settled in his new place. He is having trouble setting up his wifi. I may try to swing by tomorrow and help him. We were supposed to have lunch today but I got up really late. (don’t ask)

It also eats into the time I devote to charities. I won’t be as readily available for fundraisers. I’ve made allowances for the bigger events but I’ll miss a lot of the smaller ones. [insert sigh of the martyr here]. lol

Bobby is driving me nuts to go to Marine World. (I don’t know why they still call it that as they don’t have marine life anymore. It’s just a theme park now.) Anyway, I haven’t really felt like going. I wouldn’t mind going up to the river but I’ve only been once and I don’t remember how to get there. I certainly don’t plan on driving up there spending hours looking for it. *sigh II* Speaking of charity, if you can afford to purchase a calendar for the BCC, I urge you to do so. It’s the best $20.00 you’ll ever spend. You can go online to purchase the calendar and have it mailed to you. They make great gifts too.

I’m very happy to report that my comm. center donated over $1000 to the family of the sheriff deputy we lost earlier this week. The money will go toward a college trust for his 8 year old son. Sometimes, people can do a good thing!

I’m doing overtime tonight so no late night shenanigans for me. *sigh III*

The Trip Home – II

Saturday night was the birthday party. I think about 250 people showed up. The venue was just the right size too. My friend celibrates his b’day w/3 other guys which is why so many people were in attendance.

Here is a pic of the birthday boys all together. Gary, Trevan, Dan, & Jim
Birthday Boys

Here is Curtis & Mikey taking a moment to strike a pose.
Curtis & Mikey
It was good to see Mikey. I haven’t seen him in about 4 years. Life is treating him well.

Gary and Jay. Another batch of buddies not seen in some time.
Gary & Jay

I took some pics from the club but they didn’t turn out well. Very blurry as I was shaking my groove thang at the time. Oh well.

Time to hit the gym so I’ll try to post the pics of the family later today…

The Trip Home – I

Ok, I’m at work so this might get cut short. Anyway, the trip home was great. I had more fun than I’ve had in a long time on a trip back to TX. I often complain that the trips home don’t always work out for the many facets of my id. Well this time around, everyone got a work out. From my inner child reconnecting w/the family to my inner slut getting a groove on. My inner fag went out dancing and then shopping the next day. Hell, even my inner bitch got a quick chance to speak up when my flight was an hour and half late and the surly counter lady decided to cop an attitude. Yeah, I’d say all of me had a good time. lol

So here we are at Barnaby’s, my favorite restaurant in H-town.

And here is what is left of my dish. I always get the same thing. BBQ chicken w/mash potatoes and garlic sticks. mmmm-kay!

Here is Trevan (the b’day boy), myself, and Mikey (in from Dallas) having a moment after dinner. Oy what a mug shot ey?

But wait there’s more…here is Dan, Gary, & Todd at the Black Eyed Pea on Saturday for lunch. Gary (in the middle is also one of the b’day boys).
The Guys

Stay tuned for pics of the party and the clan!

Painful Reminder

I’m gonna go off on a rant here. (The trip info is still in works.)

Why are men such dicks?

I’ve been chatting w/a friend from back home in Houston via email for a few days now. Due to my schedule on such a short trip, we did not get time to visit in person. Anyway, I discovered he recently split w/his bf. There seem to be some striking parallels between his and my breakup. I got very teary eyed after reading his latest email. The pain he is going thru is all too familiar. Saying ‘it will get better’ is so cliche. We all know it will but, it does nothing to lesson the pain now.

I think I’m gonna start a sex site called “Sex with Strings”. Meaning…yeah you can hook up for sex but the focus is also on finding someone compatible out of bed as much as in bed. Wouldn’t that be a gas!? I wonder if it would go over well. I’m obviously trying to make light of things here. However, I do believe that our culture has these polarity in regards to sex and relationships. It’s always “looking for long term LTR not hookups” or “looking for hookups only“. Why can’t you look for both? I know it ties into our irrational need to conform to the hetero morality. Lets face it folks, men are wired differently than women. So when you take women out of the equation, it doesn’t make sense to try and apply rules that were never meant for same sex relationships. DUH! I’m not saying monogamy doesn’t have a place in same sex LTR’s, (which so many often intepret I do), just that we need to be honest w/ourselves and our partners about our needs/desires. It’s that simple.

Ok, I’m totally off focus here but that’s it for now. I need to get ready for work.

Feeling Better & Random Musings

I’ve started dealing some of the issues in my life that are bothering me. That in itself has put me in better spirits. I think, like Brat, last week I was majorly PMS’ing. Oh yes, men pms. But for us, it stands for Pansy Man Syndrome. It is that time of the month where we go from our normal selves to this quivering pile of emotions run amok. So anyway, I’m in a better mood this week.

I had some random pics to post but I somehow deleted them w/o knowing it. That or I’m just a tard. Either way, they are gone and haven’t a clue where they went. If they surface, I’ll post’em.

On the work front, I have a remedial trainee starting today. She really dosen’t need remedial but she flubbed up a few times during her monitoring sessions so I guess they wanted to make sure she can cut it. I get to weed out all her bad habits. She is a nice lady and really seems to want the job so we’ll see.

I’m not sure if I mentioned it but I’m headed back home to Houston this Friday. I’m taking a long weekeng for a good friend’s birthday. He celebrates it w/2 other of our mutual friends and it is sort of big event. Several hundred people will be in attendance. I’m also planning to visit the kin as well. I’m thinking I might audio and photo blog it just for shits and giggles.

No more ramblings for now.

Photo Update

So here are a few photos. I don’t have any of Pride yet. I took my camera and forgot to take pics. I was sorta busy anyway.

The Ferry
Here is the Vallejo/SF ferry. I know, glam right?

Not bad for a moving ferry
Here is a pic of the returning ferry. I’m really impressed w/the camera. This pic was taken w/the my ferry at full speed. No blur at all.

Feed Me Seymour!
Feed Me Seymoure! I’m being attacked by some bush that Bobby has taken a liken too. We drove half way across Vallejo just for this shot. JOY!

I had a pic of Bobby but I guess he didn’t like it as it is mysteriously missing from the camara. That’s ok, I’ll post this one instead.

Doing his Jane Fonda
Here he is doing his Jane Fonda at the park.

Pride & Piddleditty

Pride weekend has come and gone. I’m usually in the parade but I didn’t really feel like it this year. Instead, I helped setup the BCC booth. The guys did a great job of selling the calendar and worked well all day together. (pictures later) The day was overcast and hella chilly. I spent as much time trying to keep warm as I did pushing the calendar. (And w/o a shirt on it was pretty damn hard.) I have a crush on one of the guys. He at least helped keep me warm w/a kiss every now and then. I did get quite a few compliments myself and several guys kept asking which month I was on. While I’m happy w/my physique, I don’t see myself as calendar material. Besides, I’ve realized I prefer being behind the scenes doing things that make it look easy for everyone else. Hello! I’m an Aquarian, it’s what we do.

Speaking of kissing, Mostovic made an appearance as well. He brought his cute little dog Huntien (spelling? It’s German). Mostovic was in very good spirits. I think mainly because he recently signed a lease on a new apartment. I’ll probably swing by next weekend to check it out. It’s a tad further out than what he wanted but he really seems to like it. Time will tell I guess. Course, now because of the distance he might need to purchase a scooter.

At present moment, I’m off to Valla-crack, aka Vallejo, to visit Bobby and fix his computer. All I can say is thank God he is pretty. You know he is a friend if I’m willing to travel all the way to freakin Vallejo. Vallejo is an hours’ ride by ferry or road. I don’t think it has any call to fame other than it is right off a freeway. I think it was just a small town that got lucky. Occasionally, I have to talk to their dispatchers and they are rude as hell. No love loss there.

In a testament to technology, I had a wifi connection way out in the middle of nowhere on the water. Albeit, for a brief shining moment and then poof! It was gone. I was hoping the ferries were wired for wifi but no such luck. *sniffle* I will welcome the day when wifi is so prevalent that you can’t walk/ride/fly anywhere and still have a connection. Who am I kidding, I’d stay wired in 24/7 if I could. (If you didn’t think I was a geek before, that just confirmed it.)

Would ya look at the time! An hour has flown by and the ferry is about to dock. Well bitches (and I say that with the deepest love), I’m off for now. More on my tribulations later.

Giggles & Oooh Hey Boy!

As friends do, Bobby often teases me about my behavior. Never being the shy type, I often flirt openly w/handsome men. Doesn’t really matter where. (Well w/some exception but you get the point) I used to have a saying when I saw a hot guy, “ooooh, Hey Boy!” He has never let me live it down either. So now everytime we are together and I remark on someone rather stunning, he blurts it out ‘oooh, hey boy!’ Cracks me up every time. Today, on the way into the Castro I’m having a “oooh, hey boy!” moment when I lay eyes on a tranny coming home from a hard days work. She instantly reminded me of a character from Mad TV and I burst into hysterical laughter. The train was completely packed and I got more than a few glances from people. (Not that I’d ever care.) I couldn’t stop laughing. The irony of it was I think the tranny knew exactly what I was laughing about. She had a big smile on her face and made a motion from the character as she departed the train. I forget the name of the character but she is the blond one and in the skit she always has two high ponytails on the top front of her head and she randomly reaches and pulls on them while making a sort of screeching noise and describing some horrific moment in her tragic life. Of course, this sent me into barrels of laughter all over again. By the time I had myself under control again, the hottie had departed.

It made my evening.