Grumble, Grumble, Grumble

Today was a test of my patience. Nothing really awful but several unfortunate happenings found me in a particularly foul mood. A mood which seemed to only worsen as they day went by.

First, I get spurned at the gym by a hottie I’ve been oggling. Not the end of the world but a kick to id.

Then, I find someone has backed into my bike and cracked the side fin. Thankfully, the same fin that has been scratched before. I think they might have actually knocked it over as I discovered later my low beam headlight was out.

Lost my favorite shirt. It could be in the laundry but I don’t think so. I haven’t worn it lately. My own fault, I know.

Work starts off slow. An incident in policy occurs between myself and a field unit. It was a huge safety issue for the field unit. I called him on it and his reply was completely out of line, I made a complaint and management did nothing. I’m not sure why that surprised me. They don’t give a rats ass about us. Anything outside their immediate bubble of responsibility is shunned and avoided at all cost.

Of course, I get a barrage of cranky callers who are insolent and nasty. I almost cursed one lady out. I told another she needed to grow up. Not very civil servant like behavior to say the least.

To top it off, I read some posts on an employee forum whining about how victimized they are and how the [Union] chapter was doing nothing. Well that just set me on fire. I bust my ass to defend my coworkers. I don’t get paid for it and it eats up a lot of free time. And frankly, I’m good at it. [1]not arrogance just confidence in my abilities I’ve gotten numerous punishments overturned and/or reduced. Management knows if I’m involved they better have their ducks in a row or I’m gonna have a field day tearing it apart. Anyway, I wrote a very scathing reply, thought better of it, edited most of the bitterness out.

I’m home now. My mood is foul, my bed is empty, my libidio is up, and I’m not a happy camper. Thankfully, I’m starting a 3 day weekend.


1 not arrogance just confidence in my abilities

For My Next Trick…

I finally caught up on all my emails. [1]I guess politics rates right under porn for hot topics.  Most of the public comments are those in agreement with me.  Well except for that crazy Cajun, Brett. [2]Cajuns, by nature, are never afraid to speak up.  We also aren’t afraid to speak back. However, I got a slew of private emails representing the contrary opinion.  Folks, you are welcome to disagree with me anytime.  My only request is and has always been that you be respectful.  Most of you do that consistently.  I never nix contrary opinions just because you disagree.  You don’t have to worry about attacks here either.  I don’t tolerate that at all.  We can all talk w/o resorting to name calling.  Well, here on my blog we can.  Anyway, I think I replied to everyone’s private email.  If I didn’t, so sowwie but the fingers are tired.


I guess in my last post I wasn’t very clear.  I don’t expect to put ManHunt out of business.  Please.  They are a global company.  My little drop in the bucket won’t mean much in the grand scale of things. That said, I can’t knowingly support someone who doesn’t support me.  I don’t care if it is a "trashy hookup site", as Brett calls it. 

And frankly, it isn’t about the money.  The guy is making a very profitable living off of gay men.  To donate to the McCain campaign is a slap in the face and hypocritical.   I also don’t expect him to be some moral compass, whatever the fuck that is.  I do expect as someone who makes his living primarily off gay men he won’t support political candidates who consistently vote to keep us 2nd class citizens.

I am proud to say quite a few of my readers have nixed their accounts.  I can count at least 30 folks I know first hand who have done so.  The scandal hasn’t even hit mainstream media yet.  If enough of us make a statement Manhunt will have to deal with it. 


1 I guess politics rates right under porn for hot topics.
2 Cajuns, by nature, are never afraid to speak up.  We also aren’t afraid to speak back.

Grumpy Bumpy

Having one of those days…

Last night on the way home this stupid 811 (drunk) bitch walks right out in front of me.  I shit you not.  I’m not an expert rider by any means but I did manage not to hit her.  Only because the car next to me drove up onto the sidewalk which left me room to maneuver.  I managed not to drop the bike either.  Of course, nothing brings out my inner hick faster than stupidity.  I promptly parked my bike in traffic threw down my helmet and started spewing a string of curse words that would make a sailor’s mom turn red. [1]I was actually scared because even at 45mph, if I had hit her, she would have probably died.  It was the fright that had me so upset.  Her "companion" turns and starts cussing back so a 418 (verbal) breaks out.  I’m like, "bring it [insert string of obscenities]".  I call work as they are getting into a vehicle to drive away.  Naturally, the drunk one is driving.  They got all of 4 blocks before being pulled over by a black & white.  That’s called karma mother fuckers.


I could not fall asleep last night to save my life.  I figured I’d take the opportunity to finish off Darkness on the Xbox.  I finished the game but still couldn’t sleep.  I tossed and turned the whole night.  Thankfully, it is my off day from the gym.  I get so irritated when I can’t get a good workout in.  Anyway, my buddy Frank was asking if something was on my mind.  *mental checklist*  Nope, mind is empty at the moment.  I’m chalking it up to too much caffeine.  I’m sure I’ll fall right to sleep tonight.  After a day of cranky citizens at work, I’m sure to be in chipper spirits later. hehehe


And as if all that wasn’t bad enough, I got an email from one of my regular playbuddies this morning.  He woke up a couple days ago with a "drippy-drippy" so I had to run down to the clinic to get screened.  I don’t have any symptoms but I take my sexual health very seriously. [2]They treated me anyway since I was considered 1st line exposure blah blah blah. Nice of them.  But, that means no nookie for 7 days. Fuck me! How will I survive!  Of course, I get to send out two lovely emails to my most recent encounters.  Yes, that includes the fuzzy man from the previous post.  @#$%!  Oh, and the maids did come back, BTW.  I was already headed off to work but when I got home the apartment had been cleaned.  I know I shouldn’t giggle but I can’t help it.  I can only imagine what they told their husbands. 


My day is off to a fine start, can’t ya tell?  As TFA would say, ‘it is what it is so deal with it‘.  Into every whore’s life a little rain must fall.  I guess life is saying to me, "TAG bitch, you’re it"!  lolol 


1 I was actually scared because even at 45mph, if I had hit her, she would have probably died.  It was the fright that had me so upset.
2 They treated me anyway since I was considered 1st line exposure blah blah blah. Nice of them.  But, that means no nookie for 7 days. Fuck me! How will I survive!

Victim or Fraud?

*Let me make it very clear, my rant today is about my views in general.  I will not tolerate bashing anyone.  Comments regarding the situation referenced need to be in a respectful format, whether you agree or not.  Anything to the contrary will be deleted.*

Many of you may have heard of the recent scandal to blow thru the blogosphere.  If you haven’t here is a quick summation.

  • Blog named Coopers Corridor was about a gay firefighter with adopted kids blogging about the challenges and joys of raising children as a gay man.
  • Blog owner ends blog after a vicious attack by email/posts.
  • Blogosphere expresses outrage over the attacks.
  • Blog turns out to be completely false.  Cooper is not a gay man but in fact a person claiming to be transgendered.  Children are non-existent.  Huge chunks of the blog came from another woman’s blog about her children. 

All caught up?  Good, moving on.  While not overly involved in this latest incident, I have fallen prey to such antics in the past. [1]I’m sure you long time readers know exactly what I’m referring to.  I’ve also seen innocent people get drawn into said fallouts.  People who were often innocent bystanders and who were so dismayed by the downright nastiness of others, they gave up blogging all together.  Hell, I’ve even been accused of being a fake myself. [2]The pesky hundreds of bloggers who have met me sort of dispelled that rumor. heehee 


Continue reading Victim or Fraud?


1 I’m sure you long time readers know exactly what I’m referring to.
2 The pesky hundreds of bloggers who have met me sort of dispelled that rumor. heehee

Problem Solved

I can no longer recommend as a good ISP.  While their services are cheap and easy their tech support is some of the worst I’ve ever encountered.  The (overseas) techs are often completely ignorant of anything but the most basic problems. 

After spending almost a week and half going round and round w/them, I fixed the problem myself.  They kept blaming WordPress and WordPress says it was  a standard they were ignoring.  Blah blah blah. 

Anyway, I wrote a script and then found an even simpler one that solved all the issues (so far).

The sub-domains


are all functioning correctly once again. 

Just Wrong

I’m pretty free spirited and lord knows I have an open mind when it comes to sex.  Tonight, I stumbled over a profile on Manhunt I felt crossed the line, even for me.  There are a lot of strange fetishes in the gay community and even more so online.  But there are certain things I can’t and won’t tolerate.

The guy basically started out ranting with claims about being a real man, masculine, blah blah blah.  Nothing new there, pretty much the same boring fodder as usual.  Then he launches into a speech about mind trips, power, and domination.  *yawn* 

Now comes the part that pissed me off.  He is only looking for negative guys he can dominate and attempt to infect.  He goes on to imply it is the only true form of power and control.  Call it a sick neurosis, a inferiority complex, whatever, it’s fucking wrong.

There are a lot of things I will tolerate but I draw the line at deliberately trying to infect people with HIV.  HIV may not be the death sentence in Western culture it used to be but people are still fucking dying.  More disturbing, the rate of infections in younger gays is on the rise again.  To see some sick fuck with a twisted need to satisfy his limp-dick inferiority complex trying to convince people HIV is glamorous is beyond reprehensible. 

I reported his ass to the admins. [1]It takes about 24 hours usually for complaints to be reviewed.  I also added a note if they allow such a profile to exist, they will lose me as a customer.  I didn’t make it as threat but to make a point.  In the event his profile doesn’t get nixed (I think it will), I’ll go one step further and break one of my cardinal rules about privacy.  I’ll post his profile info here and encourage every single reader to email Manhunt to complain. 

*Update* – The profile was removed when I woke up today.


1 It takes about 24 hours usually for complaints to be reviewed.

Update II

So the update to the blog went semi-successful.  Once again, a huge chunk of my categories went missing.  I’m hoping after this update it won’t happen again.  The other problem is my subdomains are currently defaulting to my root folder.

If you are loading or you get bounced to my home page url.  I’m waiting for my ISP to fix the problem.  In the meantime, the full blog link is on the home page or you can load it manually.

Sorry for the confusion. 

Back in the Saddle

Nothing like a little dirty talk to stimulate the blog numbers. lol  And I can report after 3 nights in a row of shenanigans, Mr. Happy has insisted on a break. 

In other news, it is FRIDAY!  My work day hasn’t even started yet however, I’m glad the weekend is upon me. 

I also heard a dirty rumor about my buddy brettcajun.  I can neither confirm nor deny the accuracy of said rumor however, I heard my fellow cajun might have ‘been served’ during his last tennis competition.  I fully expect Brett to give me his unbiased response. *G* 

Training (Again)

It is my Monday.  I have yet another trainee at work.  I hate training back to back.  Due to an overlap in schedules, I did get a week in between this time.  With the exception of a couple scheduled posts, I won’t be blogging much during the next 4 weeks.  Training takes a lot out of me and I tend to just be dead on my feet when I get home at night.  And if I wanna stay on track at the gym, something has to give. 

I’ll still be on twitter obviously.  So much easier to update a quick blurb there vs a full blown post here.  Maybe I’ll do some random photos to keep everyone visually entertained. lol 

OH and I’ll try to keep up w/everyone via RSS feeds.  Anyway, duty calls…

Still Here

Yes, I’m still alive. It has been a busy ass week for me at work. Lots of Union drama. [1]well that and I’ve got two new games on the xbox I had to sit it on a Skelly hearing yesterday for an employee. The department tried to throw the book at her for a very minor infraction. Said employee decided to hire an attorney so I acted more as an observer. [2]We both can’t represent her, there has to be a lead

Anyway, it was a very empowering experience. One, because the attorney didn’t come up with anything I hadn’t already covered. That made me feel competent in my abilities. I admit it gave me pride knowing I had covered all the bases. Two, seeing the attorney bring the force of her experience to bear on the situation was exciting. While she didn’t come up with anything new, she did deliver it with the force of someone who knows their shit and knows they are going to win. I like confidence and she had it.

In the end, management agreed to reduce the requested punishment to just a written admonishment, which is what it should have been in the first place. I was glad it worked out so well even if it did cost the employee $1500 bucks.

Speaking of, our chapter elections are coming up this month. I do not plan on re-running as an Officer. Someone else’s turn. I’ll still be an acting Steward though. This will give me more time to focus on employee complaints vs being up management’s grill on a daily basis. hehehe.


1 well that and I’ve got two new games on the xbox
2 We both can’t represent her, there has to be a lead