I’m not sure who suffered more today, me or Cooper. Between is non-stop panting and my throbbing migraine, today was an all around waste. Actually, I think he suffered a tad more than I did. I felt a migraine coming on bright and early. That horrible feeling behind your nose/eyes that leads to a full on splitting headache. For some odd reason it sort of died off after only a few hours. Usually when they hit me, they last a couple days. [1]it usually hits and then slowly goes away
Cooper on the other hand really struggled. It got up to 90° today and the heat got to him. Having no central air, I’m sure it was slightly hotter in the apt. Even with all the windows open and the fans going full blast, it was hot. I’ve mentioned before Cooper doesn’t tolerate hot weather well. Well today was probably the hottest yet since we rescued him and he was not amused. After his mid-day walk he couldn’t cool down and was starting to show signs of distress. Usually, I just give him an ice cube to chew on here and there and he is fine. Today, it didn’t really help. I finally had to take him out back and hose him off. This cooled him down enough he could cope w/being in the apt.
Tomorrow is already forecasted to be back down in the high 70’s so I expect he’ll be fine. I had figured we’d have to get a air cooler or portable ac unit for the few hot days here in SF. Needless to say, before winter is over I’m gonna have to break down and get one for him. I guess it is thankful I got the migraine today. Had I not, I might have gone to work and left him at home alone. I don’t even wanna think about it to be honest. Being that he is young, I don’t think it would have killed him but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have suffered, unnecessarily at that. He was clearly anxious today and kept trying to find cool spots to cool down. [2]He has learned that if he lays in front of the fan, it’s cooler. lol I won’t put him thru that again. Had the weather not shown to be cooler tomorrow, I would have already zipped down to Target and gotten one today. I’ll be watching the weather for the next couple weeks regardless.
As he ages I doubt his sensitivity will get any better. But considering how healthy he has been and is so far, I am not complaining. If this is the worst I have to put up with then so be it. My little Pooper Cooper is worth it.
As for me, well I have a busy week ahead so I am hoping today is the last of my migraines for awhile. *crossed fingers*