Yours truly, met someone new today! I know, surprise! heh heh
While I don’t have a set type, I do have an affinity for guys that look rough on the outside and soft on the inside. I ran into a guy at the gym today who I think fits that mold to a T. lol Actually, I ran into him in the steam room. No, nothing happened. Well, not exactly. We broke the cardinal room of steam rooms, we talked! lol I got the distinct pleasure of watching one old codger get all huffy and storm out. But I digress…
I’ve seen him a few times before but being significantly more muscular than I am, I didn’t really think I’d be his type. Apparently, I might be wrong. He is about my height, muscled, hairy, several tattoos, bald head, and a very nice smile. [1]a nice smile gets me every time! Yeah, that sounds hot and he was but the most significant (and endearing) thing about him was his frank and open demeanor, a trait I find very attractive in others. And frankly, it is a bit hard to find in a city like SF. I often sort of reign myself in when meeting someone new as I can be a little intense sometimes. I didn’t really feel the need while we were chatting and he seemed just as at ease. [2]Am I swooning? lol Ok, ok, I thought he was hot too!
Never being the shy one, I gave him my card and he said he’d get in touch. I know how that goes. I’m always of the mind nothing ventured, nothing gained. Well, true to his word, he emailed me and we are supposed to hang out this weekend.
Wish me luck!?