Apparently, I don’t date much. I mentioned to a couple of buds from work I had a date, you’d have thought I got drafted in the armed services. People were all up in my grill asking “what gives”? I guess it has been a while since I’ve gone on a real date. One bud was feeling my forehead all day asking if I was feeling ok. This from a man who owns 5 t-shirts. I’ll take his advice once he realizes getting dressed has more to do than getting out of the shower. hehehe
In other news, the blogger shindig is this Friday. Appears to be a good turn out so far. I’m interested to see how some of the personalities “blend” together. Half the group I already know and the other half I’m looking forward to adding to my list of knowns. Sadly, several hopefuls will not be attending. *sniffle* You know who you are and you will be missed.
I’m flying home right after the festivities to see the clan. One brother had to cancel due to some medical problems w/one of his chirruns. I’m bummed but still planning to make the best of it. I’m also looking forward to seeing my friend Trevan. I always crash w/him while in town and I’m sure we’ll paint the town red at least one night. I’m also hoping to meet one of my xbox gamer buddies from there but he might end up being out of town for work. *sigh*
Ok, eyelids are heavy, sleep now.