*giggle* Have I mentioned how much I love WordPress? The ability to hold comments for moderation is a godsend when it comes to spam control. I rarely get hit but when I do, I get anywhere from 5-30 “comments” in a single session. It is glorious to not have to delete every comment manually. Just select “mark all as spam”, double check for real comments and then it’s as simple as one more click. Bu-bye spam!
Category: blogs
Blog Rules
I’ve been developing a list of blog rules. After seeing some of the pissing fights on several blogs lately, I thought I’d post it. I tried to keep it short and sweet.
1) It is your blog, you blog about whatever makes you happy.
2) Never link to an article requiring registration/fee w/o providing a warning or log in info
3) Be respectful when posting a comment even if you disagree.
4) If you link to someone don’t expect a return link just because.
5) If you don’t want constructive criticism, don’t ask for it.
6) At least pretend you know how to create paragraphs.
I’m sure I have more but that is all I can think of at the moment.
New “Stuff”
I’ve been tinkering w/some of the freebies that come w/my hosting package. I had originally planned to swap out the shoutbox for one of my own but, the one provided is very limited in its scope. The biggest issue being I can’t resize it which made putting in my sidebar impossible.
I did however add a local weather and tech news section. I’ll confess mainly because I’m lazy and hate logging into weather.com every day. This way I can just log into the domain and voila!
I’m just full of cool stuff this week.
Lunch Blog
I just had lunch w/roblog.
The more I get to know Rob the more I like him. Handsome, kind, compassionate, hard-working, considerate… need I go on? Fuad is indeed a lucky man. (Fuad is is equally handsome husband). So we met at Chow and had a good lunch just gabbing and catching up. While there, Fuad actually came in w/his lunch buddy. (I gathered Chow was his favorite hangout)
Not much else to report at the moment. I’m off to work. Tonight is the finals for the BCC so I’m sure I’m headed to that afterwork w/Tim and Mostovic.
Shoutbox II
Well, looks like the shoutbox might be back soon. For now, it is read only. I checked the homepage today and the owner has moved to a new host w/better bandwidth. No exact dates yet but I’m assuming sometime this week. If it is not working by then, I’ll probably switch. I’ve looked at others and I still really like this one so I’m hoping I can stay w/this one.
Oy, I’m a bit tired today. Last night was the first final for the BCC. They had 11 contestants! OMG! it was fun but waaaaaay long! I didn’t get home till just before 2:00am. At least it’s friday.
I’ve been neglecting the blog as of late. Not out of some profound life enjoyment, mainly just busy w/work. I’ve also been neglecting my gym time and starting Monday on a brand new routine. (where have I heard that before?)
Looks to be a busy weekend….details later.
The shoutbox appears to be ca-poot for awhile. Like any free service, it has to balance being free against the server demands by its users. So it may disappear all together eventually. If it does, I’ll look around for a replacement.
Ideology of Theology.
How is that for a play on words? *g*
The ex and I got together to swap out some furniture early Sunday. (ok, early for me which is noonish) It was pretty uneventful up until we discovered my bed frame isn’t a full/queen hybrid as I’d thought. So the mattress provided by the ex didn’t fit. For the moment, I’m reduced to having a boxspring/mattress on the floor until we can get together again to swap out the rest of his stuff w/another frame for me. He was very kind enough to donate a frame. I am grateful.
Sunday seems to be turning into a regular blogging session for a small gang of buddies. This past Sunday was no exception. Later in the day, I found myself in the Castro at Le Bon Gateau hanging out w/Mostovic, Norm, Tim, and Bobby. The latter two of the group don’t blog. I think we did more talking than blogging this time. That said, a fun time was had by all. I forgot to take pics. On a side rant, Tim has decided he wants me to create a new sub-blog just for him so he could blog about my blog. I’m still confused over that one but I thought I’d share it. *note – his prozaic prescription is low – could be the reason*
Afterwards, Mostovic and I went off by ourselves and had great discussion about God. It was great having an adult conversation about faith w/o someone ending up angry. So few folks can discuss religion w/o getting pissy. I think most folks are used to just following what they’ve always been told vs actually having any sort of in-depth knowledge of their faith. So anytime, that is questioned, they feel theatened and lash out. But I digress. Our conversation was about the core difference between our beliefs – the purpose behind the creation of humanity, the duality of the flesh/spirit, etc. I won’t bore you w/the details as that is a post unto itself. My only failing is I wasn’t able to articulate my thoughts into speech as easily as I understood them. Probably because I don’t read up on religion much anymore and am a bit rusty in the terminology. (who da thunk it, me speechless?) However, Mostovic seemed to be in the same boat, albeit not as bad as me. We spent about 3 hours just talking and listening to each other. It was the most enjoyable theological conversation I’ve ever had in my entire life.
Before we knew it, closing time was upon us and we had to bail! We ran into T from the BCC and had a late night meal together. Afterwards, I went home to watch my tivo shows! Not a bad way to spend the weekend.
Weekend Wanderings
Real quick as I’m at work. The weekend was uneventful but fun. I was originally scheduled to go to a play on Sat. night but due to scheduling problems w/Mostovic and I, it wasn’t in the cards. So instead, we had a nice dinner at a new Thai place on Polk St. Afterwards, we hung out at my place and watched Godzilla (The new version w/Matthew Broderick). Go ahead and laugh but I am a huge Godzilla fan. Mostovic said he wanted to see it so, of course, I had to accommodate his wishes.
Sunday was a whole new ball of wax, jwill write more later.
Shake It Whitey.
OY! This is funny. I got this from Republic of T and it’s hilarious. It’s supposedly a vid catching a happy cadet in the act of ‘shaken his groove thang‘.
I got a kick out of it. I think you will too. Now the question is….is whitey straight?