Living “On the Grid”

This rant hit me after reading the tribulations of another blogger. Apparently, there has been a recent outbreak of yahoo accounts being hacked. This particular person ended up having some of his financial information compromised and had to make a mad dash to change all his pin numbers, etc.

So my question is…How on-the-grid do you live? Me? I’m plugged in to the hilt. Being a total techie, I’d say I spend a good 40% of my free time online. Blogging, chatting, reading news, info gathering, cruising, etc. However, being a previous victim of identity theft, I’m also pretty diligent about changing my passcodes often. I forget sometimes just how much of me is out there. To this day, I can still find listings of places I’ve lived as far back as 10 years ago, just by going online and doing a search. Kinda scary if ya think about it.

Now What?

The DSL tech just left and my service is back up and working. Apparently, a wire was missing on their equipment box. Exactly, how does that happen? Did a wire just suddenly combust or dissolve into dust? Anyway, he replaced it and wahooo! DSL!

Now that the DSL is up, I don’t have much to complain about. Everything is slowly getting back to normal. OMG! What if my life is completely drama free for a really long time and I can’t blog! How will I survive? How will my fellow blog buddies survive? *G* Fear not fellow bloggers, I have tons of rants so this is not the end of the Moby files! hehehe

Happy Holidays!

Today’s Ramblings

I’m feeling pretty good about myself today. I’m slowly getting stuff unpacked, etc. I’m doing my darndest to get back into an everyday routine again. For an Aquarian, thats an odd thing but, I need some stability right now.

Its nice to see all the Xmas blogs going around. I won’t be spending much this Xmas on pressies as I’m flat broke. That said, I’m more into the spirit of it anyway so I’m not really upset over it. Not to mention, I’m normally a big spender so I think my friends/family can bear w/me this year. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m blue over the ex not being here but, life does go on right?

Anyway, as expected my DSL is down. This time both the phone line and the DSL are screwed up. The tech is coming tomorrow to look into it. Luckily, someone in the area has an open access point so I’ve been able to piggy back via wifi for the last couple of days. That said, the signal is weak so I keep losing it. I’m amazed how much technology I take for granted in my everyday life. Not only that, I’m always surprised at how quickly wifi has been adapted by the masses. I’m on the 5th floor and I can pick up 5-9 wifi points at any given time. All are encrypted so I can use’em but, thats alot!

Gotta cut this one short as it is time to head off to work.

Moved – Final Chapter

Say it with me….I am finally fucking done moving! Twice in 15 days and I’m SOOOOOO over it. *G*

So, I’m in the new place which is sort of the old place. If you’ve been keeping up you know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t, for shame! I’m slowly settling in. The only thing worse than packing is unpacking! Of course, I tend to stick stuff in any box it will fit so after making myself open every box, I’m discovering stuff I forgot I had!

On a related rant, I feel like this is the end of a chapter in my life. Not sure where its coming from really. Maybe its the little bits of my karma I’ve seen coming back to me over the last few days. Who knows. I just have this growing feeling of closure. Just in the last month I’ve survived a breakup w/the boyfriend, two separate moves (and all that entails), and switching gyms over a greedy manager. Other than being flat broke for the first time in a long time, I think things are looking up. Maybe, its jut having a moment to breath w/o worrying about the future. Dunno for sure but I like it. Hopefully, I’ve seen the last of heavy drama for awhile. I haven’t quite worked it all out in my head at the moment so more later…


Ok, I couldn’t help myself! I was reading thru emails before heading off to bed and I just couldn’t pass this one A bit crass but funny nonetheless!

*you need windows media player for it to work*

418 Brewing

Let me explain. 418 (four eighteen) is the police code in SF for a fight. Today the owner of the house, I’m moving out of, had the audacity to ask me for prorated rent for the 3 days in December that I’ll be here. (For those of you just tuning in, read the whole store here.) I guess my temper must have been brewing over the way I’m getting shafted because I let him have it! I was so riled up, at one point, I think I was actually frothing at the mouth! The nerve of that fucker! After all he has put me thru this past month. Not only am I moving out w/o making a fuss but, I’m doing it quickly. I’ve managed to find a new place again within only 15 days of my move-in.

Legally, I could stay and force his hand and not pay him a dime beyond what was originally agreed. I had thought about it but, it’s just not worth it. I like my drama to be low. If he is this two faced now, I’m not sure what to expect later on. Oh but wait, there’s more! Only 5 days after I agree to move out he is already asking me, “have you found a place yet?” Five freaking days!

SF has some really tough housing ordinances on the books and most of them favor the tenants. After reading off the numerous rental ordinances he had violated, he was not so quick to push for more money. (I rarely make idle threats) Not to mention, I’ve held up my bargain since the beginning.

Anyway, I guess I’ve been holding it in because now that it’s over I feel a lot better! My friends always tell me I’m too nice. I’m not perfect, I’ll be the first to admit it. That said, I’ve learned, the hard way, your word is the only true bond you can give someone. I try to live my life w/integrity and honesty and expect the same of others. I can say, without any hesitation, that I’ve kept up my end of the deal. Even now, I’m still a bit dumbfounded that he actually had the balls to look me in the eyes and ask for MORE money. Especially after his little speech to me about not needing to rent the house out all. Oy vey!

Well, like I said, I feel a lot better now. [Jim Carey Voice] “I have exorcised the demons!” Gotta run, I have to get packing!

The Move – 2nd edition

Ok, well for those of you just turning in, I’m moving AGAIN this Thursday and Friday. Where? you might ask. Right back into the same place I just moved from. Just a different apt this time.

I spent the better part of the morning on the phone begging utility companies not to double charge me for transfer fees. No luck I’m afraid. However, all is not lost. My Karma, while a bit scarce this month, is slowly coming back strong. I got the same size apt for only a fraction more in rent than before. I could have ended up paying a lot more as the rental rates have been on a steady rise since June. The leasing company was more than happy to take me back. I had to re-apply but, was approved right away. I ended up w/the same size unit w/a different layout. I have twice as much closet space than the old apt, better views, and new carpet & tile so all and all not a bad deal.

The only downer is I’m so strapped financially, I’m not even sure I can cover the expenses for the rest of the month. And don’t even mention Christmas. I’m normally very generous so I think my friends/family can make do w/o me for one year. Who knows? Maybe I’ll defy the odds and win the lotto. Course, that means I have to actually play lotto first. [mental note – play lotto]

I actually came home early tonight as I’ve been feeling achey all day. I’m crossing my fingers that a good night’s rest will do the trick. I just don’t think my battered id will survive another attack right now. If you see headlines about a “crazy fag gone wild at a Uhaul center…”it means I lost it! *sigh* Seriously though, I’m actually in good spirits. With all the bad shit these last couple of months, things seem to be slowly turning around.

Wish me luck!

Lies & Deception from ABC

In a vain attempt to distance itself from other news stations and re-position itself as a “family” station, ABC news has stooped to fabricating stories for headlines.

As you’ve probably heard, 20/20 recently aired an “in depth” examination of the facts involving the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard in 1998. Their new version of the truth leaves out all of the plentiful evidence, including confessions from the murderers, showing the killing was motivated primarily as a ‘hate crime’. A hate crime is defined as . . . “any criminal act or attempted criminal act motivated by hate based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or mental/physical disability. The perpetrator views victims as lacking full human worth bearing any of those characteristics”.

Numerous parties interviewed by ABC have publicly come out against them for twisting their words thru editing to make it look like some sort of conspiracy. This includes the lead investigator in the case who cited numerous examples during the investigation of how Matthew’s murder was hate motivated and not a simple “robbery gone wrong”.

I normally don’t get on the bandwagon for boycotts etc as I think even closed minded individuals have a right to speak their mind. That said, I draw the line at lies. ABC is trying to change the truth for the sake of ratings. Enough already. How many more of my brothers/sisters do I have to watch die before America wakes up. WE are not a minority any longer and we will no longer be treated like one.

I will strike at ABC the only way I can, by not watching their programs or any affiliated networks. I’ve also emailed ABC expressing my outrage and unconditional opposition to their lies, demanding a public apology. I urge you to do the same. If you can, please donate to the Matthew Shepard Foundation. A small donation of $20.00 can help a lot of people. Think of it as a tax deductible write-off!

Gym Shinnanigans & Revelations

I’ve resigned myself to the fact that this is not my month! I’ve had more drama in one month than all of the previous months this year. For whatever reason, the fates have decided this is my month of trials. I guess its good for my blog because it gives me something to rant about. (G)

I ended up switching gyms today. Not by choice mind you. I’ve been a Gold’s member for just over 4 years (since I moved to SF). So today, I go in like usual and the desk guy tells me my membership is up and I need to renew. I’m thinking no biggie, I’ll just renew and be done w/it. As you can guess, things didn’t go quite so smoothly. Apparently, the City & County has decided not to renew their corporate plan w/Golds. Not that it should affect me as I’m already a current member right? Wrong! Golds wanted to charge me full price for a new yearly membership! Basically, double what I normally pay to renew. Rather than make a big deal about it, I just politely said, “no thanks, I’ll take my business elsewhere.” So then he says, “well unless you renew right now, you will not be able to work out today.” Didn’t matter that my membership actually expired today. At that point, I wanted to say something rather nasty but held my tongue.

I’ll admit, my sarcasm does get the best of me at times. Today was different. I guess I sort of expected it as this has been the month from hell. I’m a big believer in metaphysical energies, chakras, etc and I’ve just drained my “pool” this month. I have had a lot dumped on my plate lately and I’m fed up w/being upset by problems that are out of my control.

So back to the story, I leave the gym and figure, while I’m out, I’ll shop around. Apprehensively, I checked out 24 Hour Fitness. Five minutes in the door I knew it was a no-go. The energy was all wrong and the sales guy was a bumbling idiot who couldn’t answer one single question w/o looking it up. I’ll leave it at that. There is another gym called Crunch just a few blocks from where I work. I guess you could call it a specialty gym. It’s owned by Ballys and it sort of has a reputation for being pricey. I thought “what the hell, it can’t hurt to check.” Immediately in the door, I got a really good feel from the layout and they had most of the equipment I like. They also have a climbing wall, boxing ring, and quite a few amenities I’m not used too. I thought those might be extra but, it was all included. The sales rep. was personable and knowledgeable. She answered every question w/o having to once look it up or ask someone. She wasn’t pushy and never once tried to strongarm me. That goes a long way in my book. The only thing worse than a pushy salesman is a pushy lawyer. *shivers* I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, I joined Crunch. You’d be right. What you haven’t guessed is how well I made out. The sales rep. and I struck up a great conversation and I discovered she is looking into becoming a Paramedic as well. We had a long talk about my work and I gave her some advice on what to do. She ended up bending over backwards to get me a really great rate; even better than the original quote. In the end, I got the membership for a steal! Some might say it was my Karma coming back to me for not being nasty to the Manager at Golds. Who am I to disagree. (G)

I guess the point of all this ramble is simple. The older I get the more I realize, there are times in life when we are faced w/tasks or problems that can be very demoralizing. It is how we respond to these problems that define our character and well being. You can try to control every aspect of your life and go absolutely mad doing it. Or, you can realize that no matter what you do, sometimes shit happens. You just have to brace yourself, roll up your sleeves, and slough thru it. All the while, remembering who you are and what you hope to accomplish.

Ok, I’m done now. I don’t about you but, I feel MUCH better! (big grin)

Stuffing & Trimmings

Happy Turkey Day to those who celebrate it. Hope it was enjoyable for you. Overall, mine was good. I was a little sad this morning. I missed waking up next to my ex. He loves to cook and always made a big feast on Turkey Day. Ok, I’ll admit it, I miss him. I considered calling him but I thought that might come across wrong so didn’t.

I spent the day w/a bud from work and he put out a really good feast. I got to meet his new bf and his roommate. I also got to meet his roommate’s very handsome brother alas, he was straight. It was only 7 people total so it made for a nice intimate evening.

Anyway, I’m just home from the festivities, my belly is full, my eyes are blurry and I’ll probably call it an early night. Gobble Gobble!