Steady Decline

I was right in the middle of a patting myself on the back for being elected Union Treasurer and Steward at work when the phone rang. Talk about a mood killer. Apparently, daddy-o has taken another turn for the worse. I guess my brothers aren’t giving me all of the info on his condition. Somehow, its gone from just having cancer in his hip to having cancer in his hip, abdomen, and prostate. I was none to happy to discover all the new info this late in the game. My father has gone back to not knowing where he is. Both of my brothers think he is in the last days and urging me to hurry home.

Well, the flight is booked for Thursday. No thanks to my so called friend George, at twice the cost. I had to max out two credit cards. UGH! Shame on me for depending on someone else I guess. George works for an airline and had offered to let me use one of his buddy passes so I’d have more flexibility on dates. Well here it is the week before and he keeps blowing me off.

So rather than call him yet again to firm up, I booked the tickets myself.

Crazy – Quiz

So I’m just home from being a very bad boy (don’t ask) and I’m catching up on my blogrolling. I stopped by roblog and discover his quiz. So I skip on over and take one myself. Here’s where I rated.

You are a SECF –Sober Emotional Constructive Follower.
This makes you a Hippie
You are passionate about your causes and steadfast in your commitments. Once you’ve made up your mind, no one can convince you otherwise. Your politics are left-leaning, and your lifestyle choices decidedly temperate and chaste.
You do tremendous work when focused, but usually you operate somewhat distracted. You blow hot and cold, and while you normally endeavor on the side of goodness and truth, you have a massive mean streak which is not to be taken lightly. You don’t get mad, you get even.

Please don’t get even with this web site. Of the 90117 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 10.4% are this type.

A good chunk of it is dead on but part if it is off. The title line is pretty close. I’ve always been odd this way. I tend to follow when I’m not sure of myself. Once I am, I take over and lead all the way. The first sentence is dead on me. The second sentence is close. I tend to be confident in my “rightness” until proven otherwise. Once you prove me wrong or in error, I will acquiesce. The third sentence is dead on except for the chaste part. Boy, they couldn’t have been more wrong! lololol The next two sentences are pretty accurate up until the massive mean streak. I do have a mean streak but by no means massive and I rarely get even. Closer to the mark would be, I lash out at those who hurt me and I have a sharp tongue that I’m not afraid to use.

Good Deed

I did my good deed for the day. I’m in the Castro having dinner w/my friend Bobby. Afterwards, as we are leaving, we notice someone had left their car keys dangling in the door to their BMW. Yes, you read it right, a BMW. There they were, clear as day, sitting in the passenger side door. Luckily enough, one of the waiters where we had just finished eating had seen the owner and gave us a good description. So I walked up/down the block, bobbing in/out of store fronts looking for said owner. No one really matching the description was around so I gave up, left a note on the car, and turned the keys over to the same employee who’d seen the driver.

As I’m leaving, I decide to stop into Walgreens to pick up some breath mints. [1]I had the clam chowder As I’m searching for just the right mints to counteract my killer fish breath, a man bumps into me in a bit of a rush. He matched the description and I could tell he was a bit frazzled. I asked him politely if he was alright. You guessed it, he was freaking out because he couldn’t find his car keys. So after asking for a detailed description of the vehicle and where it was parked, I felt safe it was his. I told him what happened and where I’d left the keys. He was so excited he grabbed me in a big bear hug.

I just gave my karma big boost for today!


1 I had the clam chowder

Dell Printer Arrived

Oh and while I’m at it, I finally got my free printer from Dell. One month and 10 days AFTER I bought the laptop. Not exactly stellar service in my opinion. It was free so I guess I can’t complain too much!


This is my last weekend off before heading back home. I won’t have much time for socializing but I am looking forward to seeing a few friends.

Today was very low key. Had a nice lunch date w/my friend Michael. He was a saint considering he’d just come from having his teeth worked on at the dentist. We took in a movie afterwards. Of course, once again, Tanifa and her husband sat on the same isle as us and proceed to have several conversations on her cellphone. She was quite enough I didn’t have to clown her about it. Annoying nonetheless.

Later, I was off to the Powerhouse for the BCC charity contest. Good contestants again this week so made for a fun evening. (Oh and btw, thanks Tim for telling me you were leaving. I spent 20 minutes rubbing heads in the backroom looking for you. None of them turned out to be you so I left. :-P) There was the total fucking hottie that came in right towards the end. Nice looking guy, 6’2″ bald head, masculine, good shape, and just oozing sexuality. Gave me a few looks but could never tell if he was really interested or just being nosy. Of course, as soon as I managed to extricate myself from the group to walk by and say hi, he left. I was miffed but will survive. *sniffle* Aaaaannyway, I’ll have a few pics to post by Sunday. The photographers alway get shots of me but I never post them. As stated previously, I’m making an effort to add photos to the blog.

Bad Hair Day

My friend Tim called to tell me my previous photo rant looked horrible and I should take it down immediately. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO LOOK THAT BAD, I JUST WOKE UP! I figure I’d rather post pics of me at my worst. That way when guys meet me in the flesh, I get to hear those magic words. . . “Wow! You look so much better in person

It is comforting to know my friends are watching out for me.

Gay Genes – No, not Jordache

Yet another study on human genetics playing a role in human sexuality. Pretty soon, there will be too much irrefutable proof for even the bible thumpers to ignore. Of course, I’m sure they’ll find some other reason to hate us.

But this study examined genetic information on all chromosomes, including genes from the father. The findings show that identical stretches of DNA on three chromosomes were shared by about 60% of gay brothers in the study compared to the about 50% normally expected by chance…
…The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes — chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.
The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother.

I’ll be the first in line asking for an apology.

Visiting Blogger

While I’ve met several local bloggers, I’ve yet to meet any out-of-towner’s. Looks like I’ll get my chance soon. One of my favorite blog buddies, Brat, is coming to SF soon and we have decided to meet up face to face and say “how do?”

I’m so excited I could just spit! lol

Odd Day / “Edu-macated

Ever have one of those days where things just don’t go right? Yesterday was like that. It wasn’t a bad day per say. Things just seemed out of kilter. My schedule, normal tasks, errands,etc just got ‘messed up’. To sum it all up, I somehow managed to head off to work w/o wearing any undies. . .

Oh and to the dear kind soul who decided to anonymously write to me about my grammar (or lack thereof), I write that way on purpose silly. I know, I know, I’m probably not as edu-macated as you are.

Huk’ed on fonix wurkd 4 me. Try doing a spell check on that one, bi-atch!